Chapter 367 70s as a fine wife (38)

Ming Anyang smiled and shook his hand, "Brother Si Shuo, just teach him a lesson, don't put yourself in it. It's not worth getting your hands dirty for him."

After she was reborn, she just realized that this is a novel world, and she was indeed a little afraid of the hero and heroine.

But after Zhang Nannan was found and heard about the couple's behavior, Ming Anyang regarded them as ordinary people.

This is a real world, how could it be presented in hundreds of thousands of words?

What the author writes is to present the most exciting part to readers, hiding a lot of ugliness.

No one is perfect, and the hero and heroine are not necessarily good people.

There was no one on the road at the moment, Shen Sishuo let go of her hand, directly embraced her shoulders, and put her in his arms, "Daughter-in-law, I have my sense of propriety."

"You can see that Zhang Zhengyang was limp on the ground after being beaten by me. In fact, he didn't have any injuries enough for them to sue me."

"The bruises on his face lasted for ten days and a half months, and I'm afraid they won't go away. Apart from his face, I also greeted him, all of which were painful but not serious."

"I can't fight Zheng Meijuan, but I can fight Zhang Zhengyang!"

Ming Anyang smiled and rubbed his chin, "I feel at ease now."

"They want to save face the most, but they can't save face tonight."

Fortunately, those years have passed, otherwise just relying on Zhang Zhengyang's "flower girl" would be enough for him to fall into trouble.

Shen Sishuo kissed her forehead, "Daughter-in-law, this matter is endless, I have to ask the unit for an explanation."

"Zhang Zhengyang has obviously brought down the ethos of the unit, and even swears at you. This is not something that can be solved with a few fists!"

Ming Anyang also nodded angrily, "I can't let it go like this."

Back home, the two of them washed up.

Shen Sishuo drank some wine and impulsively fought for the woman. Now he was rubbing against Ming Anyang, and even groaned a little: "Daughter-in-law, I miss you..."

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and smiled silently, "But I'm right beside you, what are you thinking?"

"You just have the heart to starve me..."

"Brother Si Shuo, we just came back from dinner, you ate several jujube rolls, I saw them all..."

Shen Sishuo was choked, gritted his teeth and said, "Daughter-in-law, do you have to ask me to explain clearly?"

"I want you!"

As he spoke, he leaned towards her.

Ming Anyang didn't dare to move, he wrapped his arms around his waist obediently, leaned close to his ear and said something.

Shen Sishuo seemed to be both happy and resentful. He was happy because Ming Anyang didn't let him get close because she had her period. This was an objective reason.

The complaint is, why these days?

He endured it, and asked in her ear: "Daughter-in-law, tell me the truth, if your menstruation does not come, if I, I want you, will you refuse?"

Ming Anyang's face was so hot that he really didn't want to talk to him!
She smiled: "Brother Si Shuo, I'm sleepy, go to bed first, you can think about things by yourself."

After finishing speaking, she stuffed her head into his arms and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

Holding the little girl he likes in his arms, Shen Sishuo's heart also swelled, he looked at her for a long time by the moonlight, and then took her into his arms strangely.He whispered in a hoarse voice: "If my daughter-in-law doesn't refuse, I will accept it!"

The next morning, when Ming Anyang woke up, the sky was bright, and the sun shone in with warmth.

She also had a little sweat on her body after sleeping.

After Ming Anyang finished washing, he took a shower, and after eating, he put the quilt on the balcony to dry, then rubbed the bed sheet, quilt cover and pillowcase with soap for a while, and soaked it in water.

Sanitation at home has been done by Shen Sishuo.

She thought about it, and when she had nothing to do, she found the dough to make Liangpi!

The weather was hot, so it was just right to eat some Liangpi. The man in the family had a big appetite, and she wanted to return the gift to the Zhuo family, so she made a lot of them.

After packing the cold skin and gluten separately, Ming Anyang changed his clothes and went to Zhuo's house.

"Anyang is here? Come in quickly," Aunt Zhuo was working on the sewing machine at home. When she saw her coming from the window, she quickly stood up with a smile and greeted her: "What delicious food did you cook?"

Ming Anyang said with a smile: "I had nothing to do, so I made some cold skin and gluten, which is suitable for eating when the weather is hot."

"My aunt cut the cold skin, put in cucumber, fried bean sprouts, gluten, and then put some oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and sesame juice to adjust... The cold skin is too cold, or it can be left in the well water for a while, it will be more refreshing and delicious..."

"I'll make some mung bean cold skin later..."

Aunt Zhuo opened the basket, looked at the crystal clear Liangpi and the gluten cut into neat chunks, and nodded repeatedly: "Where did Si Shuo find this little fairy?"

"It doesn't matter if you are pretty, but you are also ingenious and can cook so many delicacies!"

Ming Anyang smiled: "It's good that my aunt doesn't dislike it. It's troublesome to cook once, I like to cook more, and the first meal is always delicious. Then I often come to my aunt and ask you to help consume it." .”

Aunt Zhuo understood that this girl wanted to return the gift of mutton bit by bit.

Come and go, she got something good later, and she can give it to the young couple.

"By the way Anyang, have you heard about Zhang Zhengyang?" Aunt Zhuo poured out the cold skin and gluten, and put some twists and a small watermelon inside.

Ming Anyang felt that his gluten and Liangpi were given away for nothing, and the value of the gift in return was also quite high.

"No, I'm making cool skin at home," Ming Anyang shook his head.

Aunt Zhuo whispered to her: "You just came to the family home, and you are not familiar with people. Don't think we live a little far away, but there is a little trouble in the unit, and we are the first to know about it."

The main reason is that there are always one or two people in the family who have the function of trumpets.

"Your genius, the first thing you do when you go to work is to stand outside the top leader's office. After waiting for people to come back, you will tell him what happened last night. This has become the ethos of the unit."

"It should be that Zhang Zhengyang is unlucky... The leader also just came to the unit not long ago, and the three fires have not been burned yet, and he happened to be sent to him by Si Shuo."

"Look, Zhang Zhengyang's child was lost and found back before, and the big guys just turned a blind eye and let him fool around... He really shouldn't be the Jacquard girl, let alone you..."

"I heard that Zhang Zhengyang was punished for writing a [-]-word inspection, and the inspection had to be posted on the bulletin board... His squadron leader was removed and directly reduced to an ordinary employee... Tsk tsk, climbed from an ordinary employee to a small leader, and then to a squadron leader It's not easy..."

"What is this called? Once back to before liberation! He was downgraded by two levels, and his benefits and salary have also changed a lot. The first one is that he has to move out of the family building and live in the tube building..."

Ming Anyang's eyes became brighter when he heard this, "Killing chickens to scare monkeys, this level of punishment will definitely make all employees dare not commit the crime again!"

Aunt Zhuo nodded and said with a smile: "Your family is a genius, your brain is flexible."

(End of this chapter)

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