Ming Anyang beckoned them to come in, and went to rummage in the chest of drawers, which was full of food, which was stocked up for her by men.Ming Anyang felt burned in his heart. In fact, in the last life, they all used the wrong method.

As long as she didn't hold the heart of resistance and experienced it with her heart, she could feel that he was good in every way, so how could she not be attracted by the excellent him?
She grabbed a handful of candies and a pack of peach cakes, put them on the table, and poured tea for them.

"Oh, little sister-in-law, you don't need to be busy. We just came here to let you recognize people... There were so many people yesterday, we helped entertain the guests, I guess you didn't remember..."

"My family is Da Zhuang, I opened my eyes and made a fuss to see the bride... I don't know him yet, so I'm just greedy for sweets... Da Zhuang, your aunt loves you, and all the sweets she brings out are good..."

"I recognize this, this is chocolate, this is peanut nougat... Shengong asked a friend to buy it from country e, right? When I was shopping with someone, I went to the Friendship Store..."

"Usually, I have never seen it in my family. This time Da Zhuang is lucky. Why don't you thank Auntie soon?"

As she said that, Hu Xiaoyan grabbed all the candies, stuffed them into the little girl's two pieces, and put the rest in Da Zhuang's pocket.

"Sister-in-law, we won't be polite to you anymore. Later, I will go to the vegetable field to deliver baskets of vegetables to you... In the future, if you have anything to do, tell us..."

Ming Anyang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said that you are welcome.

On the other hand, Zheng Meijuan's face was not very good-looking, so she could only say: "Little sister-in-law, in the family courtyard, you can't be too generous, and the things for entertaining guests should be at the same level as all of us."

"Otherwise, we don't even know how to return the gift. The communication between people is mutual, and it can't be a burden, right?"

"Knowing that you have good intentions, you will say that you are generous and your family conditions are good, so you don't care about these three melons and two dates. But if you don't know, and you like to gossip, you may say that you have a good face and don't understand how hard a man makes money..."

Ming Anyang smiled lightly, "Ah, what should I do, I only have these in my house, so you can't come here, I will just give you plain water, right?"

"Would that be too rude, or people who don't know that I'm outspoken, have to say that I'm arrogant and look down on others?"

If she understood correctly, did Zheng Meijuan beat her and Hu Xiaoyan in a roundabout way?One is to take advantage, and the other is to show off on purpose?

Just a handful of sugar and a packet of pastries.She also thought that this was the first day of her wedding with Shen Sishuo, and the guests who came to the door had to be treated well.

Besides, the cupboard is full of good things, and she has no bargains that she can take out... If she said it, would it make people angry?

However, if she beat around the bush to express dissatisfaction, she would also say it.

Hu Xiaoyan curled her lips, "Sister-in-law, you don't have to listen to her. Xiao Zheng is in charge of the money for our fifth film, and cares about everything she does. She doesn't take advantage of others, and she won't be taken advantage of by others..."

"If you want me to tell you, people get along too much and they get divided. Besides, my sister-in-law can see that the family conditions are good and she was pampered and grew up. I look at the workmanship and I also care about you. Early in the morning Bought a big bag of meals..."

"You can't let my sister-in-law marry into the fifth branch of our railway construction road, and have to lower her living standard just to take into account some people's self-esteem?"

Ming Anyang nodded, deeply agreeing.

Zheng Meijuan directly lowered her face, "Sister-in-law Hu, what do you mean by taking my self-esteem into consideration?"

"I just want to say that it's not easy for every family. No matter how good the condition of my sister-in-law's house is, she shouldn't entertain guests casually with such good candies, right?"

"If I remember correctly, the wedding candy sprinkled yesterday is similar to other people's. My sister-in-law took it out of the chest of drawers, obviously for my family."

"Sister-in-law Hu thinks, just take two for the child, why do you really put them all in your pocket?"

"In the future, if my sister-in-law does something like this again, she pulls our mother and daughter as a foil, and actually wants to take advantage of the door, so don't call us anymore. To save it from spreading, we only took two pieces of candy, as if we were worthless..."

Hu Xiaoyan stared: "Okay, let me say that you, Zheng Meijuan, are an accountant. You are full of thoughts, and you can see every cent in your eyes. As expected, I have said so many things with you just for me to listen to." ?”

"What? My man is the vice-captain, so he should have a good relationship with my sister-in-law. What's the matter with the candy? I'll replace it with a basket of vegetables later..."

"It's not like you. The man became the squadron leader at a young age, and there is only one little girl in the family. Both of you husband and wife are reluctant to spend money on the children... Isn't it just watching your daughter get two pieces of candy, feeling unbalanced, eating Grapes are sour..."

"Who wants to call you? It's just because you are my sister-in-law's opposite door! Oh, yes, last time I called you, I met a polite call on the road. Who knew that you were so cheeky that you rushed out the door with your daughter..."

Zheng Meijuan was pissed off by her beating, she stood up directly, ignored the child's crying, took out the two pieces of toffee from the child's pocket, and said in a cold voice: "Sister-in-law, that's all I have to say. You want to have a deep friendship with this woman, Don't cry even if you suffer a loss."

"Maybe I'm meddling in my own business, one is willing to listen to good things, and the other is flattering and seeking benefits..."

Ming Anyang was not happy, "I said two lesbians, which play are you singing?"

"I really don't know who you are. Are you starting to form cliques for a few candies?"

"After all, you are the family members of the Fifth Ministry of Railway Construction. Can we have some structure? Anything that does not involve a man's future is easy to discuss, and there is no conflict of interest. If there is any conflict, it will be full of food, vanity, and comparisons. , Let the man hold back!"

"Okay, in the future, I have to ask the two sister-in-laws to talk to people outside. I can't afford to entertain your family members. I'm young and don't take care of things, and your magic can't wait to treat me like a daughter-in-law, so in He listens to me in everything at home."

"If I have been wronged, then you men will not be affected at work, but I believe that Shengong will seek justice for me from other places... So, don't think that I am a newcomer, just bully me and give me I will dismount..."

"Besides, my house doesn't have any bargains. Anyone who comes to my house as a guest will probably miss my snacks. Later, I will tell Shengong that whoever misses it should be prepared to spend money on it. When the time comes The reporting unit will deduct from their salary..."

"Everyone is not short of this bite. As for making such a scene so cheerful?"

This time it was Hu Xiaoyan and Zheng Meijuan's turn to look at each other.This little daughter-in-law's temper doesn't seem to be very good, she is a thousand miles away from her soft and deceitful appearance, is she going to thank the guests on the first day?
In this way, it is not true for them to say it to the outside world, and it is not true if they do not say it.

The scandal caused by a few pieces of candy, not to mention other people, if their men know about it, it will be enough for them to be slapped!

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