Chapter 336 70s as a fine wife (7)

Realizing her own thoughts, Ming Anyang's face turned pink, even though she left Shen Sishuo's embrace, she still felt hot all over.

At this moment, she was completely awake, not daring to look into his eyes, but just glanced at her watch, it was not yet nine o'clock. "Did not you go to work?"

Shen Sishuo stared at her, wanting to say that she was at home, and he wanted to return home!
But he restrained his jaw from tightening, and said calmly: "No matter how busy I am at work, my unit will grant me marriage leave."

"Look at what's missing at home, let's go to the city to buy, and have a meal and watch a movie by the way..."

Ming Anyang lowered his eyes slightly, his long and curly eyelashes flickering, just when Shen Sishuo was disappointed, he heard her answering softly.

He looked at her sharply.

Ming Anyang clenched his fists, restrained his shyness, and glared at him.

This man is too restrained. He obviously loves her so deeply, but he always pretends to be a saint in front of her. He has no desires, but when he is on vacation, he always appears by her side and keeps buying things. .

It seems that his feelings and the way he treats people well are too single and persistent, with a kind of indescribable madness and paranoia.

Just like just now, she obviously heard it from someone else.He didn't ask for any marriage leave, but he was afraid of being at home and blocking her eyes.

"Go at night. I heard that the night market in City J is very lively. Let's stay there overnight and come back after breakfast tomorrow."

Shen Sishuo nodded without thinking, "I'm going to drive..."

There are only so many public cars, and everyone is staring at them.

Ming Anyang grabbed the corner of his clothes, because she was still sitting on the sofa, just in time to see his slender abdomen, and those beautiful lines showed the strength and explosiveness of its owner.

"Let's go by car. Since I, since I'm married to you, I have to integrate into it, and I can't let you use your privileges everywhere."

Shen Sishuo watched the little girl raise her head and spoke softly.He was staring at her pink lips in a daze, and his whole body was boiling with heat.

It's really because his little wife is too delicious, he can't restrain his desire for her even more after a whole night.

Ming Anyang couldn't stand being watched by him, so he directly pinched the tender flesh around his waist, but his muscles were too strong, he couldn't pinch at all!

"Brother!" she called out to him.

Shen Sishuo looked away, "Huh? I was thinking about something just now. Anyang, please say it again."

Ming Anyang said helplessly: "I said, let's take the bus. Others can take it, why can't we?"

He frowned: "The bus is not clean, the smell is not good, and it is crowded."

"But you are protecting me..." Her words made him soften instantly.

"Okay, then I'll go and pack up, and each of us will bring a change of clothes...Anyang, which one do you want to wear?"

In the fifth department of the Railway Construction Bureau, Shen Sishuo followed Chief Engineer Zhuo to participate in the design and supervision of the entire project department.He made a lot of contributions, so he was allocated a welfare housing of more than 90 square meters with three bedrooms and two living rooms.

It was much larger than other people's [-] to [-] square meters with two bedrooms and one living room, but because there was an extra daughter-in-law in the house, he felt that the air was a bit thin.

His arms and legs seemed to have no place to rest.

After all, Ming Anyang is a person who has more memories of a lifetime, knowing that the young man in front of her is passionate about her, once she calms down, she can see the helplessness and shyness of this cold and hard man.

She bit her lip, trying not to laugh.

I didn't expect Shen Sishuo to be so lively besides his cold face.

"White shirt and skirt, by the way, bro, bring me another silk scarf..."

Shen Sishuo glanced at the marks on her neck, still a little annoyed and distressed.He was so excited last night that he didn't expect to hurt her.

He neatly packed his backpack. Of course, his ears were red, and he also took his little daughter-in-law's little clothes and trousers.

The sun had just risen, and the heat on the ground began to transpire. In the shade by the roadside, there were five or six family members waiting for the car with baskets on their shoulders.

Among them is Zheng Meijuan who is holding the child!

Ming Anyang blinked his eyes, tugging at the sleeves of the man who walked slowly in front of her to match her footsteps.

Shen Sishuo lowered his head, and saw her light white hands grabbing the corner of his clothes.Just like a child's dependence on an adult, his heart was full of sweetness.

"Huh?" He turned his head and looked at her coldly.

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and couldn't help smiling at him, the little girl's face was as white as jade, bouncing off the rising sun, as if covered with a faint halo.She laughed, with a pair of pear dimples hanging from the corner of her mouth, which was so beautiful that it dispelled the heat of August.

Shen Sishuo narrowed his eyes slightly, followed by a faint smile from the corners of his lips, and his voice became softer: "What's wrong?"

Ming Anyang asked in a low voice: "That woman with a one-year-old child, named Zheng Meijuan, is our opposite door? How much do you know about her?"

Shen Sishuo didn't look up, he glanced over just now, and he had already remembered the people waiting for the bus in his mind.

"Yes, her man was just promoted to be the squadron leader last month, and he was allocated a welfare room. On the opposite side of us, it has a layout of two bedrooms and one living room."

"At the beginning of the month, he went home and brought his wife and daughter over."

He is not too clear about other things.

Ming Anyang nodded, but felt a little strange, but couldn't put it into words.

Seeing her walking towards Shen Sishuo, Zheng Meijuan's expression froze, and she just nodded slightly at Shen Sishuo.

However, the latter did not see it, like a wooden stake stuck beside Ming Anyang.

On the other hand, the women nearby greeted with a smile: "Shen Gong, are you bringing your daughter-in-law into the city?"

"Your daughter-in-law is so young and beautiful... Shen Gong's wife, you don't know how popular our Shen Gong is in the fifth volume... but all the unmarried girls hang out in front of him all day long, but He didn't even glance at it... We were just thinking about what kind of wife Shen Gong would marry... I didn't expect you to be prettier than the stars on TV!"

Ming Anyang glanced at Shen Sishuo, this man's peach blossoms are so exuberant?
"We are childhood sweethearts," Ming Anyang chuckled, satisfying the gossip of the big guy through Shen Sishuo. "Brother Si Shuo is my brother's classmate."

The big guy nodded suddenly, the co-author had long been thinking about it, there are such beautiful and sweet little girls, if they were them, they would not look down on the group of little green vegetables in the upper part.

Shen Sishuo has always been cold, but he is the only assistant to Mr. Zhuo, and he has a high prestige in the fifth part.

The big guy looked at him with admiration, thinking that he was a person only in the sky.

Being able to chat with his daughter-in-law at close range, the women were so excited that they wished they could tell everything they knew.

Ming Anyang listened carefully to what to do in the city, where to eat, where to find fashionable clothes, etc., and sometimes asked a few questions.

Shen Sishuo lowered his eyes slightly, lingering on her body from the corner of his eye, and even moved his body slightly to shade her.

(End of this chapter)

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