Chapter 326 Bai Yueguang's Paranoid Teenager (25)

Chang Zai said with a smile: "The score in City B is one hundred and eighty points lower than the score in Dongshan Province."

"When the time comes, the universities across the country will not be up to you to choose?"

"I don't want you to be too tired..."

Ju An pursed her lips, lowered her head and wrote earnestly: "I don't feel tired. It is a rare experience in life to be able to be a student and sit in the classroom and concentrate on studying."

Chang Zai learned a lot from studying recently, and nodded: "Yes, it is satisfying to be able to study in a calm mind and gain knowledge without wasting time."

It is a very happy thing to have a goal to go to.

He dragged Ju An around half a circle, and leaned against the wall, seeing the little girl's fair and smooth skin after a summer, his heart was so soft.

"An'an, because of you, I started to think about the future. Although you are a bit useless in my future, I like to study in order to go to you."

"You not only have your brother, but also me. No matter what happens, I hope you will think of me first, can you?"

Ju An felt that something warm and hard was stuffed in his hand.

Before she could look down, Chang Zai kissed her.

The young man has an unruly wildness, and he doesn't know how to express his love. Apart from studying, he spends thinking about her every day.

He wished he could swallow people alive, that strong emotion burned him like boiling blood.

After a long time, he was willing to let go of the girl who was almost breathless, and buried his head in her neck coquettishly, "I really feel that I met you too late to taste the sweetness of the world, and I feel that I met you too early to Immediately establish a relationship with you and get a marriage certificate."

Ju An hugged his waist, her heart beating fast.

The two met in college and fell in love, but now they can't restrain themselves from being intimate with each other.

She likes the feeling of being hugged tightly by him, and also likes being kissed cherished by him.

When they parted, Ju An lowered his head only to realize that he was holding a mobile phone in his hand!

Today's mobile phones are very simple, with only a small screen and a few rows of buttons.

"I saved the phone number in it," Chang Zai told her carefully how to use the phone, "This brand has a new model, so I eliminated your phone."

"It's like a mobile phone. It's hard to use it, but if it's left unused, it will starve to death within a few months. Just think of it as you taking care of it for me?"

Ju An pursed her lips, listening to his indifferent tone, carefully taking care of her self-esteem.

She nodded with a smile and gave him a thank you gesture.

Seeing her obedient and gentle appearance, Chang Zai didn't want to let her go, so after the siblings finished training, he followed them to school from afar and watched her go in before leaving.

Chang Zai's hair was dyed black, and he was riding a mountain bike. He was just like the students pouring into the school, and he didn't attract much attention.

He looked back from one place lightly, sneered, turned the handlebars, and followed two young men in floral shirts.

The two young men walked one street and turned a corner to the billiard hall behind the Cultural Palace.

Chang Zai stopped the car, checked his pockets, and went to the toilet on the second floor of the Cultural Palace without looking sideways.

Just outside the toilet window is a billiard hall!

"The lives of those two children are too regular. We have been squatting for a week, and we can't find a chance to make a move..."

"That's right, Brother Li, when others are out of school, they go to the martial arts gym, and when everyone goes to school, they come back again, and there are people everywhere... Usually they are in school and don't go anywhere..."

"Do you think they really have money in their hands? Children in their teens have tens of thousands of dollars in their hands. They can go to school seriously and don't go to Internet cafes and game halls all day long?"

Brother Li, who was wearing a thick gold chain, was biting his cigarette and laughed: "What do you know? Children in No. [-] Middle School are more self-conscious than children in other schools."

"They are smart enough to sell the house secretly... Afraid of being settled by their second uncle and aunt, they huddled in the school..."

Speaking of this, he sneered twice: "Since they think the school is safe, then let's find a way to enter the school, and we can get them out of the school in a daze, right?"

"At that time, heh, we took money to play with people, and then sold them... With their second uncle and second aunt covering up, no one will report the crime..."

Chang Zai clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly he sighed silently.

That silly girl buried everything in her heart, and still regarded him as an outsider.

If it weren't for him knowing the situation of their family, secretly giving money to many people, and always paying attention to the situation of the second room at home.

He really didn't know that the siblings would be missed!

Chang Zai closed his eyes slightly, looked at the palm-sized tape recorder in his hand, stood up and walked out.

When he got home, he played the previously recorded voice.

Those three people thought their voices were low, but they smoked, drank and played cards for a long time, their voices were hoarse, and the deliberately low voice could be heard clearly by him on the second floor.

Although the voices recorded on the tape are somewhat noisy, they can distinguish their words.

I often burned two tapes, wiped my fingerprints, put them in an envelope bag, and cut some words from newspapers, pasted them on paper, and stuffed them into the envelope.

When running at night, he deliberately walked away and stuffed the envelope into the mailbox in front of the police station.

A comrade he knew was recently transferred from Kyoto. The new official took office three times. I hope this envelope contains what that person needs.

City N is like a net, as long as you find a thread and pull it out, you can always pull out all the network cables.

It's just that it needs enough strength, courage and patience!

It was getting colder and colder, so Ju An went to the mall to buy some autumn and winter clothes for the siblings after a weekend of exercise.

Chang Zai also followed and got a black scarf.

Ju Jin, who was dull in a certain way, looked at the black scarf that was often worn around her neck, and then at the red scarf around her sister's neck, and finally realized something!
"Sister!" Back at school, Ju Jin pulled Ju An, who lived back in the dormitory, and asked with an uneasy expression, "What's the matter with you and Coach Chang?"

"Why do I feel that he has gotten too close to us recently? It's fine if he came to our school to visit the study room during the holidays."

"Why did he follow us when we went shopping! You even bought him a scarf!"

Ju An's face was flushed, and he lowered his head and wrote: "I made an appointment with him to take a university entrance exam."

Ju Jin was so angry that he turned around in circles, "Sister, he... Coach Chang is pretty good, he is good-looking and skilled, but, but he..."

Ju An thought it was funny, but laughed instead.

"Sister! You are under my nose, how long have you been with me?" Ju Jin asked, grinding his teeth.

Ju An honestly wrote: "I often work as a coach for me, what do you think?"

Ju Jin was almost stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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