Back at the guest house, the two of them didn't dare to make any intimacy after washing, and they slept neatly shoulder to shoulder.

Early the next morning, they had breakfast, carried their things and took the bus back.

When they wandered to the family courtyard, the big guy just finished his work and was sitting under the shade of a tree muttering.

Hu Xiaoyan saw Ming Anyang from a distance, and waved at her excitedly, but didn't say a word. When she got close to her, she leaned over and whispered: "Good job, you accompany my sister-in-law to the city. shopping?"

"Please go back with your things first, I'll have a word with my sister-in-law."

Shen Sishuo looked at Ming Anyang.

Ming Anyang blinked, and could think of what Hu Xiaoyan was going to say, so he smiled and waved at Shen Sishuo: "Ashuo, I'll play downstairs and then go up."

Shen Sishuo nodded, "Don't stay too long, the weather will heat up later."

Hu Xiaoyan looked a little sour, "I think when my husband and I first got married, I was very tired. The distance of two steps would take eighteen miles to see each other off... Alas, since the children in the family were born one by one , He and I are really old couples, we treat each other as relatives, and the feeling of blushing and beating is gone..."

Ming Anyang smiled, "That's how everyone came here, sister-in-law, don't make fun of us."

"What do you want to tell me, sister-in-law?"

Hu Xiaoyan immediately became excited, took her to the bottom of the tree, and whispered to her: "Little sister-in-law didn't come back last night, I don't know what happened to our family home!"

"Didn't you go to the city by car, and Zheng Meijuan took her daughter there too? In the afternoon, Zheng Meijuan called her man, and she was so frightened that she cried and said that the child was taken away... She gave her shoes I ran away, but I couldn't find the child. I searched for two or three hours, but I couldn't find it, so I called back..."

"She was crying so hard on the phone... Her man asked her where the child was lost, why she didn't report the crime..."

"Zheng Meijuan said she was in the toilet. When she squatted in the toilet, she put the child at the door of the toilet. She never expected that someone would run away with the child in her arms. When she put on her pants and chased her out, there would be no trace of the trafficker... As for the report, she If the child has not been missing for more than 24 hours, the bureau will not pick up..."

"Captain Zhang was angry and worried, borrowed a car and drove away... and two colleagues followed... They picked up Zheng Meijuan, who had disheveled hair, lost a shoe, and cried all over her face, and went straight to the bureau... ...Sister-in-law, guess what happened?"

Ming Anyang almost failed, what can he do, he must have found Zhang Nannan.

But she had to follow Hu Xiaoyan's words and asked nervously: "What's wrong? Sister-in-law, don't fool me, I'm the most anxious person!"

Hu Xiaoyan then continued: "As a result, Nan Nan's girl was very fateful, and she was rescued from the train station by the comrades in the bureau... It is said that if it was 10 minutes late, the little girl would definitely be kidnapped and sold away." , looking for it is like looking for a needle in a haystack..."

"However, the comrades in the bureau didn't say anything about it at the first time. Instead, they questioned Zheng Meijuan what happened, asking over and over again..."

"The comrades in the police station are very powerful. After going through it three or five times, I found that what Zheng Meijuan said was contradictory. She must be lying... Besides, if a normal person loses a child, why don't they seek help from the comrades in the bureau?"

"She is like a lunatic. She looks everywhere by herself and doesn't know how to ask for help. She is obviously wasting time... What's more, Nan Nan was sold to traffickers..."

"Who sold her? Either they took the child away, or Zheng Meijuan..."

"Everything has a motive... Sister-in-law, we just know that this Zheng Meijuan is not Zhang Nannan's real mother... It seems that Zhang Nannan's real mother died of dystocia, leaving behind a baby... The members of Captain Zhang's family, just Get him a second wife soon, Zheng Meijuan..."

"...Sister-in-law, let me tell you, Zheng Meijuan has too many eyes and is very jealous. I didn't expect her to be so vicious... Everyone knows that human traffickers are rampant recently, and they dare not let go of the child's hand wherever they go... Why didn't other people lose their child, but hers?"

"...She is very suspicious, but the comrades in the bureau couldn't find any evidence to prove that the child she sold...In addition, the child was found, and Captain Zhang brought the child and Zheng Meijuan back..."

"If you want me to tell you, this matter must have something to do with Zheng Meijuan. That squadron leader Zhang was fascinated by the's justified if she didn't sell miserably...I'm afraid it won't work this time, and Zheng Meijuan will come up with other ideas...Who would give it to others? A woman raising a child..."

Ming Anyang frowned tightly, "She is very suspicious, the police just let her go, don't you want to pursue it?"

Hu Xiaoyan curled her lips: "Let me tell you, if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather. A man looks good. Didn't the comrades in the bureau convict Zheng Meijuan yet?"

"Captain Zhang is afraid of losing face. Even though he feels that Zheng Meijuan has a great responsibility in his heart, he still has to bring her back..."

"My man said that it is very likely that this matter will be left alone. Anyway, the child is not lost. Poor baby..."

Ming Anyang couldn't help but said angrily: "He is so confused, in case Zheng Meijuan has other thoughts, the child is so young, it is easy to have accidents."

Hu Xiaoyan nodded: "Who says it's not, but Captain Zhang firmly believes that Zheng Meijuan is kind-hearted and not such a villain. He also said that even if Zheng Meijuan is a villain, after this incident, she must have learned her lesson and will not continue to commit crimes."

"And, this morning, I saw that the squadron leader didn't look like the one who lost his child yesterday. The one with the red face must have been well taken care of..."

"Someone asked him what to do in the future when he was cooking. Guess what the squadron leader said?"

Ming Anyang shook his head, his heart was on fire, "It's not a good thing anyway, is it?"

"That's right, it's not easy to say anything about Zheng Meijuan. If she were her own mother, she would definitely not be suspected by others... She is a stepmother. No matter how well she does, no one cares. It has become a heinous crime... In order to prevent such a situation, Captain Zhang decided to send Nan Nan's child back to his hometown..." Hu Xiaoyan shook her head and sighed.

Ming Anyang clenched his fists.Others don't know, but she and Shen Sishuo saw it with their own eyes. It was Zheng Meijuan who sold the child in her arms!
"I can't stand it anymore, go home!" She angrily ran towards the house.

After entering the door, she gritted her teeth and told Shen Sishuo what she had just heard.

"This couple!" Ming Anyang seldom swears at others, so it can be seen that she is really angry, "Ashuo, do you think Zhang Zhengyang really doesn't know what Zheng Meijuan is thinking?"

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