Not long after, the bus came jingling.

The road is a loess road. When it rains, large vehicles pass by, leaving deep ruts, which become uneven after being soaked in the sun.

The car is not too big, not only does it have no empty seats, but also there are many people standing. It is hot and early in the morning, and the air inside the car is full of leek boxes, stinky feet, sweat, chicken, duck and goose droppings, gasoline and The sour smell after vomiting, mixed together in the steaming heat, is particularly pungent!

As soon as Ming Anyang stepped on it, she backed off a little bit, but she didn't want to ask the man to retreat, so she bit the bullet and walked back holding her breath.

Shen Sishuo bought two tickets and followed her closely.

Ming Anyang walked to the back, found a seat with an open window and stood there, grasping the armrest with his hand, breathing out slightly.

The car bumped on the dirt road, and the windows vibrated accordingly. With such up and down bumps, Ming Anyang's face was not very good-looking.

"Anyang, what's wrong with you? Is it motion sickness?" Shen Sishuo lowered his head and asked, and took out a bag of tea, "Chew the tea in your mouth, or put it under your tongue, it will be more comfortable."

As he spoke, he opened the paper bag, folded a mark, and put it near her mouth.

Ming Anyang opened his mouth, let the tea pour in, and chewed slowly.

The fragrance of tea leaves is slightly bitter, and the nostrils are filled with this light but overbearing aroma.

She felt as if she had come to life, and her eyebrows and eyes stretched a lot.

However, Shen Sishuo suddenly pulled her into his arms and turned around while wiping the seat.

The moment she landed, she heard the sound of the little girl brought by Zheng Meijuan vomiting.

There was a pungent smell in the air immediately, and she almost spit it out.Ming Anyang couldn't care less about other things, he hurriedly buried himself in Shen Sishuo's arms.

The man is clean and fresh, with a faint fragrance of soap.She could feel the strong and fast beating of his heart, beating like a drum, wishing he could pierce his chest.

The people in the car were disgusted, "Is this kid motion sick? An adult doesn't know how to carry something around... It all splashed on me... Ugh, it's so disgusting..."

"Motion sickness and eating breakfast... Hey, it's uncomfortable to spit it out and waste it... Such a small child really suffers..."

Zheng Meijuan kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, my child didn't do it on purpose."

"Otherwise, when I get out of the car, I'll wash it for you?"

Everyone saw that it was not easy for her as a young daughter-in-law to bring a child, and they complained a few words, but it was not easy to continue talking. They all turned their heads to the direction of the car window.

The car hadn't been driving for a long time, so it stopped, and another passenger wanted to come up.

The driver and the conductor yelled and told the passengers behind to squeeze back.

Shen Sishuo stood steadily, holding Ming Anyang in his arms with both hands.The two were standing sideways, Shensi Shuo was tall and strong, he blocked the situation behind him tightly, no one could see him, he just thought the back couldn't be squeezed anymore.

Ming Anyang didn't let go of her hands, she just grabbed his clothes, and as the car swayed, she could bump into him from time to time.

At this time, the man was very polite, not to mention wrapping around her waist to ensure that she stood firmly, but letting her sway like a tumbler.

But after a few moments, the veins on the man's forehead swelled up, and the arms supporting the seat also exerted a little force, enjoying the pain.

But Ming Anyang could clearly feel the changes in his body!

She stopped tugging at his clothes now, and directly pressed his arm on his arm, using her strength to stand up...

It is said that men with good physical strength, especially those in their 20s, are in greater demand, not to mention that Shen Sishuo has just tasted it.

Ming Anyang is funny and has a touch of distress.

Zheng Meijuan, who was next to them, couldn't help cursing inwardly, this miraculous daughter-in-law really doesn't know how to be ashamed, in front of everyone, she would either crawl into his arms or hold his arms.

She is too aware of the evil nature of men, but where are men who are not lustful?
Even if it is divine work, I am afraid it cannot be exempted from vulgarity, right?
Such a character who was exiled to the immortals was seduced by Ming Anyang, so it was no wonder that he would bite people so that there were marks all over his neck.

It's just that Zheng Meijuan frowned slightly, Ming Anyang did not go shopping with Shengong in her last life, let alone such blatant intimacy.

Could it be that she was reborn, so everything started to change?

She looked down at the sleepy little girl, without any kindness in her eyes, wondering if the two of them going to the city would affect her plan.

After wandering in the car for an hour and a half, Ming Anyang's legs were weak when he got off, and even his body couldn't help shaking.

Shen Sishuo hesitated, held her hand, and strode forward, "Let's go to the guest house to rest first, and then go to eat."

Ming Anyang hummed, then turned to look at Zheng Meijuan who was walking forward with the child.

She suddenly asked: "Brother, does Zheng Meijuan's man have double eyelids?"

Shen Sishuo looked at her sideways, "No, what's wrong?" The little girl was willing to talk to him, and he was very patient.

Ming Anyang whispered: "I just think this Zheng Meijuan is a bit strange. I can't explain why. Brother, look, Zheng Meijuan has single eyelids, and his man also has single eyelids, but the little girl does have double eyelids!"

"I didn't see any resemblance to Zheng Meijuan from the child. It shouldn't be."

Shen Sishuo frowned and thought for a while, "Our Railway Construction Bureau is quite special, it belongs to the army, and the project we are in charge of is very important."

"This also leads to the fact that if we want to get married, we have to report to the unit."

"If I remember correctly, Zhang Zhengyang took leave of absence to get married in April last year..."

Ming Anyang was held by Shen Sishuo with one hand, and stretched out the other hand to start counting, "So, they were married for only one year and three or four months? But this child is also one and a half years old, right?"

"Are they married with their sons, or is it a marriage certificate that was reissued later?"

Shen Sishuo stopped helplessly, "Anyang, we are out to play today, so you just have fun, what do you want so much for?"

With so much energy, can't she think about him more?

Ming Anyang raised his chin slightly: "What if Zheng Meijuan is not Zhang Nannan's mother?"

She remembered that when she returned home, Shen Sishuo also chased after her, but he didn't stay for two days before returning because of special circumstances in the unit.

If she remembers correctly, it seems that a neighbor has lost a child!
The child's father was very anxious, and there was no one to turn to for help, so he called him.

Shen Sishuo raised his eyebrows: "If it's not, so what?"

Ming Anyang said to him seriously: "I see Zheng Meijuan acting like a good wife and mother in front of outsiders, but I feel that this is not the real her."

"She seems to think that she is very powerful and looks down on others... You don't know, when she came to the house as a guest in the morning, she looked at me with such eyes..."

As she spoke, she even performed for him!
Shen Sishuo turned cold: "Did they bully you?"

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