Chapter 366 70s as a fine wife (37)

Zhang Zhengyang is a southerner, and he can't drink alcohol, but he has been with the big guys for so many years, and he has developed a manly temper.

Shen Sishuo only provoked him with a few words, and he was booed by other people. As a result, Zhang Zhengyang drank one cup after another, and he didn't know how much he drank.

When Zheng Meijuan found out, he was vaguely hugging the arm of the colleague next to him as a pig's trotter to chew on!

Zheng Meijuan's complexion is not good-looking, and now that the man is not good at drinking, his face is even darker.

She was quite angry and pulled Zhang Zhengyang.

However, Zhang Zhengyang waved her hand away drunkenly and shouted: "Don't touch me, who are you?"

Ming Anyang blinked his eyes, it seems that the male lead in the novel is a relatively restrained person, he has a limit to everything, so he can't drink too much, and rarely drinks too much.

When he drank too much, there was a clear difference from the serious and slightly staid him on weekdays.

But when he drank too much, he still had a little consciousness. At this moment, he was completely robbed of his rationality by God Si Shuo, relying entirely on instinct.

She couldn't help wiping a smile from the corners of her lips, and her brows and eyes were arched at the look of God Si Shuo asking for credit.

Zheng Meijuan said in a low voice: "Brother Zhengyang, you drank too much, shall we go home?"

"Who, who drank too much? Hey, you, where are you from, the flower girl?" Zhang Zhengyang's vision was blurred, and he saw Zheng Meijuan wearing a floral top. The shirt is designed with a waist.

At this moment, he was staring straight at the bulging mass in front of her, not hiding his inner thoughts at all.

The word "flower girl" is not unfamiliar to everyone here.

They watch a lot of war movies now, and there are Little Days and a Flower Girl in them.

Although the turbulent era has passed, the hatred of the big guys for the small days has never diminished.

"Zhang Zhengyang, you drank too much!" Shen Sishuo said calmly with a cold face.

Zhang Zhengyang smiled: "No, I'm not drunk, I'm sober. Shen Sishuo, don't be nervous, they are all men, who doesn't have that kind of thought?"

"Your daughter-in-law is beautiful and has a good figure, but she has a hot temper. She must..."

Hearing this, Shen Sishuo punched him directly in the face, and gritted his teeth angrily: "What about him, it's fortunate that I treat you as a brother and friend, so you see my wife like that?"

"Don't bully your friends' wives. You can't even think about it in your heart... Who are you to be my wife?"

Zhang Zhengyang was blinded by the beating, his nose was bloody the first time he hit it, but Shen Sishuo didn't hold back any strength, and all his moves were directed at Zhang Zhengyang's face.

The eye sockets, cheeks, corners of the mouth, everything is taken care of.

The big guys said it was a fight, but they had a lot of fun watching.

It turned out that the big guy had a pretty good impression of Zhang Zhengyang. He was handsome and charismatic. He became a small boss at a young age, and he behaved just right, making it impossible to fault him.

He is the type of person that everyone wants to associate with.

However, after Zhang Nannan's incident came out, everyone felt that Zhang Zhengyang was a hypocrite.

Hudu doesn't even want to eat children, he just watched his daughter almost be sold for the sake of a young and beautiful new daughter-in-law.

If he treats his own daughter like this, can they expect him to treat others sincerely?

During this period of time, everyone was simmering with anger. Seeing Zhang Zhengyang acting like a dog, they couldn't find his fault and had to maintain a superficial relationship with him.

To be able to watch him being beaten, the big guy was so happy.

If it wasn't for their rationality and knowing not to make too much noise, they would all want to go up and kick and kick and cheer again.

However, when the big guy was pulling sideways, someone really kicked him on purpose!
Zheng Meijuan was frightened by Shen Sishuo's vicious look, and when she realized it, Zhang Zhengyang was surrounded by a circle of men.

She hurriedly looked at Aunt Zhuo asking for help: "Auntie, let them separate quickly. They can't bully Brother Zhengyang while he's drunk..."

Ming Anyang sneered dissatisfiedly: "Zheng Meijuan, you have made it clear, what do you mean by bullying him?"

"It's obvious that your man drank some wine, thought you were a flower girl and flirted with him, and still commented on me in public?"

"As long as he is like this, it is okay to punish him for being a hooligan!"

"I know that the work of the employees in the Railway Construction Bureau is monotonous and hard, and the men are tired and open their mouths together, but I think that as family members, we have paid a lot for the family, how can we become a joke in their mouths?"

"Without the minimum respect, how can he be worthy of leading others?"

Zheng Meijuan opened her eyes wide and looked at Ming Anyang: "You did it on purpose! You must have found a random reason to make Brother Zhengyang suffer. If you are sincere and kind, and for the sake of the child, you shouldn't be like this..."

The family members around couldn't listen anymore, and they all accused: "Zheng Meijuan, do you hear that what you are talking about is human?"

"What do you mean for the good of the child? If you are not comfortable, just rush at the child?"

"I have to report to the organization, you are not worthy of being parents, if Nannan stays with you, it will be really ruined..."

How can Zheng Meijuan speak for them?

At this moment, Shen Sishuo was stopped, and Zhang Zhengyang collapsed on the ground like mud.

Shen Sishuo was still so angry that his chest heaved and heaved, "This thing is endless!"

Everyone sighed a little, this person in Zhengyang who is usually very serious, never thought that he would speak the truth after drinking, but he had thoughts about Ming Anyang.

They could hear his sour tone.

Zhuo Gong also had a cold face: "Shen Gong is a man with a pen, how much strength does he have, Zhang Zhengyang lay on the ground only when he was drunk."

"As for Zhang Zhengyang's swearing, we big guys have heard it, and I will react to the leader later."

"His words and deeds are very harmful to people. If he can't be severely punished, the atmosphere of the Fifth Department of the Railway Construction Bureau will be distorted in the future!"

"Drunkenness is never an excuse. If you know that you are not good at drinking, then don't get drunk. If you don't talk about drinking when others persuade you, who can drink you?"

"Big guy, take this as a warning, go back and think about it. It's getting late today, let's all go back..."

Shen Sishuo's expression was not good at the moment, he took Ming Anyang's hand, told Zhuo Gong and his wife, and then left.

Aunt Zhuo hurriedly handed over a basket, and said in a low voice, "The mutton and mutton chops prepared for you, go back and nourish your body."

Ming Anyang thanked him with a smile, and took it politely.

Mutton is not easy to buy, so she will not refuse it, and she will just return it with other things later.

On the way, Shen Sishuo kept looking at Ming Anyang's face.

It was obvious that Anyang was helpless, "Brother Si Shuo, what do you want to say?"

"Daughter-in-law, you, are you not angry? If I knew what he said, I would have pulled out his tongue in advance!"

(End of this chapter)

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