If Ming's mother knew the danger of this matter, she would not say anything on her own and hide it from Ming Anyang.

Seeing the regret on her face, Ming Anyang hurriedly said: "Mom, you and dad are doing this for my own good. It's too late for me to thank you, but I have a stubborn temper and like to get to the bottom of everything."

"A Shuo is so outstanding, and you sent me to me in a muddle-headed way. I almost missed him."

"Fortunately, everything is perfect, except for one thing, I reported to Haida for my brain convulsion..."

Ming's mother followed her words, the gloom in her heart dissipated, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I will just retire when you are pregnant. I will rent a small courtyard next to your school and take care of the child for you!"

Ming Anyang nodded bluntly, "I will definitely trouble you when the time comes."

Sister-in-law Ming also smiled and expressed her support. She took the time and treated her very well!

"Anyang, um, can I go back to my natal family and talk about this?" Mrs. Ming asked in a low voice, "My natal family has several brothers and sisters... We are not very different in age, some are just engaged, some are pregnant, Others, like me, only had one child..."

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and thought for a while, "Yes, but sister-in-law has to put it another way, don't mention the organization's control."

"The more people know, this matter may be brought forward..."

Ming's mother said directly: "Boss, you tell people that this year and next year are suitable for having a baby, who will be rich and powerful."

"If they have this idea, they want a child. If they don't listen, then we have nothing to do with it. They only have one child in their life."

Aunt Ming nodded repeatedly, "Okay, I'll just say that. Anyway, let it go now, as long as we don't put our fate on the surface, there will be no big problem."

"Actually, the old man still believes in this. I told my mother that my mother will definitely urge my brothers and sisters to have children."

They chatted for a while, and then talked about other things.

After dinner, Shen Sishuo looked at the sky outside, turned his head to Ming Anyang and said, "Daughter-in-law, shall we go for a walk?"

Ming Anyang responded, talked to his family, changed his shoes and stood behind Shen Sishuo.

The days in July are relatively long. It's seven o'clock, and it's still bright outside.

Shen Sishuo and Ming Anyang walked side by side.They followed the walkers to the playground together.

"Daughter-in-law, I just asked for two days off from my unit. If, if you miss your parents, can you stay here for a few more days and wait for me to pick you up next week?"

Ming Anyang's joy of being reunited with his family faded a little at this moment, and he nodded without even looking at him: "Okay, brother, if you don't mention this, I want to say it too."

Shinji clenched his fists tightly.He especially hoped that he could be selfish and domineering, but he couldn't bear to look at the little girl's teary eyes.

He could feel that the relaxed and happy look of the little girl back home was different from the lingering melancholy on her brows, which was quiet in the family courtyard.

He tugged at the corners of his lips: "It just so happens that our project encountered a technical problem. I don't want to be distracted, and I can't take care of you too much."

"Be careful at home this week, report to your parents when you go out, and don't go to places where there are few people..."

He racked his brains to tell her, wishing he could protect her 24 hours a day.

Ming Anyang took a deep breath, and said flatly: "I asked my mother, and I know why they were so anxious to marry me off."

"Ashuo, don't worry, I will take good care of myself."

Shen Sishuo was stunned for a moment, with a miserable smile, "Is it because I'm especially good at taking advantage of others?"

"I like you. Knowing your parents' plan from your brother, I volunteered to say that I want to marry you and will protect you well."

"Anyang, I am a traditional person. We have become a real couple. No matter what you think now, I will not let go of your hand."

Ming Anyang lowered his head slightly, kicked the pebbles lightly to play, pouted, he spoke nicely, but he always didn't believe her feelings, and pushed her away.

Anyway, he is the one who suffers, hold back!
She finally understood that she had an awkward temper in her last life, and he was even more awkward than her. It's strange that they can be happy together.

Ming Anyang always blames herself, but now she knows that Shen Sishuo is also partly responsible.

It happened that she was missing her parents and brother, so she just stayed at home for a week, letting him go!

The two continued to walk in silence, neither of them speaking.

As the sky gradually darkened, Shen Sishuo couldn't help asking: "Anyang, you, you said before that you would enroll in the History Department of Haida University and become a teacher after graduation?"

"Is this your real plan? Or, you still have to..."

Ming Anyang put his hands behind his back and snorted, "Anyway, I applied for the Department of History of Haida University. This is a fact that we can't change at present."

"As for whether I want to be a teacher or take part in archaeology, it depends on your performance."

"I'm not happy, of course I don't want to see you, I will resolutely participate in archaeology, running all over the world..."

Shen Sishuo suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her, "Then daughter-in-law, how can you be happy?"

Ming Anyang hehe, "I'm not happy right now. You have to guess what a woman thinks. If I say what I like and you buy it back for me, will it be romantic or will there be surprises?"

"How can I be happy, you can take it as a research project."

Shen Sishuo suddenly chuckled, "Yes, anyway, you are my daughter-in-law, and I have a lot of time to learn about your preferences."

Ming Anyang glared at him, "I won't say it anyway, it depends on how you understand."

Shen Sishuo smiled and shook hands with her.It's very simple, my daughter-in-law's face is a barometer, she doesn't know how to hide her emotions, she can clearly express her happiness and unhappiness!

At this moment, the two of them didn't speak while strolling, but the atmosphere changed a lot.

There are many family members and employees in this area. Ming Anyang is immersed in her studies on weekdays. She wears thick bangs and glasses, so apart from her neighbors, basically, not many people know her.

Now that she is married, the bangs that cover her eyebrows and eyes are combed up, revealing a smooth and full forehead, and her entire facial features are bright and beautiful, even in the night, they seem to have their own halo.

Shen Sishuo led her through the small woods.

The family courtyard is about ten minutes away from the back door, and there is a square. Everyone likes to take a walk here, especially like to circle around the playground.

There is a small forest beside the road. When it is dark, there are always young couples going into it.

He dragged her in and said in a low voice: "Actually, when we were in high school, we could hear couples here playing ball and going home late at night... Everyone said that if you have a girlfriend, you have to come here to experience it... "

Ming Anyang grabbed his arm and gnawed, "So, you want to experience it now?"

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