Chapter 343 70s as a fine wife (14)

At this time, the betrothal gift is three big pieces and 36 legs, which can only be given by people who have a particularly good life in the city.

Shen Sishuo gave everything in one go, such as bicycles, sewing machines, watches, vertical cabinets, flat cabinets, dressing cabinets and bunk beds!

In addition, he also gave Ming Anyang 99 yuan, implying that the future of the two will last forever.

Of course, no one in the Ming family told her about this gift money. Not only did they bring it back to her without any change, but they also stuffed another 300 yuan.

Ming Anyang squeezed his passbook, "Actually, Ashuo, I can take care of myself pretty well. Your salary is not too low now, it's enough for both of us. Don't be tired."

Shen Sishuo couldn't help holding one of her hands, rubbing it lightly, "Anyang, the economy and technology are developing very fast now, and my method of earning pocket money can last for two or three years at most."

"At that time, not to mention that our country has developed machines with similar performance to foreign countries, these machines hoarded in the warehouse are useless and need to be repaired, and there will be more and more equipment repair masters who have learned systematic knowledge. I You can’t beat their professionalism.”

"Besides, we are young, and I want to make more money. I'm not tired. I just hope that when our Anyang family sees a beautiful dress or fruit they like, they won't hesitate because they don't have much money in their pockets. "

"Anyang, you just study hard and leave the rest to me."

"In the past, parents took care of you, but in the future, I will escort you..."

Ming Anyang smiled and plunged into his arms, and kissed his cheek, "I know that brother is the best! As long as you don't feel tired, I'm really easy to support."

"I heard that college students are subsidized, 18 yuan a month, and a well-known university like Haida, I heard that there are high scholarships and scholarships sponsored by the society."

Shen Sishuo looked at her with deep eyes, his voice was hoarse, and he asked word by word: "Ming Anyang, you, did you see my desire for you last night?"

"If you don't want to go through it again, it's best to keep a distance from me. I can't stand your hint."

Ming Anyang blinked his eyes.She really wanted to tease him now, to see what kind of desire her hint could arouse in him.

But she is not feeling well now, and she only has two experiences in her two lives, and they are both passive ones.

She hurriedly sat up straight and became extraordinarily well-behaved.

Disappointment flashed in Shen Sishuo's eyes, "Let's go, now the temperature outside is slowly dropping, let's buy some soda and drink it and visit the supply and marketing cooperative."

Ming Anyang hummed.After a simple wash, the two of them packed their things, locked the door and left.

In the afternoon at the end of July, the weather was still so hot that people were upset. Shen Sishuo didn't care about other people's gazes, he held Ming Anyang's hand generously, and bought two bottles of iced orange soda at the nearby store.

The two sat side by side on the steps and drank slowly. The slightly cool and sweet soda dispelled most of the heat at once.

Ming Anyang squinted her eyes contentedly, feeling that she is too easy to be satisfied now, and every little thing is left in her heart to reminisce and cherish.

"Ashuo, how did you handle that matter in the morning?"

she asked quietly.

Shen Sishuo also whispered, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I just led the comrades in the bureau to capture the traffickers, and the little girl was naturally found."

"When Zheng Meijuan tells people that the child is lost, Zhang Zhengyang will definitely come to the city first to come to the police, and he will naturally be able to bring his daughter home."

"When it comes to human traffickers, it's better for us to intervene less. They usually commit crimes in gangs. We don't know how many people are in their gangs, so we just secretly provide clues and assist in the arrest."

"The rest of the work will naturally be left to specialists."

Human traffickers are very cruel and have no bottom line at all. If he is targeted by them, wouldn't he want to hang his wife on his waist?

Ming Anyang nodded, "What about Zheng Meijuan?"

Shen Sishuo sneered: "In order to reduce the sentence, the traffickers will definitely know everything and say everything, and they will definitely confess to Zheng Meijuan... Zheng Meijuan disguised herself to sell the child. One could question what role she, the mother, played in it."

"Recently, the traffickers in the city have been rampant, and she also used this to lose her child..."

Zheng Meijuan is handsome, and it is said that she is still a rare high school student, otherwise she would not have married Zhang Zhengyang in the countryside.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is gentle and sensible, and she is also considerate to children. Who would have thought that she is sweet-faced and bitter-hearted!

Zhang Nannan is only a little over one year old, so she won't express when she is wronged.

"However, if we send the traffickers into the bureau, Zheng Meijuan will be dug out by following the clues."

"As long as people do it, they can't escape the punishment of the law!"

Ming Anyang hummed, "Zhang Nannan is so young, what can she remember? I see that she is also cute and cute, as long as Zheng Meijuan treats this child as her own and loves her, it's like picking up a girl for nothing."

"Why is she so overwhelmed? Didn't she think about these issues before she married Zhang Zhengyang?"

Hearing her angry voice, Shen Sishuo patted her on the head, "Some people are narrow-minded, we can't understand."

"Let's go out to play today, and leave her alone for the time being. After we go back tomorrow, things will come to an end."

Ming Anyang was already looking forward to it.

After finishing their drinks, they went to the supply and marketing cooperative.

Although the area of ​​this small town is small, the supply and marketing cooperative has two floors, each floor is not small, and the counters are full of things!
Ming Anyang was too harsh on himself in his previous life. From a limp and charming lady who liked to rely on her family, she grew into a cactus out of anger.

She hardly ever enjoyed the treatment of a girl.Even if it was a supply and marketing cooperative in [-], it didn't have the beauty and luxury of the shops of later generations, with a wide variety of products, but she still enjoyed shopping.

It's not easy to go back and forth in the city, Ming Anyang doesn't plan to find trouble for nothing, so she plans to buy all the things she needs at once.

Because she married Shen Sishuo, the family prepared a lot of clothes for her, and Shen Sishuo also bought a lot for her, and now the store only sells summer clothes, so she doesn't need to buy clothes.

After shopping around, Ming Anyang bought a shoulder bag, a pair of leather shoes, and a sun hat. Of course, she didn't forget to buy two casual clothes for the man.

The man let her spend, but when paying, he still bought her two sets of clothes and some snacks.

Coming out of the supply and marketing cooperative, Shen Sishuo stored the things.The two of them went to the state-run restaurant to finish their meal, and happened to be strolling around the night market next door.

Since the spring breeze blew up, the night market has quickly formed a scale, and people can buy everything.

(End of this chapter)

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