After finishing all this work, Shen Sishuo walked to Ming Anyang, leaned into her ear and said, "Anyang, we will send that lesbian to a safe place together later."

"Then I'll take you home and come back to deal with that disgusting thing!"

Ming Anyang hummed.

Both of them passed out, were blindfolded and gagged, so Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo were not afraid of being seen by them.

Ming Anyang half hugged the woman, Shen Sishuo grabbed her feet, found a warehouse in the office building next to her, pried open the door and put her in to untie her.

After finishing these tasks, Shen Sishuo took Ming Anyang's hand and sent her back, watched her wave to him at the bedroom window, and then quickly returned to the forest.

He was relatively light on women just now, but he used some force on Zhuo Chengshan, a villain.

After he came back, Zhuo Chengshan was still lying on the ground like mud, maintaining that disgusting movement.

Shen Sishuo couldn't help the anger in his heart when he remembered that this thing had missed his daughter-in-law.He first cleaned up the traces of himself and his wife, then wrapped his hands in cloth, and beat Zhuo Chengshan in the face, and he also destroyed the source of evil!

After venting his anger, he carried Zhuo Chengshan to Caishikou.

At this moment, there was no one in the busy Caishikou during the day, so he stopped under a utility pole with a broken light, and using Zhuo Chengshan as a frictional force, he led people to climb a height of five meters.

He stripped off Zhuo Chengshan's clothes, leaving only a pair of underpants, then jumped down to clean up his own traces, and went home!
Ming Anyang didn't turn on the light, just held a glass of milk and drank it, kept looking at the door, his heart beating fast.

She believed in the man's skill, but she still couldn't help worrying.

After about half an hour, Shen Sishuo knocked on the door gently.

Ming Anyang almost jumped up.She walked steadily to open the door for Shen Sishuo, when the family was already asleep.

She pulled people in, looked up and down for a while, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Drink some milk before going to bed," she shoved the cup she had been holding into his hand.

Shen Sishuo especially enjoyed the feeling of being cared by her, and lowered his voice: "Daughter-in-law, you should drink. I'm going to wash up, let's go to bed early."

Ming Anyang glared at him. In everyone's mind, good things are for the elderly and children.

When she returned to the family home, she had to order a catty of milk every day, and the two of them drank it separately. They had to ensure enough calcium supplementation since they were young.

Shen Sishuo mixed hot water, took a shower, washed his clothes before returning to the house.

Ming Anyang was already obediently lying on the bed, hearing the man come in, he felt his whole body being roasted by a slight fire.

Shen Sishuo's hair is almost dry now.He lay down, grabbed the woman into his arms, and buried his head in her neck.

"Daughter-in-law, I'll go back tomorrow afternoon. I, I won't move you, but let me sleep in your arms, okay?"

Ming Anyang stared at him silently.

After what happened just now, she was already worried about him and would not refuse his certain request.

The man seemed to be enlightened, he was not so polite to her, at least when he was sober, he boldly led her into the grove.

At this moment, he also hugged her with a stern face.

Ming Anyang had already allowed him to approach, but now he was very curious, how could he capture her under what he thought was a safe progress?

"Only, only this time!" She thought about the persona she should have, and emphasized earnestly and timidly.

Shen Sishuo, who was buried in his head, slightly curled his lips, and hummed: "That's a nice wife!"

They opened the windows, and the fan above her head was squeaking. Although Ming Anyang felt a little hot, she fell asleep quickly in the arms of the big god octopus.

Maybe it was because of what happened just now that she was greatly stimulated. In the dream, she became the woman who was dragged into the grove, but soon an octopus emerged from the water and hung up the vicious man and beat him severely.

The dream that Mingming was afraid of, because of the fierceness of the big octopus, forced Ming Anyang to laugh.

It was slightly bright, seeing the woman in her arms laughing from time to time, wondering what happy things she had dreamed of, Shen Sishuo stared at her with desire and dissatisfaction, knowing sourly in her heart that she must not have him in her dream.

This realization made him uncontrollable, and he kissed her to wake him up.

Ming Anyang laughed so hard that he startled the big octopus, and the big octopus rushed towards her and hugged her...

"Daughter-in-law, wake up, go buy breakfast with me?" Shen Sishuo gritted his teeth and stood up, both sweet and painful.

Ming Anyang blinked his eyes, finally regained his reason, and woke up from the dream.

She knew that there was a big show to watch today, so she didn't have the energy to wake up like usual, so she hurriedly got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After she changed her clothes and packed up, Shen Sishuo was already waiting at the door.

He handed her a glass of warm water.

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and took it with a smile. After gulping, he walked shoulder to shoulder with him to Caishikou.

There not only sell vegetables, but also sell breakfast, the price is relatively cheap, and the taste is also good.

When they arrived, Zhuo Chengshan was still hanging on the pole.

Because he was hung too high, the vendors were busy before dawn, and Zhuo Chengshan, whose mouth was covered and eyes were covered, did not attract the attention of the big guys.

When the sky gradually dawned, he kept kicking his legs, and only a few people noticed him.

It's just that the ladder the big guy found couldn't save him at all.

Some of them were looking for comrades in the bureau, and some were contacting electricians.

The electricians in the electricity bureau have tools to climb the poles, but Zhuo Chengshan continued to hang on before the staff went to work.

More and more people came to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and he looked up like an orangutan.

"Hey, who is this? Why was he hanged here?"

"It must be that he moved the woman and did something bad, right? Otherwise, can he not wear clothes?"

"I can't see who it is, my mouth is gagged, and the sky is not bright..."

It's been a long time since the big guys have encountered such a rare thing. Now they are all looking up and discussing it from time to time. It didn't take long for countless versions of the story to spread around.

Waves of people heard the news and came to visit.

When Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo came here together, the comrades in the bureau were already maintaining order and found the big guy to understand the situation.

The telegraph pole is relatively smooth, without any clinging objects, and the big guy doesn't know who the god is, without the big guy knowing it, he can climb up with an adult man weighing more than 100 kilograms.

The comrades in the bureau looked around, but there was no evidence left on the telegraph poles, and there were no useful clues under the telegraph poles being trampled by big guys.

The sky was getting brighter, and because of the position of the telegraph pole, the rising sun was shining, and everyone still couldn't see the appearance of the person on it clearly.

They kept guessing until the electrician rushed to bring tools to climb up and save the man.

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