Ming Anyang really likes the feeling of the two of them holding hands and strolling down the street.

There were many trinkets on the floor stall, and Shen Sishuo dragged her over to look at them, "Daughter-in-law, I see that the little girl likes them all, so why don't you choose some?"

"I'm a big man, and I have different preferences from your little girls. You can't let me choose for you, right?"

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and smiled.What woman can say no to beautiful trinkets?
She picked out several bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches and tiaras.

Shen Si Shuo Le had to pay for it, and asked her if it was enough from time to time.

Ming Anyang glared at him angrily, and stretched out his hands: "Brother, I only have one pair of hands, one neck, and one pair of ears. How much can I carry?"

"I'm still a student now, and I still focus on studying. These gadgets are just for calming down my mood. Besides, won't I buy something that looks good in the future?"

"Do you think I'm saving money for you? I must have bought enough!"

Shen Sishuo touched his nose, yes, the little girl was always rude to him, "That's good, daughter-in-law, just tell me what you need."

Strolling around the night market, he happened to arrive at the entrance of the movie theater. He bought one serving of popcorn, one serving of melon seeds, and two servings of soda.

Ming Anyang can't remember how many years she hasn't stepped into a movie theater. Such an old and lively place has had a great impact on her, making her understand more deeply that she has really been reborn, and the man is right next to her, feeding her bursting Mihua will feed her melon seeds and soda for a while.

She didn't watch many movies, she only felt that the man was rubbing his hands on her lips vaguely!

Even while eating melon seeds and spectators whispering, I could vaguely hear his panting...

After leaving the theater, there were not many people on the street.

Ming Anyang held his arm, and the two walked slowly towards the guest house.

They all enjoyed this silent sweetness and were unwilling to open their mouths to break it easily.

Ever since Ming Anyang found out about their marriage, there has been a tense atmosphere between them until this morning.

Shen Sishuo was very afraid that she might have something on her mind again, and he didn't dare to take it lightly at all times, for fear of being fooled by her sugar-coated bullets and agreeing to something.

"Anyang, most of the family members in our family home are unemployed. Although the wages and benefits provided by the unit are good, but there are many children and elderly people in every household, the burden is heavy, and the competition among family members is serious..."

"You don't have to think too much, just do what you want, don't let yourself be wronged... If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me, man will find a place for you..."

"We don't cause trouble, and we're definitely not afraid of trouble... If those family members play tricks, don't bother...Men are for relying on, not accommodating..."

Ming Anyang nodded, "Ashuo, don't worry, I will definitely not be bullied foolishly."

It seemed like he had nothing to say except this.

The two fell silent again, "At the beginning of next month, I will try my best to apply for a few days off and take you back to your mother's house for two days."

Ming Anyang hummed, "Don't forget what I asked you to do."

Shen Sishuo has also learned to stare at people now, "You know how to instigate people, so I won't be angry, I don't need you, coax me?"

Speaking of the latter, his ears were reddish, and he tilted his head uncomfortably.

Ming Anyang smiled and asked: "Then, I don't know how Ashuo needs me to coax him?"

She seemed to be thinking seriously: "I don't know who it is at noon. I even think I have bad intentions... Ah, it seems that if I hug you, a single spark can start a prairie fire..."

Shen Sishuo looked at her deeply, thinking that the little daughter-in-law was driving, but he had no proof.

He breathed heavily, gritted his teeth and said, "Daughter-in-law, do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

"You are comfortable, can you bear my torment again?"

Ming Anyang shook his head again and again, blushing and whispered: "I, I can't walk now, I feel uncomfortable..."

Shen Sishuo looked around, there was almost no one on the street at the moment, so he squatted in front of her, "Shall I carry you?"

Ming Anyang chuckled, took two steps back, and trotted directly onto him.

The man actually firmly grasped her leg, and lifted her up easily, without any staggering, which shows the stability of his lower body and his great strength.

"Naughty!" He laughed lowly, but he didn't ignore the soft touch when the woman pounced on her, which can make people feel electrified!
Ming Anyang was lying on his shoulders, her legs were swaying mischievously, but in only 2 minutes, she saw the sign of the guest house.

"Ashuo, what should I do, I don't really want to go back to sleep... Otherwise, let's go for a walk in the nearby lakeside park?"

Shensi Shuo hummed, turned around and crossed the road, and went to the opposite park.

Summer insects are chirping in the bushes, the bright moon is shuttled among the treetops, and the wind by the lake is slightly cool, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Ashuo, I'm actually easy to coax. If I'm angry with you in the future, you can hug me and kiss me..."

"Ashuo, you are so good, why don't you be more confident, why can't you believe that I like you?"

She turned her head to look at him, breathing lightly against his ear.

The whispering voice is very beautiful!

Shen Sishuo tensed his jaw, "Daughter-in-law, I'm afraid that if you lie to me, I will go crazy when I find out it's fake."

He would rather believe that she doesn't like him than accept her deception.

After tasting her tenderness, he will not be able to bear her ruthless indifference again!

Ming Anyang felt powerless in his heart, "Then how can I convince you that I am really accepting you little by little, and want to spend the rest of my life with you?"

Shensi Shuo took two steps aside abruptly, and put her down on the tree trunk.

He supported the tree trunk with one hand, wrapped her waist with the other, and held her tightly in his arms.He pressed her forehead, "If you really accept me, you shouldn't reject my intimacy, right?"

"I, can I kiss you?" He carefully mentioned his longing for a day.

Ming Anyang posted it with his eyes closed.

Her lips were slightly cool, with the sweetness of soda, and his hotness, touching each other tightly and lightly, the two couldn't help shivering.

Shen Sishuo couldn't bear it anymore, kissed her domineeringly, and said vaguely: "Daughter-in-law, you better really like me!"

"I won't accept other answers..."

Ming Anyang put his arms around his neck, gradually abandoned his shyness, and responded to him.

The man gritted his teeth uncomfortably: "Let's go back to the guest house!"

Ming Anyang shook his head again and again, "I'm afraid of pain, will it be okay in two days... Besides, the guest house is not soundproof, we turned around a little, and the bed creaked..."

Shen Sishuo also hated himself for being too indulgent and unpromising last night, and gnawed on the meat of several days at once.

He hugged Ming Anyang and calmed down for a long time before he sighed, "Daughter-in-law, are you challenging my self-control?"

Where did Ming Anyang dare to move, he said aggrievedly: "Obviously you want to be intimate."

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