Chapter 325 Bai Yueguang's Paranoid Teenager (24)

On the first day after the long vacation, everyone was a little tired.

During the morning reading, the representatives of each subject began to distribute the September exam papers.

Ju An was also very nervous. She had been away from school for ten years, and after more than a month of reviewing, she didn't know what level her grades were.

In high school, there are top classes and ordinary classes. If the students in the top class do not perform well and rank outside the top [-], they will be replaced by students in the ordinary class who do well in the exam.

Because of this system, there is a lot of competition between students in top classes and ordinary classes.

With no parents to urge and pay attention to grades, Ju An still has high demands on herself.

The second year of high school has just started for a month, and the learning content is not too deep. In addition, Ju An has studied hard, and the test is better than usual!

Originally, she was in the middle of the first class, about 30, and hovered around [-] in her age.

Now she has scored more than 20 in the exam, and got full marks in mathematics, biology and geography.

Ju An breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, what she gave would be rewarded. Having experienced the cruelty of society, she cherished her life on campus too much.

Arriving at the martial arts hall at noon, before Ju An put down his schoolbag, Chang Zai stuffed a report card into his arms.

"Here, today our mid-June exam results came out, and I got 680!" Chang Zai lifted his chin slightly, "I have improved by [-], and I will definitely improve a lot in this month's monthly exam."

The monthly exam report card is very large, about two sheets of A4 size, on which are the grades of the whole class, including the total grade, grades of each subject, class ranking, grade ranking, progress ranking and other details.

Chang Zai used to have a total score of more than 200, but now it has broken [-], which is really not easy.

Ju An smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Chang Zai was rather embarrassed, and said with a cold face: "What's the matter, I didn't prepare enough for the monthly exam in September, I just showed you the attitude of studying hard."

"Maybe in October, I can cross the [-] and enter the [-] directly! I don't think studying is too difficult."

Ju An murmured, bowed his head and wrote: "Many boys in high school have become dark horses. As long as you have a solid foundation, you are so smart, you will definitely be able to pick up the previously wasted studies and take the exam back to City B!"

Chang Zai twitched the corners of his lips: "That must be done! Okay, there is still a year and a half to go, and it will be a matter of time before I catch up with you. Now is the time for me to accept your fighting achievements..."

It was also more than three weeks of study, with constant guidance, Ju An and Ju Jin improved rapidly in terms of physical fitness, speed, strength and skills.

"Yes, it's a bit interesting, but it's still far from your expectations, and you have to keep practicing intensity... I believe that after a year, you will definitely thank yourself for your hard work and hard work!"

On Thursday, it happened to be Ju Jin's birthday. On this day, she specially asked for leave, and went to the Housing Management Bureau with Ju Jin and Aunt Dongmei to handle the transfer.

They brought all the formalities and Aunt Dongmei's money together, and the formalities went very smoothly.

When they came out of the Housing Management Bureau, Aunt Dongmei thought about it and whispered to them: "Ju An, Ju Jin, your second uncle often drinks with a group of people in society recently."

"Originally your second uncle was a small security guard in the security department, how long has he been working, and now he has become the team leader!"

"If you say that there is no help from those people, who would believe it? My aunt is not afraid. No matter how powerful they are, all the fellow villagers and colleagues in our yard are not vegetarians."

"It's just that you two are at school, and there are no adults watching. I'm afraid of accidents... Anyway, if you have anything to do, you should tell the teacher in time, or ask the police uncle for help, and don't leave the campus if you have nothing to do..."

Ju An and Ju Jin responded solemnly, thanked her, and rushed to school.

Ju'an knew what Aunt Dongmei said.

In the past, she thought that it was the second uncle who used the money to win over those people, so that some people in the unit were afraid of him, so they gave way and replaced him as the team leader.

But in this life, the person in the second room didn't make any money.So her previous thinking was wrong.

So what exactly is it that allows the second uncle to win over those people who are desperate for money in a short period of time?
Ju An frowned, the law and order in the family home was good, and the second uncle was in charge of it, so it was impossible to guard and steal.

What benefits or convenience can the second uncle, as the captain of the security team, give others?
She couldn't think of it for the time being, so she suppressed the question first.

The results of the Mathematical Olympiad competition came down. Ju An got a full score and ranked first. Ju Jin did not give up too much, with five points deducted, ranking No.5.

Both siblings won 200 yuan each and qualified for the semi-finals!
The semi-finals are open to students with excellent grades in the whole city who have passed the preliminary competition. Those who rank in the top [-] can participate in the provincial finals and receive different levels of bonuses.

Ju An and Ju Jin are in a good mood. Their results in the semi-finals are still good, and they both won a bonus of 500 yuan.

Then they continued to participate in the provincial competition.

There are more bonuses in the province, and the difficulty and competitiveness of the same Mathematical Olympiad competition have also improved a lot.

Their N city is the provincial capital, and their school is also one of the examination rooms.

Fortunately, they took the last exam at their own school.

With perfect marks for the third time, Ju'an won the championship of the second group of the Dongshan Provincial Mathematical Olympiad, with a bonus of 2000 yuan!
Ju Jin's grades were not as good as hers, but she also won the third place in the final with a bonus of 1000 yuan.

After the Mathematical Olympiad, they had to prepare for the monthly exam in October.

The future daughter-in-law had just won a championship, which made Chang Zai even more stressed, studying even harder, secretly thinking about the possibility of spending a year and a half to win the national science champion.

As soon as people get busy, time goes by so fast, and often in the second monthly exam, they really enter the [-]th place in the sixth middle school!

They sold the house for more than a month, but the person from the second room didn't even come to the house.

Ju An felt a little uneasy.

The two siblings are in school on weekdays, except for noon and weekends from Monday to Friday, when they go to the martial arts gym to practice.

There are things hidden in her heart. When Ju An practiced martial arts, she became more and more fierce. Everything that happened in her previous life kept reappearing in her mind, as if she would be beaten back to her original form if she slacked off.

Chang Zai held her fist, squeezed his lips tightly and dragged her out into the hall.He stuffed her with a bottle of water, "What's the matter recently? Is it because of the pressure of study? Why do you practice so desperately?"

Holding the bottle, Ju An looked at the young man's tall and muscular appearance, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

She didn't express her worries, mainly because the group of people acted cruelly.

She nodded with a smile, indicating that she was under a lot of pressure to study.

Chang Zai nodded her head, "Your grades are so good, are you still worried?"

"If you really want to go to city B to study at university, or even go to university B, then I can find someone to transfer your and my brother's household registration to city B..."

(End of this chapter)

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