Chapter 357 70s as a fine wife (28)

These are normal procedures. One of the old men pushed the form and pen towards the two of them without raising his eyelids.

Ming Anyang filled in the form according to the content, and each baby had to fill out one.

After she finished writing, the old man took it over and read it again, then nodded: "Comrade, please put the things out."

His tone was calm and routine.There are too many people coming here every day to appraise treasures. More than [-]% of them are fakes, and two-thirds of the remaining half are antiques, but their collection value is not high.

It's not always possible to meet one of the real treasures in three to five days.

The work they have to do every day is boring. If it weren't for their interest and the extra money they could earn, who would want to stay here.

Ming Anyang and Shen Tiance carefully took out the objects from the bamboo basket one by one.

The old man put on reading glasses and looked over carefully.

The more he watched, the more he frowned.

I didn't hear him say anything for several minutes, and the other old men couldn't help but look over.

According to past experience, if something is a counterfeit, the answer can be given within one minute, and a high imitation will not take five or six minutes.

What can make Mr. Zhong silent is either a high degree of imitation or the genuine product!

Everyone gathered around and put on their reading glasses to join the treasure appraisal team.

As an archaeologist, Ming Anyang's ability to appraise treasures is solid, and many things have to go through her hands as soon as they are unearthed.

The top treasure of the museum, led by her team, was excavated.

It can be said that she is struggling in the front line of the industry, and has a keen intuition for real antiques, which far exceeds her professionalism.

Therefore, Ming Anyang is not nervous at all.

On the contrary, Shen Tiance was sweating non-stop on his forehead, and he was more nervous than him carrying things to appraise treasures!
The more the elders looked at it, the more excited they became, and they discussed and admired it from time to time, "...the glaze color...the craftsmanship...and the texture and luster..."

"It was a tribute object in the early Qing Dynasty..."

"Why do I look at this so familiar... as if..."

Ming Anyang smiled lightly and said, "It's like the porcelain vase that was recorded in a famous unofficial history of an emperor in the Qing Dynasty..."

Some unofficial histories are just not officially included, but their writers are celebrities who can be verified in history, and many people, things, and things in their works can be verified.

This official kiln with a special design and color looks like it was custom-made by the emperor for his concubine, and that concubine is a familiar one.

For this reason, and the craftsmanship of this official kiln is really superb, as long as it is genuine, it will definitely be sought after by many antique lovers!

When even an old man went out, it took only half a minute. I don't know where I got the translation of that set of unofficial history.

Several people rummaged around for three to five minutes, and finally found the sentence: "...the concubine loves lotus...the emperor is very happy, and loves the house as much as the crow...he is looking for Master Tang, the most skilled craftsman in the official draw a picture of playing in the lotus pond...the meaning of the lotus pods." Many sons, many blessings... For the concubine, she acquiesced in giving birth to a dragon son for the emperor... Porcelain vase..."

Because the unofficial history highlights the emperor's love for his concubines, the author put a lot of ink on this porcelain vase, and every detail matches the one in front of him!
They even found the emperor's small characters secretly carved on it by the concubine...

The old men were so excited, they looked at it repeatedly for a long time, and after a particularly intense discussion, they decided on the grade of the porcelain bottle, marked it, and stamped it solemnly!
They all watched pitifully as Ming Anyang put the porcelain vase back into the bamboo basket, and they wanted it very much, but they knew that they were not worth so much, so they couldn't afford it at all.

They then authenticated three other sets of objects.

Everything was true, and the old men had to look at Ming Anyang and Shen Tiance, seeing that these two young people looked good, and their aura was extraordinary, they should be descendants of which family.

Anyway, they didn't believe that Ming Anyang and Shen Tiance were capable, and they found the treasure by themselves.

Shen Tiance was like dreaming, looking at the old people with upturned nostrils, wishing they could hold things and not let go, blushing like a monkey's butt.

It was too unreal, Shen Tiance touched his forehead, walked out of the room in a daze, and came to the hall mechanically.

In the hall there is a waiter in a long gown.Seeing the two of them coming, Xiaoer stepped forward with a smile: "Comrade, are you here to watch the treasures, or are you going to sell the treasures?"

Shen Tiance was in a daze, "Ah, we just came out of the appraisal room... Sister-in-law, take out those certificates..."

Ming Anyang nodded with a smile, and handed over the authentication certificates that the elders had just issued.

Xiao Er carefully looked at each of them twice, the corners of his mouth twitched. Although he said that these treasures belonged to Ming Anyang, Xiao Er was also excited.

The appraisal certificate not only gives the name of the baby in detail, which age it is, whether there is any background story, as well as its tasting, and the lowest selling price given.

Each one is more than three thousand!
He took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, and led the two of them to several empty display stands: "Comrade, you can put your treasures in the display cabinets. These are special cabinets made by our Jianbao Division to prevent Bumping and stealing."

Without hesitation, Ming Anyang placed the things carefully, watched Xiao Er close the display cabinet, and took the key.

"Comrade Ming, how do you want us to help you sell antiques?" Xiaoer took a pen and paper to record.

"We have several forms here. The first is that you mark the price of the antiques. Whoever pays first will get the antiques. The second is the way of bidding. As long as it exceeds one day, no one will raise the price again. , then the antique will go to the highest bidder...Of course, our Appreciation Department is well-known in the entire Xiahua antique world...Therefore, we will hold regular auctions..."

"Every auction will have a relatively large-scale publicity, and a promotional page will be drawn up. At that time, many gentlemen who are interested in antiques will come from all over Xiahua to participate... The prices of the antiques auctioned in this way are absolutely gratifying... …”

"Next Friday, there will be a grand auction. If you are interested, can I help you register?"

"However, our Appreciation Department is the organizer, and we will take [-]% of the antique transaction price at that time. If you can accept it, let's make a decision?"

The auction will benefit from many parties. Xiao Er was afraid that Ming Anyang would be shocked by the [-]% commission, so he explained to her patiently: "Our Appreciation Department has warmed up the auction a month or two ago. Yes, and publicity is also a big investment... The network of contacts we have managed for so long is incomparable to other individuals and units..."

"Besides, the Department of Treasure Appraisal keeps confidentiality very well..."

(End of this chapter)

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