Thinking of the soft person in his arms, Shen Sishuo felt that he could die in the next moment.

But he immediately dismissed this kind of misconception, knowing that her red eyes were obviously angry with him, and she didn't want to have any intimate relationship with him...

The two arms raised by Shen Sishuo lost all strength, one slipped from Ming Anyang's waist, and the other handed her the small clothes, "Anyang, I, I just think that we are husband and wife and shouldn't be separated from each other... ...Anyway, I also do laundry, so I did it for you by the way, really, before you came in, I didn't realize what I was washing..."

He tried desperately to appear decent.

This marriage is what he fought for with all his efforts. He has already envisioned more than 1000 possibilities for the married life of the two of them. How can the little girl fall in love with him and be moved by him?

The only thing is that he didn't prevent her from influencing him too deeply, and he went crazy after being stimulated by the alcohol, and showed his true and terrible greed to the fullest on the first day...

The little girl didn't like him in the first place, and he bullied him all night, so her eyes are still red and swollen.

I'm afraid in her eyes, he is just a wolf with a big tail who can't be cleaned up.

Ming Anyang really didn't want to listen to him, so he grabbed the little clothes and threw them into the original basin, "I, I have to wash it empty, you don't move!"

Shen Sishuo struggled: "Anyang, I married you because I love you and love you. I'm at home and I don't need you for everything."

Ming Anyang didn't know that he wanted to take care of everything about her and had an interest beyond ordinary people.

"No, you go to eat. Later, let's talk about the future."

Shen Sishuo nodded and hung his clothes to dry before eating.

Ming An Yang has just finished the college entrance examination.Her grades have always been good, and she is one of the best in her grade.

This time she performed exceptionally well, and based on her estimated scores, it was more than enough to go to a major university in Kyoto.

Everyone is happy for her, and she also thinks that after ten years of hard work, the future will be bright for the rest of her life.Unexpectedly, the family has already arranged a marriage for her, and she only needs to be there to participate.

The choice given to her by Ming's father was that if she wanted to go to university, she must marry Shen Sishuo, otherwise she would become a female worker, and she would inevitably marry someone and have children.

Given the two choices, Ming Anyang had no choice but to choose the former, and her family members, including Shen Sishuo, thought she had signed up for the Kyoto Normal University. As a result, when she found out about her marriage, she changed her application to take the college entrance examination before sending the application form away. Great history!
Thinking of this, she felt a bit of a headache. Why didn't she be reborn a few days earlier and fill out the volunteer application in a proper manner. She didn't need to go to Haishi, an unfamiliar place, and choose an unpopular major just to get angry.

Now that the application has been handed in, it won't be long before she will receive the admission letter from Haida University.

Thinking back to her previous life, after her parents knew that she had made her own way, they did not teach her less, and even had the idea of ​​asking her to repeat the exam.It was Shen Sishuo who convinced her parents for her, and from then on, the couple lived apart for four years, and he went back and forth every month as an ascetic.

Ming Anyang watched the man eat quickly, but he exuded a cool elegance.

She has been thinking countless times, he is not such a superficial person, why is he so obsessed with her?
This is not like the madness that a person like him can do.

Shen Sishuo is particularly sensitive to people's eyes.He felt the woman's eyes suddenly glued to him.

After he finished his work, he tensed his jaw, but he didn't dare to listen to her, and said directly, "Go and rest after you digest your food. I'll bring you food back at noon..."

Ming Anyang just stood up, hey, she had already changed her shoes with her bag and strode out, as if she was a scourge.

She just remembered now that in her previous life, in order to anger him, she deliberately said that she had a date with someone, fell in love after being admitted to the same university, and went to get married, and got a certificate when she reached the legal age.

In order to win his trust, Ming Anyang even randomly exaggerated several daily plots, never expecting that a man would treat her with care and heart.She can torment him as much as she wants, but they can't have a third party.

Because of a lie, she sent herself to the wolf's mouth...

Ming Anyang sighed, sat down and stared at the door, now if she told him that there was no one else between the two of them, and that she had filled out the volunteer application and had not made an agreement with anyone, would he believe it?

Don't say he doesn't believe it, she even thinks that this is an evil move to retreat in order to advance!
These pits for herself were dug bigger and bigger, and she almost buried herself.

Before she could figure it out, there was a knock on the door.

Ming Anyang's eyes lit up, thinking that Shen Sishuo had forgotten to bring something, so he stood up and trotted over to open the door.But as soon as she took a step, she felt discomfort in her body, and a blush appeared on her fair face. The scene of last night was impressive enough in the moonlit night.

She walked steadily, took a deep breath and opened the door with a smile on the corner of her mouth. As a result, there were two women with children outside the door.

One was in his thirties, with a hulan hair, and was fairly fair and handsome.She was also holding a five or six-year-old boy in a navy uniform by her hand, and she smiled with creases at the end of her eyes, and she could not conceal her pride in her words:
"Hi sister-in-law, my man is Zhao Qiangjun, deputy captain of the third brigade of the fifth engineering department of the [-]th Bureau of Railway Construction. I'm Hu Xiaoyan. I teach third-grade mathematics in our Railway Construction Primary School."

"This is our son, Da Zhuang! Da Zhuang is here to call Auntie."

The little boy straightened his chest, called out to his aunt, and added: "Happy wedding!"

The younger woman next to her had her hair permed and a high ponytail tied with a wine red bow.She looks like willow-leaf eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes, and she is outstandingly beautiful. Of course, she is not enough to look at Ming Anyang who has been wearing various titles such as class flower, class flower, school flower, and courtyard flower since she was a child.

Ming Anyang didn't miss the very faint jealousy in the woman's eyes after the surprise.

She pursed her lips.One's own beauty is separated from others on a great level, and it is the kind that others cannot envy.

It has been a long time since she experienced the feeling of being envied by others.A little surprised and curious.

"Sister-in-law, my name is Zheng Meijuan. The man Zhang Zhengyang is the captain of the third squadron of the First Brigade of the Fifth Engineering Department. This is my daughter Zhang Nannan. Nannan quickly calls Auntie..." She hugged the black and thin little girl and coaxed her lightly with a smile. .

"Auntie," the little girl called out timidly, then buried her head in Zheng Meijuan's neck.

Zheng Meijuan said with a smile: "Nan Nan is a bit skeptical. Although she is only over one year old, she can talk a lot. She listens to what adults say, as if she can understand..."

Ming Anyang was good-looking in her previous life, but the work she did was hard, she almost regarded herself as a man, and she had no experience in dealing with family members.She hurriedly let him into the house.

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