Chapter 347 70s as a fine wife (18)

Ming Anyang was in a bad mood, so she was prone to sleepiness. This time, after eating the watermelon, she fell sideways on the sofa with the fan blowing on it not long after.

She had a very long dream, but when she woke up and looked at the wall clock on the wall, it was only twenty or ten minutes.

But she remembered the things in the dream clearly!
It seems that after she died in the last life, she was still unwilling, so the ghost wandered to a very large library, and somehow was attracted by a novel with her and A Shuo's names on it.

This is a novel world, Shen Sishuo and her Ming Anyang are both supporting roles in the novel.

The protagonists are Zhou Zheng, who looks opposite, Zhang Zhengyang, a capable and educated phoenix man, and Zheng Meijuan, an urban white-collar traveler.

Zheng Meijuan came across time, and happened to be on the train picked up by Zhang Zhengyang, along with a stepdaughter.

What Zheng Meijuan has is the complete memory of the original owner.The original Zheng Meijuan was a gentle and virtuous village woman. Although she had a high school degree, she was petty in her behavior, but she made up her mind to take care of her husband and raise her children well.

However, when she came to the family home, because she came from the countryside, she was squeezed out everywhere, and she was not a part of any good deeds. She was replaced by others when recruiting, and her stepdaughter was estranged from her because of gossip. The man felt that she did not give him face.

Later, she finally became pregnant, and the stepdaughter who was misled by public opinion was afraid that she would not be favored.The three-year-old child actually sprinkled beans on the ground, causing her to have a miscarriage, and she will be barren for the rest of her life!

The Zhang family wanted a son, but she couldn't bear it, so she was divorced after the old man and the old lady of the Zhang family made a fuss.

Afterwards, she married a crippled boiler-burning old man in her work unit. From time to time, men drank and domestically abused her. Life was miserable.

But Zheng Meijuan came through time travel, and the first thing she did when she arrived at the family home was to find herself a job as an accountant, which made the man look good and greatly reduced the financial pressure on the family.

She still treats her stepdaughter with the same heart and soul as the original owner, but because she traveled through this butterfly effect, the child got lost while going shopping with her in the city, and could never be found again.

Zheng Meijuan was heartbroken and wanted to die, but it was Zhang Zhengyang who reluctantly comforted her and said to give her a child.

Without the stepdaughter, the relationship between the couple became warmer and sweeter.

On the contrary, Shengong is good-looking, highly educated, and strong in work ability. He is also obedient to his wife, and he is particularly envious of the lives of Zhang Zhengyang and Zheng Meijuan.

But Shengong's daughter-in-law is not a lucky one. She hasn't appeared since she got married. Every time Shengong asks for leave to find her.

Separation of the two places, emotional discord, etc., the couple finally became strangers, and Shengong became more and more silent.

Perhaps because of the longing for marriage, Shengong has provided a lot of help to Zhang Zhengyang and Zheng Meijuan.

However, Ming Anyang bit her lips. In this story, her ending was to put a hat on Shen Sishuo.After being divorced, her life was miserable, and it was only when she was desperate that she found out that Shen Sishuo was kind, and he had the cheek to bring his children to the door to remarry...

She took a deep breath, it was a dream, definitely a dream!
After a lifetime, she has long understood her feelings.She wants to grow old with Ashuo, there will be no third party between them.

She must have been disgusted by Zheng Meijuan, thinking about it every day and dreaming at night, that's why she had such an outrageous dream within a dream.

In reality, Zhang Nannan was rescued by them, everything will be different!
When Shen Sishuo came back from cooking, he saw the woman lying on the sofa in a daze, and said with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, I'm back."

Ming Anyang changed from lying down to lying on his stomach, his eyebrows and eyes curved: "A Shuo, how is the matter going?"

Shen Sishuo's eyes swept across her chest, and his voice became hoarse:

"I used the excuse of affecting the atmosphere of the family home to report to the leaders that Zhang Zhengyang's lost and recovered child must be handled properly, otherwise it will have a particularly bad impact."

"It's not uncommon to get divorced and remarried now. Our unit has a special situation. Many people live separated in two places, and the probability of divorce is higher."

"Although it is said that marriage is the freedom of both husband and wife, what about the children? We can't all follow Zheng Meijuan's example, see the children careless, make mistakes, but let the children bear the responsibility, and send the children back to their hometown far away. The couple live here. Little days? Parents are too irresponsible!"

"Won't remarried families have to follow suit in the future?"

"What's more, if Zheng Meijuan wants to get rid of her suspicions, she will treat the child well without changing her behavior, instead of sending her away from afar to cover up her crimes... I just said it casually, and the leaders patted the table and said that Zhang Nannan cannot be sent away... ..."

"How can I give my father's hard-earned money to others to spend? Unless Zhang Zhengyang doesn't want to go any further, the matter of sending his children back to his hometown can only be shelved."

Only then did Ming Anyang give him a thumbs up, "There will be a good show in the future."

"Zheng Meijuan wanted to send away her unsightly stepdaughter, but in the end, not only did she fail to do so, she also had to accept the supervision of the big guy... Haha, shooting yourself in the foot, it's better for her to win the heart of a good man in the first place , directly mentioning to send the child away... It's superfluous..."

Shen Sishuo approached her with a smile, and touched the tip of her nose, "Who let her meet my smart and sensitive daughter-in-law, and she was seen through the trick."

Without the words of the two of them, if Zhang Nannan was really kidnapped, where would there be follow-up?
Ming Anyang looked at him, and kissed him first, "It must be Ashuo who is amazing..."

Shen Sishuo directly bullied her, pressed her back to the sofa, and returned the salute viciously, "I really want to kill you here!"

Ming Anyang obediently let him be aggressive, the more so, the more Shen Sishuo couldn't bear it, but he wanted to take care of her body.

The discomfort made him almost swear, so he could only resign himself to his fate and take a cold shower.

Ming Anyang blinked his eyes guiltyly.

After the couple blocked the door, they knew that Zhang Nannan would not be sent away for the time being, so they ignored it and lived their lives behind closed doors.

After two days of busy work, Shen Sishuo finally had time to pack up his things with Ming Anyang and return to Ming's house!
Their project department is located in the suburbs of Kyoto, and is responsible for basic urban construction, mainly building subways, but digging underground tunnels will encounter many technical difficulties.Moreover, the project is relatively large and the construction time is relatively long.

Therefore, the Fifth Department of Railway Construction settled in the suburbs of the city and built the project headquarters and family courtyard.

Ming's house is at the junction of Chengxi District and Chengnan District. They took three buses and took four hours to get home.

Ming's father and Ming's mother are old employees of the textile factory, and they are divided into a family courtyard with two bedrooms and one living room.They love their daughter more, and deliberately changed the layout of three bedrooms and one living room.

Walking to the family courtyard step by step, Ming Anyang was excited and scared.

Her willfulness in the last life made her family stay away more and less together, even when she died, she was less than 30 years old. I don't know how distressed my parents would be when they heard the news of her death.

(End of this chapter)

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