Ju An was stunned for a moment, he had no relatives except Ju Jin, even though there were warm-hearted aunts and aunts in the family courtyard.They have a lot of things at home, and they are so busy that they never leave the ground. How can they pay attention to their siblings all the time?
Ju An is not an ordinary girl who has experienced a tragic and short life.She is too aware of the warmth and coldness of people.

If there is a difference between this life and the previous life, it is that she continues to study in No. [-] Middle School, and has a good relationship with Chang Zai!
Thinking of this, Ju An already understood.

However, she kept her eyes lowered, her complexion was pale, she was full of fright, and she didn't show any inappropriateness.

She pressed her lips tightly, took the paper and wrote a thank you vigorously.

The comrades in casual clothes looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the matter.

Why the gangsters are so rampant and able to reach into the campus, except that they have enough understanding of the victims, someone in the school provides them with convenience, and this little girl can't speak.

Others can shout at the top of their voices when they encounter something. After all, there are many teachers and students on the track outside the wall.As long as someone heard the cry for help, the gangsters would not be able to succeed.

But she couldn't make a sound, and the gangsters blocked the door, easily knocking her away!
"Student Ju An, right? We need your cooperation to go to the bureau to record a statement," the comrade said seriously, "You can ask your teacher for leave first to explain the situation."

"And before we investigate the matter clearly, the safety of you and your brother is still an urgent issue. I hope that you can be accompanied by teachers and classmates at all times, and you must not place orders anymore!"

Ju An nodded again and again, lowered her head and wrote a leave note to the physical education teacher.

Accompanied and guaranteed by comrades in casual clothes, the teacher quickly approved the leave note.

Ju Jin also rushed over after receiving the news, took Ju An's hand and looked back and forth several times, then with a cold face, took her by bike, and followed a group of people to the bureau.

Ju An just completed the question and answer in a regular manner, but came out in less than half an hour.

Ju Jin rushed to meet him, and Chang Zai stood beside him!

"Let's go eat first, and we'll talk about other things after replenishing our strength," Chang Zai held Ju An's hand tightly, pulling her out first.

Looking at Chang Zai in front of him, Ju An's flustered heart calmed down, and when something went wrong, she trotted two steps and hugged him tightly from behind.The tears that I had been holding back before, flowed down in a futile rush.

Ju Jin rubbed his nose, and reluctantly went to push the cart, feeling a little disappointed.He is no longer the only sister.

However, my sister has another person who loves her.

Chang Zai turned around, saw the little girl weeping bitterly, his heart ached so much, he immediately picked her up and walked to a relatively secluded corner of the flower bed to sit down.

He stroked her back slowly, "An'an, it's okay, I'm here."

He kissed her forehead, rubbed the tip of her nose, and touched the corners of her lips.

Chang Zai didn't dare to hide it anymore, and said angrily and distressedly: "An An, you know that you and Ju Jin will be plotted against, why didn't you tell me?"

"If I didn't think you were in a bad state, I went around looking for people to inquire and investigate, how could I know the viciousness of your second uncle and those people, and wrote an anonymous letter in advance... Now, I don't know if I can still see you."

Ju An cried for a while, listening to Chang Zai's words, it was similar to what she had guessed, and her heart was sweet.

Laying lazily in his arms, she took his hand and wrote stroke by stroke: "I never thought they would be so bold."

This sentence is the truth.Although she knew that money moved people's hearts, many people would go all the way to the dark because of it.

Everyone has a fluke mentality. She thought that her brother and her brother lived a two-point and one-line life, and they were mixed in the crowd, and the other party could do nothing to them.Besides, her misery in her previous life was that she was not careful enough to see through the hypocrisy of the wicked.

"I trained hard these days, and severely broke the arm of one of the villains!"

"In the future, I will definitely listen to what you say, and I will no longer hide anything from you... You, don't be angry..."

Chang Zai held her hand, "I am also angry with myself. If I do well enough to earn your complete trust, you will definitely tell me everything."

"You don't know how scared I was when I knew about it! What if you... What do you ask me to do?"

Ju An pursed her lips, raised her hand to caress his cheek, and said something silly silently.

In this world, there is no one who can't live without anyone.

However, she knew that she really had something wrong with her, and after Chang Zai would definitely seek justice for her, she didn't live alone!

She grabbed his hand: "I will protect myself well. We can all die!"

Chang Zai nodded with a smile, "I will grow old with you forever!"

After Ju An adjusted his mood, the three of them went to have dinner.

"I will always pay attention to this case, and I will tell you in time if there is any situation." Chang Zai explained seriously, "After this incident, the security of the school has been strengthened, and teachers and students have also raised their vigilance. In a short time, they will not Shot in school... During this time, I will pick you up and send you to the martial arts hall..."

"Study hard, don't be delayed by this matter."

Ju An and Ju Jin looked at each other, nodded obediently.It seems that Chang Zai is the parent.

They couldn't help laughing.

It is not a blessing to know that Sai Weng loses his horse!

Ju An took out a pen and notebook, and told about her anonymity.

Ju Jin's eyes widened, and he lowered his voice: "Sister, isn't it? How long has he been working, is he so bold?"

But he immediately remembered that Uncle Ju hadn't worked for a long time but he was already the team leader!
Chang Zai tapped twice on the table with his hand, raised his eyebrows and asked, "An'an, how long has it been since you submitted the report letter?"

"Why is that Uncle Liao?"

Ju An was stunned for a moment, and wrote hesitantly: "You mean Uncle Liao won't accept this matter?"

Chang Zai lowered the corner of his lips, with a hint of coldness, "Maybe he will get involved, would you be happy to see it succeed?"

"An'an, leave this matter to me. No matter what happens, your second uncle and second aunt, why did you bring the children here, and leave in such a disgruntled manner!"

Juan blinked his eyes.He knew what she was for. "Am I bad?"

At this time, the second room at home occupied their house, replaced their parents' jobs, and tried to annex the family's savings and pensions.

But in the eyes of outsiders, they haven't done anything heinous.

They are all relatives, and her report letter is tantamount to killing people.

Will her behavior be too reactive?
Often rubbing her head, "how come?"

"We are just retaliating with an eye. It turns out that they are not the worst, only worse!"

"They don't touch the law, so naturally they won't be punished..."

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