Chapter 342 70s as a fine wife (13)

Ming Anyang didn't know what to do with the man who spoke so cautiously and restrained his affectionate words.

That's right, she has a bad temper. Anyone who knows her well will think that she is either out of her mind or has learned to turn around when she hears that she swears at him last night and says she likes him today.

The one who loves first will always be the loser, so where is the confidence?

Ming Anyang leaned in his arms and said aggrievedly: "You bully!"

Hearing the word bullying, Shen Sishuo's whole body tensed up, and the arms around her waist used some strength, and somewhere was about to move.

He rolled his Adam's apple up and down, and kissed her shiny earlobe, "I'm your man, and only then will I bully you..."

"However, I can be bullied by you."

Ming Anyang couldn't help shaking.Her ears are relatively sensitive, and she can't imagine why a serious man always drives to her today.

She said angrily, "Who, who wants to bully you!"

"Anyway, I have already submitted my application for the college entrance examination, and I managed to get through the black senior year. I will definitely not accept retakes. I can only study in the history department of Haida University."

"Unless you change your wife, otherwise, you have to do ideological work for your father-in-law and mother-in-law in advance..."

Shen Sishuo was so angry with her, he bit her earlobe lightly, and said bluntly: "Impossible, I'm just a daughter-in-law like you. Change!"

This must be a post-husband, how could there be any love for her in the previous life?

Ming Anyang beat him with his arm, "It's agreed, after you are on vacation, come home with me, and you will tell my parents about this!"

Shen Sishuo pursed his lips and stared at her profile.The little girl's eyelashes are thick and curly, flickering and flickering very beautifully, her upturned nose and pink lips are attractive everywhere.

Such a soft and fragrant person is in his arms.

He sighed slightly, and said in a muffled voice, "You rely on me to like you."

As he said that, he secretly wrapped his arms around the person in his arms, "Go to sleep for a while, you will be energetic in the afternoon and evening."

Curtains shaded the blazing sun outside, and the windows were only slightly open to allow air to circulate.

The fan on the roof squeaked and turned slowly, blowing down gusts of breeze. The man's body was hot, but Ming Anyang was still reluctant to leave his embrace, and slowly fell asleep in the alternation of heat and cool wind.

After the woman took a long breath, Shen Sishuo propped up his arms, looked at her carefully, couldn't help but approached quietly, and touched her lovingly with his lips.

Just a taste of it, it aroused his longing for her, it was really happiness and pain.

He didn't sleep much yesterday, and now he was so excited that he didn't feel sleepy at all, he just looked at her obsessively.

Ming Anyang hasn't had a comfortable sleep for a long time. Ever since the man left in her last life, she has suffered from insomnia all night, and even when she fell asleep, it would look like he was covered in blood.

She turned her head and saw the man sleeping. He was not as cold as before, but rather gentle, like a neighbor's brother.

She bent her lips, turned around little by little, nestled in his arms, and put her arms around his waist, as if hugging him back.

The beauty of this moment made her nostalgic.

Not long after, the man hugged her into his arms, his voice hoarse: "Daughter-in-law, are you awake?"

Ming Anyang nodded, "Where are we going later?"

Shen Sishuo looked down at her, the woman was close at hand, but he couldn't have any further intimacy, "Go to the supply and marketing cooperative first, and see what you like."

As he spoke, he turned sideways, took out the passbook and wallet from his bag, and stuffed them into her hands, "You are my wife, and you will be our housekeeper from now on."

Ming Anyang glared at him, "Are you sure? Are you not afraid that I will give away all the money you have saved so hard?"

She had this idea in her last life!He also really dared to let go.

Shen Sishuo smiled lowly: "This is all our savings, if you really want to eat bran swallowed vegetables, you can do whatever you want."

"However, you man is not willing to part with it. Even if you work hard, you have to raise you to be white and fat, and you don't have to worry about food and clothing."

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, he did it before.When she was in college, she was the richest person among her classmates. She had to buy new clothes from time to time, and there were endless fruits, snacks, eggs, milk and meat every day, and she often treated guests to dinner.

Once she ran out of money, she would reach out and ask him for it.At that time, what she wanted to hear most was his rejection.

She whispered, "I'm not willing to part with it either. The money is earned by Ah Shuo so hard. I have to distribute it reasonably."

That being said, she sat up, wondering how much his little coffers had.

Shen Sishuo didn't even get up, he just put his hands on his pillow, watching Ming Anyang counting hurriedly like a little money fan.

There is a stack of Da Tuan and various bills in the wallet, worth about 500 yuan?
She blinked her eyes, leaned over and asked in a low voice, "A Shuo, why do you bring so much money?"

Shen Sishuo was very pleased with her natural demeanor, even because in an unfamiliar environment, she showed her dependence and trust in him shallowly.

He didn't know whether his judgment was correct.

He chuckled lightly and said, "I promised to take you out for shopping. If you don't bring some extra money, how can it be enough?"

But the purchasing power of money tickets in 500 was astonishing, and they didn't buy big items, let alone four or five hundred yuan, even 100 yuan would not be enough to spend.

Ming Anyang put the wallet aside, and looked at the amount on the passbook, it turned out to be more than 2000 yuan!

"Ashuo, is my memory wrong? If I remember correctly, you are five years older than me, but you have been working for two years. Even with a monthly salary of 60 yuan, you can't save so much money, right? ?”

And apart from the passbook and wallet, Shen Sishuo also gave her a very generous gift.

Shen Sishuo smiled: "I have received money since I was in the military academy. We study cultural knowledge in the morning, do physical training in the afternoon, and have free activities in the evening. Basically, I will go to the logistics department of the army to help repair various equipment and earn some pocket money. money."

"It's all paid on a case-by-case basis, and if you add up, the amount will be quite considerable."

"When I was in my junior year, I was spotted by Chief Engineer Zhuo and took me with me for an internship. At that time, my unit paid me half of my current salary."

"I also repair equipment for my unit at night... Many machines are imported, but the repairers are all sent back to the country. There are not many people in China who can repair these machines, so that these machines are shelved in warehouses if they have problems. gray."

"So after I repair the equipment, the income is not low. After all, I have to save enough money for my wife soon..."

Ming Anyang watched him smile with brows stretched, and felt pain in his heart.

Her family is in a good condition. There is only one elder brother, and her parents are both employed. They can be counted among the Ruyi textile factories in the entire capital.

The gift given to her by Shen Sishuo made the neighbors envious!
(End of this chapter)

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