Chapter 316 Bai Yueguang's Paranoid Teenager (15)

Huang Shanshan is the daughter of the Huang family, and the influence in N City is very complicated. It is impossible to gain a foothold here without some means and connections.

She has been smooth sailing since she was a child, and she looks good. She is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is used to using some necessary means to eliminate dissidents. This is something she has heard and seen.

Looking at Ju An's haughty appearance, and his graceful and graceful handwriting without showing any timidity.

The students are young and have little experience. Generally, if she threatens a little, no one will insist on confronting her anymore.

"Oh, are you really not afraid, or do you think I won't attack your family?"

Ju An pursed her lips, looked at her tremblingly for a long time, then lowered her head unwillingly and wrote: I'm sorry, it's not easy for my uncle and my aunt to support our siblings. If they don't have jobs, we have to On the street.

Seeing her trembling with fear, Huang Shanshan felt more at ease, humming: "Whether they can keep their jobs depends on what you do."

"In the future, stay away from brother Zai. This time is a warning to you. Next time I find you hooking up with brother Zai, I will definitely let you live on the street!"

Ju An stared at her blankly for a while, as if he couldn't believe it.

Huang Shanshan played with her hair, satisfied with her reaction, and continued to threaten: "I will do what I say..."

Ju An nodded vigorously, and wrote in a flash: I remember, several sisters are listening, Huang is definitely not lying!

Huang Shanshan patted her on the shoulder: "That's the best."

With that said, she turned around and took the little sisters away.

Hu Xiaoyi and Zhang Jiamei were very nervous, "Isn't this Huang Shanshan too bullying? You obviously didn't do anything, but she has to stare at you and bite you like a mad dog."

"If she's capable, she's always going after that. She can't catch up with the man, and instead points the gun at you!"

Ju An chuckled: How can you know that it is not a blessing if you lose your horse? If it is a blessing, it is not a disaster. If it is a disaster, you can't avoid it.We have to believe in the society. No matter how powerful the Huang family is, they can't cover the sky with just one hand.Besides, we are students in the No. [-] Middle School. We usually study in addition to studying, and we rarely interact with the students of the No. [-] Middle School. Such a situation will not happen.

The two friends breathed a sigh of relief.

After the basketball game, Ju Jin found her, but it was only five o'clock, but there was a window in the cafeteria where meals were already served.

They had a simple meal and rode to the martial arts hall.

When the teacher comes to class, the food in their stomachs has also been digested, and they can just exercise energetically.

The siblings signed up for free kickboxing. The simpler the movement with the higher degree of freedom, the more accumulation of foundation and practice time is required.

There are only twelve students in their class, and three of them asked for leave and didn't come.

After the coach arrives, he will give the big guys psychological training first: "...Students come to our martial arts gym to sign up for boxing, or choose free boxing, whether it is because of interest, competition, college entrance examination points, physical fitness, or self-protection. Now that you have chosen, you must be firm, and everything comes from persistence step by step..."

"Since you have come to my coach Liu Hong's class, you are not allowed to fish for three days and hang out on the net for two days. If you don't have this firm belief, then you should get out of here as soon as possible!"

"That being said, free combat is not something that can be achieved overnight. You can only see the increase in strength after a long period of time, and daily exercise is the basis for a good skill..."

"If you have no objection to what I said, sign an agreement. You must come to the martial arts hall five days a week, a total of ten hours. As for when you come and how long you stay each time, it depends on your own arrangements... ..."

"I, Coach Liu, are very democratic and allow leave of absence, but you have to make sure to make up for the next week with twice the time of absence... For students who are absent for four consecutive weeks, the tuition fee will be deducted by 50. When the tuition fee is deducted, then you Get the hell out of me the same way, and in the same way, if you all attend full attendance every four weeks, you will get a reward of [-] yuan, which will be used to offset the next tuition fee..."

"Anyone who wants to get out of here and want to study in our N city next year will have to pay double the tuition... I, Coach Liu, have a lot of face, even if you go to other martial arts gyms, the price will be the same..."

"Your attitude is not correct, and I just don't want to teach. If you work hard, then I'm happy for you to continue to follow me... I opened the martial arts gym to make money, and more importantly, to let more children learn skills."

"Just ask if you dare to be responsible for yourself?"

They are all young students, and martial arts is a cool and passionate thing. The big guys can come, so they naturally want to learn the real skills.

Including Ju An and Ju Jin, after reading the contract, they were sure that what Coach Liu said was exactly the same, and after there were no traps, they signed their names and fingerprints.

One for martial arts, one for students.

After the big guys signed, Coach Liu checked, and started today's warm-up:
"I'm the only coach in our martial arts gym, but we have many assistants, all of whom are seniors who have won the brand in the province."

"I give you two classes a week, like warm-up and basic training are led by them."

He walked to the door and suddenly opened it. Unknowingly, there was a yellow-haired boy in a sportswear standing outside. The dark blue earrings reflected the sunlight, just like his handsome and brilliant face, which made people unable to see for a while. See!

Ju An was taken aback for a moment, then she pursed her lips slightly and raised her eyebrows.

In her previous life, she never thought of learning martial arts, and she didn't have the money to sign up, but she was sure that Chang Zai didn't become a teaching assistant.

So, is he here for her?
Chang Zai smiled, and introduced himself: "Hi, my name is Chang Zai. I have been learning free kickboxing for 13 years. Well, the coach who won the national gold medal in "Spirit of the Fist" is also my defeater."

"I think, I am qualified to be your teaching assistant, assisting Coach Liu to supervise your practice. So, if you are absent for a week, don't blame me for going to school or home to bring you here..."

Everyone laughed, "No, ten hours a week is easy to achieve, big deal, we spend a day here on weekends!"

I often look at the little girl who has her eyes removed because she wants to learn martial arts.

She lowered her head slightly, revealing her beautiful curls, like her soft nature, and also different from the frizz of others.

He never knew that human eyelashes could be so long and curved, like fluttering butterflies, and his heart felt itchy when they swept down.

Every time he saw her, Chang Zai couldn't control his heart sinking again. The unspeakable love made him forget to struggle and let himself sink.

He chuckled, "It's not ten hours a day, five days a week!"

"Now let the students on the left in the first row introduce themselves, name, school, hobbies, ideals, etc..."

(End of this chapter)

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