Chang Zai looked at Ju An, leaned into her ear and said seriously:

"An'an, whatever you want to do, no matter right or wrong, I will support you."

"The worst plan is that we will destroy together. However, I am not willing to have An'an in this world."

"Then, let the two of us harm Yi for thousands of years..."

Ju An frowned, "Okay, Chang Zai, you must not go back on your word!"

The soft and sweet voice, like gorgeous fireworks, rang in his ears.

Chang Zai was still a little dazed, not only him, but also Ju An and Ju Jin didn't realize for a while that the voice came from her!
"An'an, call me again!" Chang Zai's eyes were flushed.

"Chang Zai! Always! Chang Zai, hello, I'm Ju An, please give me advice for the rest of my life!" Ju An also had tears in his eyes.

Chang Zai yelled a few times in a row, no matter where it is if he is happy, he hugs Ju An and circles happily!
Ju An being able to speak meant that the thorn in her heart had been pulled out.And she began to face the world bravely.Chang Zai gave her enough courage!
With constant help, Ju An and Ju Jin returned to their normal study life.

After the monthly exam in November, the results of two related things came out at the same time!

Because the second uncle of the family came from the countryside, he couldn't bear the temptation, and after being coerced and lured by the people in the society, he began to cover for the group of people and steal things from the train cargo box.

Not only did he get a share, but he also became the team leader, which brought him both fame and fortune for a while!
Uncle Ju is not very proud, but the couple are still thinking about Dafang's property.After the second aunt Ju went to school to make a fuss, instead of getting a bargain, she was kicked out of the house and had to spend money to rent a house.

Uncle Ju was furious, but when he told his friends about it while drinking with his friends, Ju An was almost trafficked and humiliated.

After committing so many things, Uncle Ju was sentenced to three years in prison. He had to return all the stolen money including principal and interest, and he had to compensate Ju An for mental damage of 2000 yuan.

Because of the second uncle's incident, it had a particularly bad influence on the work unit. With the help of some people who fought for Ju Anjujin and his brother, the second aunt was also persuaded to leave.

With no support, no income, Second Aunt Ju was scared out of her wits, so she had to return home with her son and daughter in disgrace!

When they heard the news, Ju An and Ju Jin were very happy, and they both ate an extra bowl for lunch!
Especially Ju An, since her rebirth, the second bedroom of Jujia is like a boulder pressing on her body, making her almost out of breath.She always lives in fear of being beaten back to her original shape.

What's ridiculous is that no outsider blatantly bullied her, and the only ones who made her miserable were her relatives!

She didn't expect that the second room at home would be defeated so easily.

In the future, as long as she works hard in a good direction, her life will be smooth...

The two siblings at home are determined to study hard. They firmly believe that learning is the same as martial arts. If you accumulate to a certain level on weekdays, you will definitely be able to bring surprises at critical moments.

The breath often on the body became more and more calm.In the past, he was playful, disobedient, and fought against the world all over his body.

Now because of the infusion of love in his heart, he has patience for the world and enthusiasm for life.

He understands one thing, only the strong can have everything, and the weak feel sorry for themselves!
In 2000, Ju’an made great strides and was admitted to B University with a high score of 710. It is worth mentioning that Chang Zai was the provincial champion of this session...

Destiny favors those who work hard, just like the starlight pays off passers-by!
Waking up from the nutrition cabin, Anyang has the memory of the plane for the first time, but, in order to protect the tasker, the system is afraid that the emotions will be too heavy and cause the tasker to collapse.

She has memories and emotions, but she is like a witness who can empathize.

Even so, she was a little absent-minded in the nutrition cabin because of her life's memories.

When Anyang replaced Zhuang Zai in Chang Zai again, she couldn't accept it even more, especially...

Especially Chang Zai's heart and soul to Ju An, the two of them had countless times of embarrassing lingering, so she didn't know how to face the real Engineer Zhuang!

After taking a shower, Anyang received a call from Zhuangzai.

She hesitated for a moment, but still bravely connected.

Sooner or later you have to face it.She tried to greet him expressionlessly.

Zhuang Zai stared at her for a while, if he didn't know that he set the program, but she did complete the task with him and came back.He really thought that his official assignment had changed.

This little girl can do it. After switching to the new task mode, she has adapted well, and she can handle the emotions on her face in such a short period of time.

"Anyang, are you still used to this mission?" He asked lightly, "This is a new series of missions of the Space-Time Administration. In order to obtain comprehensive and reliable data, it is difficult for you to partner with me."

Hearing what he said, Anyang was a little embarrassed, and felt that he had judged the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain just now.In the eyes of Zhuang Da engineer, there is nothing else but work.It's like a doctor who is used to watching life and death, why are there so many mood swings?

For some reason, she felt a little disappointed in her heart.

"It's okay, but it's a little strange. I have another life in my mind. It seems to have traveled a lot. It's okay, it's not bad."

Zhuangzai raised his eyebrows and smiled lowly, "That's good, you just need to treat it with a normal heart. Such a task will have some impact on your mental strength, but it can also be tempered to make your mental strength stronger."

"Everything has advantages and disadvantages, it depends on how you do it."

"Take a good rest, we will carry out the next mission in the middle of the month."

"Too intensive will greatly reduce the effect of the task on tempering one's mental strength."

Anyang nodded in response, "Thank you."

Zhuangzai smiled: "Anyang, isn't your thank you a little insincere?"

"Why don't you treat me to a meal? By the way, let me tell you how to improve your mental power..."

Anyang glanced at him suspiciously, thinking that she was his nominal wife, and she was the only one who shared his property equally.She's nothing worth plotting against.Wanting to understand this, Gu Anyang nodded in response.

The two agreed to go home for dinner next Monday at noon.

Anyang's life in reality is extraordinarily regular, almost to the point of harshness.

In addition to accompanying her brother, she spent all of her time studying.

During dinner on Monday, Zhuang Zai really taught her seriously, teaching her how to get the most benefits from the new series of tasks.

Seeing the little wife on the opposite side buried her head in memorization, Zhuangzai couldn't laugh or cry.

Could it be that he is a big living person, so he is not worth her to take a look at?
He coughed lowly, and said nonsense in a serious manner, "Anyang, I bought two sets of equipment at home. When we enter the mission plane, we don't need to go to the company."

"The environment and atmosphere at home are more conducive to our performance in the mission plane."

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