Shen Sishuo took Ming Anyang to the innermost part of the grove, where they could clearly see the people coming and going outside and avoid them in time.

He leaned close to her ear and said with a low smile, "That was before I went to the military academy. I heard them talk about it, and I thought of you for some reason."

"It was also from that time that I realized that I no longer had a pure heart for you. Every time I saw you after that, I could see you growing up, becoming more and more beautiful, and becoming more and more interested in me."

"But people's feelings are the most uncontrollable. The more I suppress this kind of thought, the more I can feel it expand a little bit in the dead of night..."

Shen Sishuo was tall and strong, and the two were very close. Ming Anyang once again felt the overbearing hormonal aura from the man, which made her legs and feet weak and her head swollen.

She restrained herself from leaning against the tree trunk, not reaching out to cling to him.

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and snorted: "How old was I then?"

Shen Sishuo smiled, "She is already a very beautiful little girl, and she has many admirers."

"Fortunately, I have a good relationship with your brother. I have kept in touch with you all the time, and I haven't given up on paying attention to you. Otherwise, I don't know who is holding you in the grove right now."

He is very happy now.

Ming Anyang couldn't help looking sideways at him, "What are you doing in the woods?"

Shen Sishuo was taken aback, seeing the little girl's curious and puzzled look, he really thought she simply didn't understand anything.

Those pink lips spit out the words in a serious manner, but the answer made people feel excited. In contrast, Shen Sishuo's Adam's apple couldn't help rolling up and down.

The summer insects were screaming, the night was as cold as water, and the beautiful woman was fragrant and soft in his arms. He breathed heavily, and said in a hoarse voice: "Then I will explain it to you..."

He put his arms around her waist, pushed hard into his arms, and lowered his head to kiss her.

The urgent and strong friendship is in his ferocity.

How could Ming Anyang bear him like this, her mind went blank, if she hadn't been hugged tightly by him, she would have slipped to the ground.

I don't know how long it took before Shen Sishuo stopped and buried his head in her arms, not hiding his deeper desire for her.

Ming Anyang was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, and nestled quietly in his arms.

At this time, there is less entertainment for the big guys, and the TV programs are only broadcast until nine o'clock.

At this moment, the walkers basically walked back, the bustle disappeared with the heat, and a few strange panting could be heard in the woods.

Ming Anyang couldn't help listening curiously.

But it didn't take long for the couples to leave together.

Maybe he had just been intimate, or he knew that his daughter-in-law would not leave him tomorrow, Shen Sishuo just leaned on her and was unwilling to move, enjoying the tranquility in front of him.

Ming Anyang also liked being held in his arms like this, feeling his breath, heartbeat, strength and nostalgia.

Suddenly an exclamation sounded, but the scream was only halfway through, and someone covered his mouth.

The sound of messy footsteps gradually approached from outside.

Ming Anyang shrank into Shen Sishuo's arms nervously, as if she could completely hide herself, but she stared out nervously and worriedly.

Shen Sishuo put his arms around her, and quietly circled around the tree trunk slowly.

They were in the deepest part of the woods, and they could barely see their fingers. As long as they kept silent, even if they were two meters apart, the other party would not be able to spot them.

Moreover, the forest is narrow and long, like a gourd, so the other party may not come to them.

Shen Sishuo also narrowed his eyes and looked outside.

It sounded like a woman was struggling and bit the man. The man hissed in pain, cursed in a low voice, raised his hand and slapped the man unceremoniously.

The loud applause was especially obvious at night, but there were no people around, and outside the woods was the wall connecting the main road.

The man dragged the woman a little further, getting closer to Deming Anyang and Shen Sishuo, "Smelly bitch, if you are obedient, I can be gentle with you... Otherwise, I will see if I won't kill you!"

"You shout, let people see how much you enjoy yourself... Heh, if you don't marry me, you have to marry me..."

The woman was just crying in despair and pleading, but her appearance made the man even more excited.

"Don't worry, I don't want to marry you like this anymore. There are so many beautiful female workers waiting in the whole factory. How can I end up with you..."

"As long as you let me taste it, and I'm tired of it, I won't care for you... Don't worry, you won't suffer if you follow me. Do you want the workshop team leader? Just a word from me..."

"I can give you bonuses, benefits, and even room allocation... Don't you still have a younger brother? I will give you a job quota, and you will become a regular one year later. How about..."

Gradually, the woman gave up resisting, and could only whisper with tears in her eyes: "Then, then put on the condom..."

The man responded repeatedly: "Don't worry, I'm more careful than you..."

Ming Anyang clutched Shen Sishuo's clothes tightly, looking at him anxiously and helplessly.

Should they care?

No matter what, the woman obviously resisted at first, but was forced to obey by his force and coercion later.

If they don't care, they may get into trouble, and women don't necessarily want to be seen by them.

The memories of the past in Ming Anyang's mind are relatively long, but from the man's words, he can also guess that he should be the son of the factory manager's family that his mother said!

The culprit that forced her to marry in a hurry after the college entrance examination.

In her memory, this Zhuo Chengshan was sentenced a year later, involving many female comrades, and many of them were married and had children. Because of this incident, half of the families were broken up!
It can be said that even if this Zhuo Chengshan died, he would also bring a group of people to misfortune.

Therefore, she silently looked at Shen Sishuo.She wanted to save the woman, but she didn't know how to remove them both.

Shen Sishuo patted her hand and gestured to her to let her stay here, and he went to settle the matter.

Ming Anyang nodded, and silently gestured to him to remind him to be safe.

They can save people, but only if they themselves are safe.

Shen Sishuo kissed her forehead lightly, and then leaned closer to her slightly with his waist down.

He moved very slowly, even though there were a lot of vegetation on the ground in the forest, he still passed silently.

Because of his tricky angle in the past, the men and women who rolled into a ball couldn't see him or notice him.

When they realized that someone was there, Shen Sishuo knocked the man unconscious neatly, and before the woman could react, Shen Sishuo gave a strong hook with his foot, and the woman passively rolled over to expose her neck.

He also controlled his strength and knocked the woman unconscious.

Shen Sishuo quickly tore off the cloth strips from Zhuo Chengshan's body, bound, blindfolded and gagged the two of them respectively.

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