"Who is that? After being beaten up like this, I can't even see his original appearance..."

"He must have done something good, otherwise, other people would feel sorry for him when they were bored, beat him up and hang him on the telephone pole..."

"I, why do I think he is the son of the director of the textile factory next door... He has a mole on his chest. When the weather is hot in summer, he is shirtless. Many people have seen him..."

"It's true... I heard that he is not a serious person. If he provokes this and teases that all day long, he will be beaten to death one day..."

The big guy surrounded the electrician and Zhuo Chengshan tightly. You squeezed me and I squeezed you. The circle became smaller and smaller, so that Zhuo Chengshan, who was squatting, was trampled on his hands and feet by the big guy, and even his stomach and abdomen were crushed. People sat down stoutly.

Zhuo Chengshan was trembling with pain, but no one took off the cloth from his mouth, so he could only cry and cry.

It was the comrades in the bureau who yelled a few times, dispersed the crowd, and took Zhuo Chengshan away.

The big guys didn't watch, but still got together and talked excitedly, telling everyone who came after what happened just now.

Zhuo Chengshan's scandal, in just half a day, has been known to everyone in a radius of several miles!

Shen Sishuo and Ming Anyang watched the scene in the crowd before going to dinner together.

Ming Anyang has been away from Beijing for many years.She especially misses the authentic breakfast here.

Shen Sishuo asked her what to eat.Ming Anyang snapped his fingers and recited what he wanted to eat.

Shen Sishuo pinched her cheek helplessly, "It's just a few days away, and that's what you want?"

Ming Anyang said with a smile: "Who made us in Kyoto have so many delicious foods earlier, I usually eat the same thing every day, and I don't bring a duplicate for almost a month."

"I was greedy at first, so I left suddenly for a few days, didn't I just think about it?"

Shen Sishuo smiled: "The project is too urgent this time, otherwise I would ask for a few more days off to accompany you..."

Having said that, he stopped talking, maybe the little girl would be happier without him.

Sure enough, Ming Anyang waved his hand: "It's okay, pick me up when you are off work next time. I will strive for a week to eat the delicious food in this street!"

Shen Sishuo knocked her head angrily, "Eat hard, you don't need to save money for your man. We can afford ten of you."

After all, he bought five or six kinds of food, and he ate them closely first, and then he swept them all into her stomach after she put down the chopsticks.

They came out earlier, so they bought breakfast and some fruit for their family.

"Daughter-in-law, you can rest at home for a while. I'll go and find out about that person." After Shen Sishuo sent Ming Anyang home, he left.

Shen Sishuo is also a native of Kyoto, and has his own contacts here.

There were two long hairs left on Zhuo Chengshan's pants. With his miserable appearance, the case basically had a direction for investigation.

Not to mention anything else, it is a particularly serious matter for him to be hanging high on a telephone pole in only his underpants!

This matter had such an impact that it attracted the attention of the Municipal Administration.Furthermore, entering the second half of the year, each bureau has performance that needs to be completed, so Zhuo Chengshan is listed as a typical example.

The bureau invested a lot of manpower and time in investigation and visits.

Perhaps seeing hope, some lesbians who were bullied by him wrote anonymously to report in anger.

One or two letters could be said to be deliberately framed, but the hatred of seven or eight letters wishing to tear a piece of flesh from Zhuo Chengshan completely shocked everyone.

More and more things surfaced, even involving a lesbian who committed suicide two years ago when she was unmarried and pregnant.

Zhuo's family had just been running around for him, and in a day, all kinds of evidence seemed to come out all at once.

With more evidence, Zhuo Chengshan's crimes cannot be cleared away.

His sentencing is already a certainty on the bench.

Knowing that he has no possibility of overturning the case, Shen Sishuo breathed a sigh of relief, and only hurriedly explained to Ming Anyang, and then took a ride back to work.

As soon as the man left, Ming Anyang felt a little empty in her heart, especially since she was used to men hugging her to sleep.

The moonlight shone through the window, and she tossed and turned on the bed.The bed was quite spacious, but she couldn't even lie down comfortably!

It was almost late at night before she fell asleep in a daze, and had many dreams. When her family had breakfast and went to work, she got up in a state of exhaustion.

Accustomed to working all the time, Ming Anyang suddenly took a break, feeling a little at a loss.

She ate her breakfast slowly, thinking that her family members were all at work, and she would have nothing to do at home, so she might as well go to the library to kill time, and pick up a few books and take them to the family home to read.

Ming Anyang left a note and took the bus to the city library with his bag on his back.

The library is very large and has many books. Although it is located in a busy city, it is like two worlds separated by a door and a window.

The big guys can't help but relax when talking, walking and flipping through books, and the learning atmosphere is strong!

Ming Anyang thinks that a man is a career-oriented man. He has a smart mind and strong working ability, and he is an indispensable talent in the project department.

However, no matter how good the benefits of the unit are, there is an upper limit.She knows that the future society is developing very fast, at least she has a glimpse of the future development progress from the novel world.

When she didn't make enough money, and she focused on archaeology in her last life, how could she get rich by doing business?
But the times are developing rapidly, and money depreciates quickly. If the couple just work step by step, their advantages will soon be surpassed by others.

At least, their money is not enough to buy a house!

Ming Anyang remembered that her parents and brother had always lived in the current house and had not moved until her death.

Is it that they don't want to move?No, the welfare housing has been built for 30 to [-] years, the lines are aging, and the efficiency of the unit is getting worse and worse. Everyone is looking for a way out.

The Ming family spends more and more frugally to deal with the risk of being laid off, and when the children grow up, they will have to get married and have children in a few years...

Kyoto is good, the capital of Xiahua, but life here is very stressful.

Since she has a vision for the next few decades, she has to plan in advance. It is best to find a way to make money quickly and stock up on a few houses before housing prices rise!

Ming Anyang was picking books in the library, hoping to get inspiration for making money from them.

When she saw books related to her work in her previous life, she suddenly thought, gold and antiques in troubled times!

Now the situation is very good, with the spring breeze blowing, many people's pockets are getting thicker and thicker, and antiques have become a favorite of many people.

She can become an archaeological expert, so she naturally has a strong foundation in identification...

Ming Anyang breathed out slightly, and in the past two years, many people held treasures in their arms, but they didn't know their value. Instead, they sold these treasures for a meal.

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