Chapter 355 70s as a fine wife (26)

The way Ming Anyang thought of making money was to go to the Antique Street to pick up leaks!
If she understood correctly, there were already some private auctions for big guys to spend money to collect their favorites.

Ming Anyang had a clear plan in mind, and she had a passbook in her hand, holding more than 2000 yuan, so she was sure to be able to buy a lot of good things.

So she couldn't sit still any longer, she picked out a few novels and magazines at random, paid for them and left.

"Hey, isn't this our classmate Huaming Anyang? I heard that you got married as soon as you graduated from high school and couldn't wait to receive the university admission letter?"

Suddenly a slightly sharp voice cut through the silence of the library.

The big guys looked up one after another.

Ming Anyang is beautiful, her hair is half tied up with a big bow, and the rest of her hair is hanging down.

She wore a floral dress that outlined her curvy figure.

All of a sudden, he caught the eyes of the big guy.

Ming Anyang looked sideways. Although her memory was a little blurry because it was too long ago, she still recognized the woman who spoke.

That was a girl in the same class as her in Kyoto No. [-] Middle School.

She smiled and nodded, "No way, my husband is too good, if I don't settle him down early, someone will snatch him away."

The girl froze for a moment, startled by her bold language.

"You, why are you so unreserved?"

Ming Anyang smiled: "I've reached the legal age, so it's not wrong to get a marriage certificate. The school doesn't stipulate that college students must be unmarried, right?"

In fact, when she reviewed the materials before the college entrance examination, her family changed her age.

The girl took a deep breath and smiled unnaturally: "Student Ming Anyang is so good-looking, why are you afraid of this?"

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, after paying the bill, he wanted to leave.

"Ming Anyang, will you come to our classmate reunion this weekend? You guys have been classmates for three years, we have worked hard together, and we have a deep relationship... We were all disappointed when the monitor and the school committee didn't contact you before. What a coincidence, Let me meet you here..."

"Remember Mu Wenbo's treat at Jingjude in the city center, you must come!"

Not giving Ming Anyang a chance to refuse, the girl grabbed her companion's arm and hurried away.

Ming Anyang sighed slightly.

Mu Wenbo was the top student in their class, and he used to be in the same position as her.

He looks good, his family conditions are good, he is smart and eager to learn, and his grades are among the best in the whole school.

It turned out that the two had a good relationship, often discussing issues together, and even agreed to go to a university. After all, their exam scores were not much different every time.

Fighting for a goal, they are full of energy.

Even though she temporarily changed her choice due to family matters, Mu Wenbo followed the teacher to the Education Bureau, and changed her choice to Haida!

In her last life, in order to anger Shen Sishuo, she used Mu Wenbo as a shield.

Thinking of these, Ming An Yang felt a little dizzy.

But it's not too late now, how deep can the feelings of boys and girls be?

There were still three days before the class reunion, and she was thinking that she should explain to Mu Wenbo in time.

I believe that he is thin-skinned and can take back his feelings in time.

Ming Anyang went home by car, just in time for lunch.

Ming's father and Ming's mother were talking about Zhuo Chengshan, seeing her coming, they felt more and more guilty.

They were really impatient at the time, even though Shen Sishuo was very good and met the standards of all son-in-laws in their minds.

But they still don't want their daughter to marry so early.She just graduated from high school.

If they grit their teeth and persevere, maybe all the crises will be over now, and Anyang, like all his peers, will happily wait to start college life instead of being a married woman!
"Mom and Dad, what kind of eyes are you looking at?" Ming Anyang asked inexplicably while drinking water.

Ming's mother twitched her lips and shook her head: "It's okay, it's okay..."

Father Ming also shook his head, "I just think that our Anyang has grown up. We thought you were a little girl with shofar braids, who we led to kindergarten and cried loudly."

Ming Anyang laughed, "When did it all happen, do you still remember?"

Ming's mother was also overjoyed, "Why don't you remember, you cried until your voice became hoarse, you didn't say anything, and you just clung to the iron gate of the kindergarten."

Talking about Ming's father and Ming's mother, they began to criticize Ming Anyang's scandals when he was a child.

Usually, Ming Anyang covered her ears and ran away, but now she propped her chin and looked at it with a smile, with warmth in her heart.

Both her parents and elder brother loved her very much, and because of this, she couldn't accept that her marriage was arranged.

During those years away from home, she missed them.

After taking a nap, Ming Anyang ate a few pieces of watermelon, read a book for a while, and waited for the heat to subside a little before riding a bicycle to the antique street not far away.

The shops on the Antique Street are quaint, and there are all kinds of things in the shops, such as furniture, porcelain, jade, ancient coins, etc., all of which are ancient things.

However, Xia Hua people are smart and exceptionally talented in imitation.So there are so many things on this street, [-]% of them are imitations.

Ming Anyang was more patient, locked the car and started to wander from shop to shop.

She was young and beautiful, and the shopkeeper glanced at her and stopped paying attention.

The little girl is curious, but no one thinks she is an expert.

At this point, the number of customers just started to increase, and Ming Anyang had 300 yuan in cash in his hand.

The goal she set for herself was to spend the 300 yuan within two hours!
Ming Anyang went to the third shop and found that the shop sold a lot of miscellaneous things, and the shop owner was a young man with a thick gold chain around his neck, wearing a flowered shirt, and a cigarette pinned to his ear.

"Hey, little sister-in-law?" The shopkeeper was drinking tea from a purple sand pot, and when he saw Ming Anyang, he stood up in shock.

Ming Anyang looked over, only to realize that this young boy who pretended to be a nouveau riche was actually Shen Sishuo's cousin, the God of the third uncle's family!

She remembered that Shen Sishuo was gone.When she went to her third uncle's house to ask about Shen Sishuo, she saw his photo on the wall.

In fact, the God family didn't blame Shen Sishuo for her sacrifice, but they were dissatisfied that Ming Anyang didn't know how to cherish Shen Sishuo's deep love.

Whenever she asked relatives in Shen's family, they would tell her about Shen Sishuo in detail.

So Ming Anyang knew that because of the wrong identification of the treasure, Shen Tiance not only lost his fortune, but also owed a lot of money. He couldn't bear the blow for a while and jumped into the river.

Ming Anyang frowned, as if it happened during this period of time.

Shen Sishuo was first stumbled by the abduction of Zhang Zhengyang's child, and then attended his cousin's funeral. When he finished handling the matter and adjusted his mood, he only had time to send Ming Anyang to Haishi to report.

Ming Anyang looked at the living god Tiance with a gentle smile: "Tiance?"

(End of this chapter)

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