Chapter 327 Bai Yueguang's Paranoid Teenager (26)

Co-authoring the cabbage that he guarded, has been missed by the pig?
Ju Jin nodded: "Okay, very good, from now on, sister, you must go all out to prepare for the college entrance examination. I will go to free boxing, and I will teach you when I come back!"

"Girls, exercise well and know how to defend yourself. Anyway, I will be inseparable from my sister..."

Ju An bowed his head and wrote: "I was admitted to university before you, and we can't study a major, what about working in the future?"

"I always need to have some ability to protect myself. It's better to rely on myself than anyone else."

"Ajin, I know you care about my sister. My sister knows it well. Didn't you see that my academic performance has not declined, but has steadily increased?"

"We don't have parents anymore, and studying is probably the only way out for us that is relatively easy. My sister is not stupid, she has to go to work quickly to make money, and I will marry you a wife!"

Ju Jin blushed and growled, "You should save your dowry for yourself, I will make money..."

But now he also adjusted, sighed and said: "Sister, I know you have always had big ideas. I don't mean to oppose you, I'm just afraid that he will play tricks on you."

"You must protect yourself well. If he bullies you, don't suffer foolishly. Tell me."

"Although my fist is not as hard as his, I won't let him bully you casually. Even if it costs me my life!"

Ju An was so angry that he patted his head, and wrote vigorously: "What stupid things are you talking about? We will all be fine."

"Chang Zai is not that kind of person. He won't bully me. If he wants to bully, it's my duty to bully him."

Ju Jinfan couldn't help laughing when he thought about Coach Chang's tall and mighty appearance, and flinched back after being bullied by his sister.

After getting along for a month or two, Ju Jin has a good feeling for Chang Zai, and thinks he is a very generous, serious, responsible and capable person.

Everyone has the right to pursue love, as long as the elder sister is fine, what else can he do as a younger brother?

"Remember to protect yourself and don't let him take advantage of you! Let me tell you, men are bad, and you don't know how to cherish what you get easily... You can't have too intimate behavior before marriage..." Ju Jin said bitterly to her mother-in-law Chanting scriptures in Ju An's ears.

I don't know where this kid learned it from, so Ju An hastily gestured and nodded repeatedly to stop.

Ju Jin hadn't said enough, and hummed dissatisfiedly: "It's said that girls are extroverted, sure enough, you're starting to dislike my younger brother now!"

Ju An patted his head angrily and drove him away.

After watching his younger brother leave, Ju An turned around with a helpless smile and approached the dormitory building.

She just took a step, when she saw the handrail, she suddenly remembered.

Their family courtyard is next to the train station.

Because the employees of the Railway Construction Bureau were all transferred from the railway army at the beginning, they have close ties with the railway system.

The Railway Construction Bureau is a mobile unit.The company will participate in bidding across the country. Once the project is won, it will quickly form a headquarters, go to the project site, and work vigorously on the project.

The workers can only come back once every two to three months or even three to five months.

As long as they hold the ID, they can ride for free.

There is a distance from their family courtyard to the train station, and some people don't like to take long detours, so they will climb over the wall and walk along the railway to the platform.

Anyway, they don't need to buy a ticket, they just need a certificate.

But the problem is that their station is not only a passenger station, but also many trains that pull coal and steel.

The second uncle is the captain of the security team, and his main task is to ensure the safety of the family home.

He needs capital to make friends with people in the society, and this capital is likely to be something in the train carriage separated from the family courtyard by a low wall!
In her previous life, she did not move out of the family building so early. She remembered that after she dropped out of school, she was forced into a garment factory by her second uncle as a female worker.

In the wave of laid-offs, it is not easy to find a job.

At that time, she never thought about this question. Why can she become a female worker when others drop out of school and face odd jobs, moving bricks, and sourcing goods?

In addition to her good looks, she may be targeted by a hypocrite, Nong Zhiming, the son of the garment factory manager, and there is no second uncle's operation.

If her guess was correct, the second uncle turned a blind eye to cover for the group of people, allowing them to cross the low wall and steal things from the public house.

No wonder there were more people patrolling the station for a while.

Ju An returned to the dormitory, and after sorting out his things, he wrote a letter to an uncle in the compound of the Railway Construction Bureau.

She knows several fonts, and her right hand was injured in the previous life, so she practiced her left hand fiercely.

That uncle is a rare college student in the compound, he is smart and knows how to exploit, but whenever he can seize the opportunity, he can always take some credit for him.

Ju An didn't write his own guesses, but laid out the things in pieces, believing that the other party is not stupid and should be able to find the connection between these things.

After throwing the letter out, she breathed out slightly and started to wash clothes.

In physical education class this day, after the teacher led the team to warm up, the students were allowed to move freely.

The students did not disband immediately, but got together, and the sports committee member who took turns on duty recorded what sports equipment the big guys needed, and then took the two students to the equipment room to get them.

Today is the home safety record.After she finished writing on this side, two tall boys came out on the other side to help her carry things.

The equipment room is on the side of the stands of the school playground.

The teacher was cracking melon seeds, and when he saw them coming in, he didn't raise his eyes and said, "Get the things yourself, and make a copy of the records. When you return the equipment later, you have to match the numbers!"

Ju An nodded with a smile, carefully followed the records, picked out the items, and asked the two boys to move the equipment away after looking for the teacher to save the big guy from waiting.

And she sat aside, transcribing the notes.

Just after Ju An wrote two lines, the teacher held his stomach and said, "Student, please write first, help me read it for a while, my stomach hurts and I need to go to the toilet..."

Ju An nodded in response, his eyes flicked across a pinch of melon seeds on the table.

She stood up suddenly and walked out, but two young men rushed in through the door.

One of the youths held a handkerchief with a secret medicine in his hand!
Ju An sneered, picked up the bat and swung it at the first young man, it took a lot of strength.

The young man raised his arm subconsciously.The cracking sound of the bone hitting the baseball was very clear in the cramped space.

He snorted: "Bitch! It hurts me to death..."

Before the two of them could react, three comrades rushed in at the door and twisted him to the ground!

"Student, are you okay?" One of them asked gently.

Ju An shook his head, his face was still a little pale, and he didn't quite understand what happened.

The comrade simply explained: "We received a report that someone is eyeing your siblings, and it is very likely that they will shoot at school."

"After our analysis, we felt that this place is easy to be exploited by people, so we squatted here for several days, and finally caught them!"

(End of this chapter)

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