Feeling the tension of his daughter-in-law, Kamiji Shuo smiled lightly and stretched out his hand to hold her.

"Don't worry, with me here, your parents won't do anything to you."

"Something's going on, the man will support you!"

Ming Anyang pursed her lips and nodded with a smile, but she was going to the family courtyard soon, she didn't want to be talked about, so she withdrew her hand and quickly led the way.

The further she walked home, the more acquaintances she met.

Memories separated by ten years, Ming Anyang obediently smiled and called people one by one.

That well-behaved appearance made Shen Sishuo hot-eyed, remembering that she also greeted him with such a pure and well-behaved look before.

Thinking of this, Shen Sishuo couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law, didn't you have any idea when you saw me before?"

He doesn't have any confidence in front of Ming Anyang, but apart from her as a special case, Shen Sishuo's perception of the individual is fairly objective.

"When you were in school, didn't you think about the future of falling in love, getting married and having children?"

"There's always some longing and standard in your heart, right? At least I'm a good marriage partner, right?"

Ming Anyang glanced at him, and said honestly: "At that time, I really had to study hard. I wanted to get into a good university. Falling in love, getting married and having children were put on the agenda after graduating from university and working."

"I like to have a plan for everything since I was a child. Besides, at that time, the big guys liked to make jokes about the two of us."

"I'm rather shy, and I don't know how to really explore my inner thoughts. Anyway, I feel ashamed and annoyed when I see you. What's more, after I finished the college entrance examination, I was just happy that I did well in the exam and was able to enter the university of my choice. Suddenly, I was told to get married. , I wouldn't be happy to change anyone..."

"What's more...the way you looked at me that night was too scary. I said a few angry words, but you...how much do you think I can have a good impression of you?"

This is what she saw and thought in her previous life.At that time, she was too young, didn't know how to cherish, let her emotions dominate herself, and didn't stop to think and face reality.

They ran away and chased each other, but they missed each other after all.

Shen Sishuo was very annoyed, "Daughter-in-law, I, I want to use a gentle way, but..."

Ming Anyang raised his eyebrows: "Just what?"

Shen Sishuo shook his head, "Maybe I was too nervous about you, and I was afraid that if you went to college, we would have less contact with each other, so I persuaded my parents to marry you to me."

Ming Anyang didn't delve too deeply into it, and said with a smile: "Since we are husband and wife, this is an unchangeable fact, then you have to remember what you said before."

"Don't let me down for the rest of your life! Then I will try to learn to like you."

Shen Sishuo watched the little girl return to a familiar place, her brows and eyes were crooked and her smile became more relaxed and radiant, and his smile was also much gentler, "Okay!"

There was no one at home at this point, Ming Anyang took the key and opened the door.

Everything that caught her eyes was exactly the same as in her memory. Ming Anyang's eyes became hot, and he almost cried, greedily looking at every detail in the room.

Although the elder brother married a wife, their child is only two years old and still sleeps with the adults.

So even if she is married, everything in her house remains the same.

After putting down his luggage, Ming Anyang simply washed up and changed into comfortable home clothes.

Shen Sishuo also changed his clothes and washed the two of them along the way.

Ming Anyang now just insists on washing the small clothes by himself, and the rest is left to the man.

When Shen Sishuo finished his work, he lay directly on her bed, pillowed his arm comfortably, and smiled at her: "I've been thinking about this place for a long time."

Ming Anyang pinched him angrily, and was dragged down by him together into his arms.

He didn't do anything else, just hugged her quietly, "Daughter-in-law, it's great, I can marry you, and I feel that my life in more than 20 years has been fulfilled for the first time."

"It turns out that I am not a saint. No matter how much ambition I have, it is very boring if no one shares it."

"In the long river of history, one more me is not much, and one less me is not much, but in my life, I can't live without you..."

"On the contrary, with you as my daughter-in-law, I am more motivated to devote myself to my career and make more money for you to spend..."

Ming Anyang turned around and got into his arms, but didn't say anything.

Anyway, what she said, with the way he managed to marry her, I am afraid that in a short time, he will not believe that she has a deep affection for him.

In order to go home, the two of them got up early to catch the first bus, and traveled for another four hours. Ming Anyang was so tired that he fell asleep soon after.

Shen Sishuo especially liked the soft way of her sleeping in his arms, the joy in his heart made the corners of his lips rise all the time.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he let her go carefully, got out of bed and came out of the room.

"Hey, Si Shuo is back? Just now I was staring at the two extra pairs of shoes at the door in a daze. I didn't even dare to think of you coming back..." Mother Ming said happily, "Where's Anyang?"

Shen Sishuo smiled and called his mother, and then said in a low voice, "I'm tired after sitting in the car all morning, and I'm sleeping at home."

Ming's mother nodded again and again, "It's true, since you are coming, why don't you say hello in advance?"

Shen Sishuo has already started to change his shoes, "Aren't you worried about bothering your parents? I only have two days off, and I have to take Anyang back tomorrow."

"You rest first, I will order two dishes for dinner."

Before Mother Ming said anything, he had already rushed out the door.

She smiled and shook her head, her gaze stayed on the door of Ming Anyang's room, feeling a little uneasy.

This marriage was forced by the old couple with the matter of going to college, and Anyang was forced to agree. When she left, she saw the unwillingness and hatred in the little girl's eyes, and her heart ached.

Looking at the natural expression on the son-in-law's face, does it mean that the little girl has already begun to accept this marriage?
Mother Ming sighed, first boiled water, then washed the fruit, and put some sweets and snacks on the coffee table.

When she finished her work, she saw Ming Anyang leaning against the door and looking at her tearfully.

Ming's mother's heart tightened, and she felt at a loss for the first time, "Anyang, you, are you awake? Have you drank?"

"After I boiled the water, I gave you a cold bowl of brown sugar water... I cut up a watermelon, which grows in your favorite wheat field..."

Ming Anyang took a deep breath, suppressed the turbulent tears, and asked lightly: "Mom, there is no one else at home, can you tell me the truth."

"You, my father, and my brother are both working. Everyone is healthy and has no major expenses. It's not to the point of selling our daughter."

"Why do I have to get married after the college entrance examination? Can't I wait until after I graduate from college?"

"I have obeyed your advice and married Asuo, and I am going to live a good life with him. I just want to know the reason, otherwise, I will be restless all my life."

Mother Ming was silent for a while, before she could speak, Ming Anyang continued: "I had a dream the night I got married."

"I dreamed that I hated you, and I came back the next day, waiting for the university to start..."

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