"In order to promote the reputation of Jianbaosi, and also for the exchange and appreciation of antique lovers across the country, we will hold a large-scale auction every two months... Each one is just warm-up and publicity for more than a month, and we will advance Make a book of the products for shooting and distribute them all over the country..."

"If antique lovers have something they like, they will participate in this auction... The people who come are either rich or expensive, and are of much higher quality than the people who come to our hall every day. I don't know how many times the price of antiques can increase..."

Xiao Er spared no effort to introduce.

The hall is very large, and the upstairs is also there. There are no less than 20 people who serve the big guys.

They can get a share, so how the seller sells and what price they sell is related to their wages.

Ming Anyang went shopping in the antique street with a clear goal of making money.

She naturally agreed to participate in the auction, but said, "Comrade, our antiques are not registered, can we participate in this auction?"

The waiter smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Of course, it's an auction. The most important thing is quality, quantity, and surprises!"

"Comrade, these few pieces of yours are of high collection value. Some have allusions, some are rare complete sets, and some are superbly crafted, or have a long history. They are suitable as finale treasures."

"I believe that the price of each piece will exceed your expectations..."

Ming Anyang smiled and asked Xiao Er to help register.

The shop waiter took out the form, "Comrade Qi, my name is Zheng Zili, you can call me Xiao Zheng."

"This is the entrustment agreement for antiques to participate in the auction of the Appreciation Division. Please read it and sign your name if there is no problem... Our Appreciation Division has relatively complete security measures. After the agreement is signed, we will Take over the antiques with full authority..."

"These antiques have been identified by us, and there will definitely be no bad things like fakes being mistaken for real ones or being stolen... If you suffer any loss, we will compensate you ten times the estimated value of the antiques..."

Ming Anyang took the agreement and looked at it seriously. It also said that her information would be kept confidential to ensure her safety.

She was quite satisfied with this. After all, after the antiques were identified, she would easily be targeted by others when she took them home.

After signing the agreement, Ming Anyang and Shen Tiance walked around the hall and left without seeing any suitable items.

Shen Tiance was still confused, "Sister-in-law, you have really good eyesight! It's my uncle. Of the ten treasures he has set his sights on, one or two may not be real."

"Can you teach me when you have time?"

Ming Anyang nodded generously with a smile, "Okay, it's actually not difficult to identify antiques."

"You see, the domestic situation is very good now. The antique industry will definitely prosper day by day, and it will be profitable at least in the next 20 years."

"I teach you a few identification techniques, but you can only deal with certain ones. How about I teach you a few books and you can study them systematically? Although this method is slow, it can allow you to accumulate enough knowledge and experience..."

She is someone who has experienced it and can give him more targeted advice.

As for whether he wants to learn quickly or steadily, it depends on his choice.

Without even thinking about it, Shen Tiance said, "Sister-in-law, if I want to become a professional, of course I must study knowledge in a down-to-earth manner."

"The scope of application of several identification techniques is too small. When I think that I may have missed a lot of treasures because of my lack of knowledge, I will definitely not be able to sleep at night..."

Isn't that right? He is responsible for the security of this area, occasionally helps his uncle look after the shop, and walks back and forth from Antique Street countless times a day.

Even with his eyes closed, he knew what was in every shop.He had never thought about these treasures dangling under his nose all day long.

It's nothing more than a billion mistakes!

Ming Anyang smiled and motioned to Shen Tiance to take out a pen and paper, and began to read ten books to him, "These are relatively authoritative, and every knowledge point has been verified... You have to learn to read..."

She pointed to the books recorded by Shen Tiance and told him how to read each book and what the key points were.What does he need to learn from books.

"In addition to theoretical knowledge such as history, craftsmanship of various dynasties, introduction and appreciation points of each instrument, etc., you also have to combine these with reality... Only in this way can you develop your eyesight and intuition through the continuous accumulation of experience..."

Shen Tiance nodded again and again, his eyes became brighter and brighter: "Sister-in-law is too right. I have learned a lot from my uncle in the past two years, but I always feel that my knowledge is not systematic and comprehensive enough. …”

"But I don't know how to solve this problem, and there are many books on the market, which ones are suitable for me, and which ones are authoritative... I am blind!"

"With these books, I have ink in my stomach, so I have the confidence and ability to appraise treasures..."

Ming Anyang said with a smile: "Actually, as long as you find the direction of your efforts, you can quickly become a master of treasure appraisal."

"It will be good then, don't forget me and your brother."

Shen Tiance patted his chest: "Don't worry, sister-in-law! I won't say too many nice things, you just have to look at my performance."

Immediately, he didn't even go to the store, and went straight to the library to look for books.

After returning home, for the next few days, Ming Anyang didn't go anywhere, just read a book, bought ingredients occasionally, and boiled some soup for his family.

The weekend came soon, and she got up early in the morning.

It was rare for the big guys to see her at the dinner table, and curiously asked her what arrangements she had.

Ming Anyang tore fried dough sticks and dipped them in soy milk, and said with a light smile, "I went to the library a few days ago and ran into a classmate, and was invited to attend the class reunion at noon."

"In Jingjude in the city."

Ming's father spoke first and asked, "Anyang, do you have enough money in your hand?"

That's what she asked, but Ming's father had already stuffed money and tickets into her hand.

Ming's mother also went to take money out of the bag at the door, even the eldest brother and sister-in-law of the Ming family were also rummaging through the pockets.

Ming Anyang hurriedly said: "Parents, brothers and sisters-in-law, I am raised by a man now. I just go out for a meal, I have enough money!"

"Besides, I took all the more than 900 yuan that brother Si Shuo gave me at that time, and didn't spend much."

Sister-in-law Ming first smiled and said, "That's your money. You haven't worked to make money yet, and you're still the youngest in our family."

"Mom, brother, sister-in-law give you money, you just take it, why are you polite to us?"

"Could it be possible that you still think sister-in-law is acting?"

"I don't have shallow eyelids like everyone else, and I don't see my parents-in-law loving my sister-in-law. On the contrary, I'm glad that I have such a beautiful, smart and sensible girl."

"Even if they don't give you money, I have to give it! Otherwise, if my natal family finds out, there will be a ruckus."

She has already brought the news to her natal family.

For Xiahua people, offspring has always been the most important thing!

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