"Well, let's talk about your original intention to learn free combat, set the standards you expect to achieve, and so on."

"Only what you say can make you understand yourself better..."

Ju An blinked her eyes, wondering if she was just being sentimental.For the first time, she knew that she had to make such a detailed self-introduction to study interest classes.

But what he said, people can't fault it.

After ten years, she met him again and got to know him, only to realize that Chang Zai in her memory was too thin.

It seems that she made the same mistake as everyone else, thinking that the students who came out of No. [-] Middle School, especially Chang Zai, were ignorant.When they enter the society, they may just sell labor.

In her previous life, she was exhausted physically and mentally, and her family affairs were enough for her to worry about. In order to learn, she tried her best. How could she think about the depth of a young man's love.

He was just a passer-by in her life, and it would not be too much to say that he was a paper man.

However, now that she thinks about it, what kind of scary concept is it that she can double her own business by a hundred times in ten years?

When she was in a daze, Ju Jin had already finished talking excitedly, and even slapped her own sister.

But he didn't know why he suddenly felt cold all over, and the assistant's smile was as cold as ice.

Ju An was stunned, he was bumped suddenly, and his legs subconsciously staggered to the side in order to find balance.

Feeling Chang Zai's undisguised gaze, she pursed her lips and took a deep breath, just opening her mouth but forgot that she was speechless.

Ju Jin also hurriedly explained annoyedly: "Teacher Chang, my sister has not recovered from the cold before, and she can't speak for the time being. Her name is Ju An, Ju Jia's, and An who is safe and beautiful."

"My sister is a student in No. [-] Middle School like me. She learns free kick boxing to strengthen her body and protect herself."

"My sister has a lot of hobbies. She likes..."

Ju An stared at his silly brother, and unceremoniously raised his foot to step on his foot.

Ju Jin hissed, and closed his mouth blankly, today's sister is so fierce...

Chang Zai chuckled: "That's right, free combat seems to need to be learned, but it's all extracted from the usual winning moves. Men are strong and big, and they win with strength, but women are petite and naturally weak. You can't compare to a man, so you need some skills, which are specially designed for human weakness, the feet are one place!"

Ju An felt that the constant presence in this life was a bit harsh.She finally couldn't help but glared at him.

The little girl was already unbelievably beautiful, but now her eyes are full of life, more like the thorns of beautiful roses, which is even more rare.

Chang Zai has some experience of the fun of little boys bullying little girls in kindergarten.

But he knew enough was enough, in order to keep his status as a teaching assistant, he had to be serious, have something to say, and teach with substance!
He restrained his smile and lightly led the big guys to do warm-up exercises.

Ju An took a deep breath, being thought of by such a young man, she might be permeated by him in her future study and life.

But she remembered her original intention of learning martial arts, and she couldn't avoid him, so she should make good use of him and let herself learn the real skills!
The siblings studied very seriously, and the one who often taught didn't dare to be vague.

After more than two hours of training, Ju An was so tired that she didn't want to move her fingers. Even though she didn't like to sweat, there was a fine layer of sweat on her forehead.

Chang Zai brought a box of drinks, "Ju Jin, come and distribute it to the big guys... Our martial arts gym doesn't treat students harshly, these are benefits, wholesale from the beverage factory, not worth a lot of money."

Ju Jin stood up vigorously, without noticing Ju An who was unable to pull his clothes.

This silly boy is what others say.Ju An thought with her toes, and knew that Chang Zai paid for it out of her own pocket, spending an extra ten or so copies, just to deliver one of them to her.

But thinking about it this way, Ju An looked at Chang Zai who was talking to the two students next to him in a serious manner, and couldn't help but doubt herself, was she overconfident?
Ju An bit her straw and frowned. After thinking for a while, she forgot about it. Let's take it one step at a time. The priority now is for her to study hard!

Now she has made arrangements for the money left by her parents, and the siblings each kept 300 yuan in their hands.

Although it is only in [-] and the monthly student expenses are not large, she is used to planning for a rainy day and planning ahead for the things she will encounter in the future.

Ju An has had an idea since entering school, to try the Math Olympiad with his younger brother.

If they get good results in the National Mathematical Olympiad Competition for Middle School Students, they will not only get generous bonuses, but also get extra points in the college entrance examination, and even get the qualification for recommendation!
Ju An has been fond of mathematics since she was a child. Before her parents passed away, apart from learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in the remedial class with Ju's mother, the siblings also studied foreign languages ​​and Mathematical Olympiad.

The father and mother are more open to the educational methods of the siblings. They only care about providing the children with a good teaching environment, and it is not within their scope of consideration as to how much the children can learn.

They firmly believe that as long as children learn, they must have a higher starting point than others.

However, they didn't expect that without their protection, the little family property they saved would make the siblings fall into misery for the rest of their lives.

"Sister, let's go," Ju Jin tugged at Ju An's hair, hiding the bitterness in her smile, and whispered.

Since her parents left, my sister always loves to be alone in a daze.

Ju An got up quickly and followed him out.

Chang Zai leaned against the door, staring at her with deep eyes, with no intention of moving away.

Even Ju Jin walked over, and when Ju An passed by, Chang Zai suddenly reached out and shook her, and she left immediately, turned around and left with her bag.

Ju An looked down at the chocolate candy in his hand, and couldn't help pursing his lips and smiling as he looked at the young man's running back.

With an idea in mind, Ju An wrote a note to his friend in front of him during the big break the next day: Jiamei, has the Math Olympiad competition for middle school students started this year?Is there a bonus for participating?

When her parents were there, the family was not short of money. She never thought about participating in this kind of competition, but wanted to put all her energy on her studies.

Zhang Jiamei scratched her head, "I'm not sure, otherwise you can ask Xu Yiqun. I remember seeing him doing Mathematical Olympiad questions two days ago."

They are two points high in arts and sciences. There are 26 classes in total, eight arts classes and eighteen science classes. Classes one to three are top classes, bringing together the top [-] students.

Especially the first class, almost all of them are good seedlings in the top [-].

Xu Yiqun is also one of the top three in his class. He studies well, looks handsome, and has a good family background, but he is cold and quiet.

Except for Ju Jin, Chang Zai, and later Nong Zhiming, Ju An didn't have much experience with the opposite sex.

She hesitated, turned around, and handed over the newly written note in her hand.

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