Chapter 346 70s as a fine wife (17)

Shen Sishuo also had a cold face: "Even if he is not sure, he must have doubts about Zheng Meijuan."

"However, listening to what you said, he intends to turn this matter over and minimize the impact!"

"He sent the child back to his hometown to show his attitude. Nothing will happen to the child in the future, and Zheng Meijuan will not be held accountable again because of her status as a stepmother."

"Besides, the two of them just got married for a year before reuniting. Zhang Zhengyang doesn't want to change wives frequently, and he doesn't want to tarnish his reputation. Even if he knows that Zheng Meijuan plans to sell the child, he will never admit it!"

"Even...he will have his own child with Zheng Meijuan as soon as possible..."

Ming Anyang stared at the gate, wishing he could penetrate the two gates and pierce the face of the couple.

"Then, are we really going to let Zheng Meijuan get away with it? Zhang Nannan was almost trafficked, but the perpetrator was fine, and she was sent back to her hometown instead?"

"Once this child is sent back, her life may be over!"

Without the protection of his parents, for a narrow-minded person like Zheng Meijuan, how much money can Zhang Zhengyang send home every month?

Even if the father is like this, how can the grandparents who have many descendants in the countryside who are patriarchal love her love her?
What will a child look like without adults in charge?How many years can she go to school with peace of mind, what kind of husband's family can she find?
Ming Anyang is not a person full of sympathy, but she doesn't want the bad guys to succeed.

Shen Sishuo pulled her to the sofa and sat down.When they came back, there were not many people in the car. While waiting for the car, he bought a big watermelon and brought them back together.

Cut it and put it in the refrigerator for about ten minutes, it is just not cold or hot at the moment.

He stuffed a piece into his daughter-in-law's hand, and he also picked up a piece and bit it big, "Actually, even if Zheng Meijuan's crime is confirmed, she can still say that she doesn't know, and she wants to give Zhang Nannan to others for adoption, and she doesn't recognize the transaction." ..."

"And even if Zhang Zhengyang pursued it, Zheng Meijuan would at most be detained for education and fined... But, I will try to prevent Zhang Zhengyang from sending the child back."

"That child is quite pitiful. She is a victim. She didn't get the protection she deserved. Instead, she wants to make things easier for the perpetrator... Oh, we have to find something for Zheng Meijuan to do, otherwise she will have to be a demon..."

Ming Anyang gnawed on the watermelon, his eyes lit up, "That's right, as long as the child doesn't go back, the whole family courtyard will be staring at her to see how she abuses the child!"

"Well, Hu Xiaoyan will definitely be happy to supervise this matter."

Shen Sishuo looked at her with a smile, "I'll talk to the leader later, the child should follow his parents, and he can't just throw the child to the countryside just because he is a stepmother and has experienced this incident again."

"Our family home has a nursery. If Zheng Meijuan doesn't want to be a stepmother, she can throw the child in the nursery. It's better than letting the child pick up sheep dung and eggs in the countryside?"

Ming Anyang was choked, picked up sheep dung to eat?
Shen Sishuo explained to her again with a smile: "In the countryside, there are many children in every household, but parents have to go to the fields to work, and they often take their children to the fields and leave them alone."

"The older children are playing on the sidelines, while the younger children are crawling around on the ground, stuffing things into their mouths when they pick them up. It is estimated that there are not many rural people who have never eaten when they were young... We sometimes saw it when we went to the countryside for inspection... "

He quickly finished three pieces of watermelon, and cleaned up the watermelon rind and watermelon seeds on the table, "Daughter-in-law, you can rest at home for a while, without further delay, I'll go out and get this done."

Ming Anyang hummed and continued to eat the watermelon.She especially likes to eat watermelon, especially the juicy and sweet one, which has a strong watermelon taste after one bite. Summer is incomplete without watermelon!

As a result, just as Shen Sishuo opened the door, the opposite door also opened.

Zheng Meijuan timidly looked at the tall, slender, cool and handsome man, her face flushed and she whispered, "Shengong, Zhengyang is going to take a few days off, and come back to my hometown with me...Our hometown is far away..."

Before she finished speaking, Shen Sishuo closed the door without even looking at her, and strode away.

But Ming Anyang heard her voice, hurriedly put down the watermelon and ran out to open the door, only to see Zheng Meijuan wearing a sleeveless cotton dress with several ambiguous red spots on her neck!
"Hey, I said Comrade Zheng, you are not lying on the door just waiting for our house to open the door, are you?"

"As long as you dress like this, what does Baba say to my man? We have only been married for two days, and it is the time when we are in a good relationship. Although you are average in appearance, not as tall as me, not as tall as me, and you are petty, but you and my man Speaking of which, I'm still not happy!"

"Don't you know the meaning of the word avoidance?"

Zheng Meijuan held the door frame tightly, "Sister-in-law, what do you mean?"

"I talked to Shengong openly. We are going home recently, and we planted flowers and plants on the balcony, fearing that no one will take care of them and die. Shouldn't neighbors help each other?"

Ming Anyang sneered: "Zheng Meijuan, you know what's on your mind."

"There are a lot of neighbors, do you need to tell my man? Do you think he cares about you? My Ashuo has a good temper, but it doesn't mean he should be pestered by you disgustingly!"

"Also, if I heard correctly, you two have just been picked up from your hometown, and you are going back again?"

"Send the child back? You, stepmother, are no longer an eyesore, and continue to be a kind and beautiful comrade? What about the child? Her own father doesn't care about her, and she relies on relatives at home?"

"I really don't know why you adults are so selfish and cold..."

At this moment, Hu Xiaoyan also stepped upstairs, "That's right, Zheng Meijuan, who do you act for all day? It's really good for the child, and can make the child lose it?"

"It's the first time I've heard of a child who hasn't been missing for more than 24 hours... You didn't go to the bureau, otherwise you wouldn't be able to sing this play..."

"Send Nan Nan back to her hometown, and then you will give birth to Squadron Zhang's baby. Your family will be harmonious and beautiful, and Nan Nan will become a poor little boy without a father or a mother?"

The family members have a sense of justice to some extent, mainly because they like to gossip and join in the fun, and now they are all rushing up, accusing Zhang Zhengyang and Zheng Meijuan of only caring about their own happiness and not caring about their children's life or death.

Zheng Meijuan was very angry.She gave Ming Anyang and Hu Xiaoyan a hard look, "It's hard for an upright official to settle housework, I won't talk to you women who don't know right from wrong!"

She slammed the door shut.

The big guys are a little disappointed, why did they close the door?
Hu Xiaoyan poohed: "Guilty, why can't we just say no? This is called evil does not suppress justice!"

The protagonist is not here, and the big guys will soon disperse.

However, they all saw the imprint on Zheng Meijuan's neck, and there was evidence of Zhang Zhengyang's happy face in the morning.

Pillow wind, which man doesn't like it?

Ming Anyang is still angry.As a woman, she intuitively felt that Zheng Meijuan had thoughts about Shen Sishuo!
(End of this chapter)

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