No matter how thick-skinned the two of them were, they couldn't resist Ming Anyang pushing them away.

Hu Xiaoyan smiled, and dragged Da Zhuang out: "Sister-in-law, I'll bring you food later... If you don't take advantage, you won't take advantage..."

Before Ming Anyang could speak, she hurried downstairs.

Zheng Meijuan looked at Ming Anyang with a complicated expression. After a faint envy, it turned into an inexplicable sense of pity and superiority?

Ming Anyang felt that this woman was probably out of her mind, so she looked at her indifferently and didn't speak.

Zheng Meijuan took her daughter away, and when she was about to leave, she saw the marks on Ming Anyang's neck that were obviously loved and ruthless by the man, and couldn't help but say to her: "Sister-in-law, Shengong is a capable and responsible person, you have let me down!" He will regret it sooner or later!"

Ming Anyang smiled angrily, "Sister Zheng, the affairs of our husband and wife are not in the hands of the public, so it's not your turn to take care of them, right?"

She really didn't know what kind of mentality this Zheng Meijuan had. She spoke on such an occasion. It was difficult for an upright official to decide on housework, and matters between husband and wife were even more forbidding to be discussed by others.Is Zheng Meijuan really kind, or does she have some shady intentions?
Zheng Meijuan sneered, "Sister-in-law, I am meddling in my own business! From now on, you can take care of yourself."

As soon as the two of them left, Ming Anyang sat angrily. After waking up in her last life, she watched Shen Sishuo whip him with a belt until his back blossomed. She still felt that it was not enough to relieve her hatred. Wait, just pack up and leave.

Ming's family loves her very much, except for her to marry Shen Sishuo, other things are up to her temperament.

When she got home, the family was very careful with her.It's just that she hated everyone at that time. After she went to college, she basically didn't go home except for the New Year.Thinking of this, Ming Anyang really didn't know the meaning of his muddled life.

This time, she will definitely stay here until the start of school, and go home during the period to find out the reason why her parents let her get married.

Ming Anyang washed his little clothes and hung them to dry.There seems to be no other life at home...

She took out some pastries, found some fruits in the kitchen, and leaned on the sofa with a fan to read.

From going through the personnel affairs last night, to accepting the fact that she was reborn, and witnessing another small palace fight, she fell asleep within two pages of the book!
In the engineering department on the second floor of the office building, the gray-haired chief engineer Zhuo once again caught Shen Sishuo raising his hand to look at his watch, took off his reading glasses and wiped it, and asked helplessly and funnyly: "I said, little god, what are you doing?" Why bother? Our project schedule is relatively tight, but you can still rest for a day or two after getting married... The problem is, you are at work now, and your heart has already flown to your wife, right?"

"Tell me, it's only been more than an hour, how many times have you looked at your watch? Young people, once in a while, indulge yourself once in a while, and be self-willed once in a while. Everyone is from your age, so you can understand..."

Shen Sishuo blushed rarely, "I'm fine."

If he wasn't working, he wished he could go to her every minute, but he was very afraid that with him around, she would say something annoying or act aggressively.

He has always been daring and courageous, facing up to difficulties, and he has never escaped once in his dictionary.But she made him an exception.

After persisting for another half an hour, all the colleagues in the office were a little restless under his influence.

This time he stood up straight away, before he could speak, Mr. Zhuo waved at him in disgust, eager to let him go.

He bought everything he needed to buy, and stuffed the 98-square-meter house with three bedrooms and two halls to the brim.He really couldn't think of what he needed to buy, but he was nervous and afraid and walked steadily and briskly towards home step by step.

Opening the door lightly, seeing the obediently sleeping person on the sofa, he felt uneasy all morning.

Shen Sishuo closed the door and changed his shoes. After washing his hands and face, he squatted in front of her and watched.

He has always known that the little girl is beautiful, but he has never looked at it so seriously.She has a classic and charming appearance, with the awe-inspiring aura of the amazing years. When the fox eyes are opened, they are very agile, as if the painting of a beauty suddenly came to life.

Her skin is porcelain white and smooth, making people love her, and her lips are pink and soft... Thinking of the indulgence last night, he couldn't help but breathe heavily again!
He helplessly stared at the sleepy little girl, all his self-control was defeated by her...

However, he was so wrong last night. Now that he is sleeping well, and he hasn't been drinking, how can there be any reason to let out the beast in his heart?
Suddenly Ming Anyang opened his eyes, and met the man's fiery gaze, his eye sockets turned red all of a sudden.

She and the team encountered a mudslide and were trapped in the cave. It was dark and silent, and everyone was silently waiting to die.

It was he who found it based on the map drawn by the local mountain people, determined the location of the cave, and called her name.

Like a dead tree in spring, joy buried her all at once.It turned out that she was also afraid of death, and she also missed someone.

Shen Sishuo didn't dare to dig with tools. Many times he dug with bare hands, blood dripping from his hands, and some fingernails were lifted... The light gradually shone in, and the man's eyes were filled with uncontrollable strong emotions. !
"Brother..." Ming Anyang recalled the last time he saw him, and his heart ached so much that it made people faint!
She threw herself into the man's arms before she had time, and hugged his neck tightly, "Don't leave me, you were the one who provoked me first, why did you leave before I fell in love with you, and you don't want me anymore... "

He saved a lot of people, each of them told her that Shen Sishuo saved them, he didn't want to thank her, he just wanted to say that he loved her through their mouths.

However, the last one he rescued cried into tears, "That comrade said he didn't love you anymore, and he lied to you to make fun of you before. He said he always treated you as a girl and asked you to find someone you like... ...He hopes that next time, he will be your brother..."

He loves so humblely that he doesn't even dare to make an appointment in the next life. He only hopes to use family affection to maintain his affection for a lifetime without regret.

Shen Sishuo was stunned, the woman in his arms was soft and fragrant, it was such a good feeling to be full, especially he was the one who was thrown.

It's just that he didn't understand what she meant, but he couldn't let her go, so she wasn't talking about him...

Shen Sishuo hugged her back tightly, and said word by word: "Anyang, after marrying you, I never thought of letting go!"

Ming Anyang gnawed on his shoulder, "Liar, you are a big liar!"

In front of Da Ai and Xiao Ai, he chose to sacrifice himself.

Are you tired and unwilling to persist?
The man's flesh was too hard, she was biting her teeth, and she obviously felt the man's affection.

She pushed him away angrily.She is still not feeling well, and she will not be able to do what he wants in at least three to five days.

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