Zheng Meijuan laughed angrily, endured the pain in her cheeks, and sneered, "Zhang Zhengyang, are you still a man?"

"I thought you were different from other people, so you are just a coward who got wronged outside and came back to vent your anger on your wife?"

"A gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move his hands. Are you a human?"

"You drank uncontrollably and were tricked by others. Are you being provoked again to take out your anger on me?"

Zhang Zhengyang didn't want to admit her words, so he could only grit his teeth and say, "Zheng Meijuan, do you really think I'm a fool?"

"Why did Nan Nan disappear? Do you dare to say that you were not involved?"

"Just this once, from now on, you will stay at home honestly and don't cause trouble again, otherwise, we will divorce!"

Zheng Meijuan looked at him angrily.It is true that she was born again, but she is more traditional, and she is well aware of the malice towards women in this era.

A divorced woman has no market at all. She doesn't want to have a bad life after she is reborn.

She took a deep breath and said coldly: "Don't worry, I will concentrate on making money in the future, and I will never have anything to do with other people."

She believed that with Ming Anyang's fine temperament, without her own participation, that stupid woman would continue the path of her previous life and divorce Shen Sishuo.

Originally, she felt sorry for Shen Sishuo, but it seemed that they were willing to fight and suffer, so why should she, an outsider, participate.

At this moment, she was clutching her stomach, and felt that her lower abdomen was being pricked densely with needles.

"Brother Zhengyang, I, I have a stomachache..." She frowned, and suddenly remembered that she was pregnant in her last life, but because she was too young and ignorant, when Shen Sishuo and Ming Anyang were arguing, , went up to pull the frame and was pushed to the ground.

At that time, she thought it was menstruation, but it was actually her miscarriage.

Because she didn't pay attention to it and didn't take good care of her body, she took medicine for a year or two before she conceived, and was pushed down by Zhang Nannan to have another miscarriage, completely disqualifying her from being a mother!

"My child, Brother Zhengyang, I may be pregnant... Hurry up and save our child..." Zheng Meijuan cried and begged with a pale face.

Zhang Zhengyang saw that she didn't seem to be joking, so he hurriedly stepped forward to pick her up and sent her to the clinic.

Fortunately, they discovered it in time and gave her a miscarriage injection. Zheng Meijuan had to stay in bed for the next month.

"I'll call my mother and ask her to serve you." Zhang Zhengyang carried Zheng Meijuan to his new home.

Zheng Meijuan doesn't dare to move now, making money is easy, but if she loses this child, she may not be able to keep the next one.

Thinking about how arrogant and unreasonable the old lady of the Zhang family was, a coldness flashed in her eyes.However, her complexion became even paler, and she shook her head hastily, "Brother Zhengyang doesn't want it, only the daughter-in-law takes care of the mother-in-law, how dare I bother my mother to take care of me."

Zhang Zhengyang also knew that his mother was difficult to deal with.

He sighed, and patted Zheng Meijuan's hand, "Juanzi, I was wrong this time. I shouldn't have done anything to you."

"Don't worry, your stomach is my mother's fat grandson. She is happy to serve you."

"It's a big deal, let's pay her more for her hard work. If you invite others, it's just as well to invite others. It's better for your own family to be more considerate."

Zheng Meijuan nodded, "Well, tell mom then. Because of Zhengyang... my pregnancy is not stable. I may not be able to keep the baby even if I go to the toilet this month."

"The doctor also told me to take good care of my body and keep up with my nutrition... and asked my mother not to find me troublesome..."

Zhang Zhengyang should come down, "Okay, I will let the family members of the neighbors take care of you for the next two days." Because of the moving and Zheng Meijuan's pregnancy, the couple forcibly forgot that there was Zhang Nannan at home, so that the nursery school was in charge. All the children were picked up, only Zhang Nannan was waiting.

The teacher also knew about Zhang Nannan's family, so he was so angry that he sent the child to the neighborhood committee, "Comrade, what are Zhang Zhengyang and his wife thinking?"

"They really don't plan to have children? I've never seen such irresponsible parents..."

The comrades of the neighborhood committee were also very helpless, and led the children to find the parents, but they knocked on the door for a long time.

No way, they can only knock on the right door.

In the evening, Ming Anyang made lo mein noodles, poured them into cold boiled water, poured vegetables over them, and added some sesame juice and chili oil.

The couple were enjoying their meal, when they heard a knock on the door, Shen Sishuo went to open the door.

After hearing the words of the comrades in the neighborhood committee, Shen Sishuo looked cold and said lightly:
"Zhang Zhengyang was demoted, and now they have moved to Tongzilou, you should be able to find out if you ask."

"They moved quite a lot."

The little guy looked at this and that, holding back tears with red eyes, "Auntie looking for God..."

She doesn't want to go home.

Ming Anyang couldn't help but sigh when he heard the little girl's soft and aggrieved voice, stood up and walked over.

She touched the little girl's head and gave her a few candies.

Asking Shen Sishuo to play with the child for a while, she looked at the two comrades from the neighborhood committee and asked in a low voice: "Comrade, you have also seen that those two didn't take this child seriously at all."

"The child was deliberately abducted before. After the child was found, I didn't see how well they treated the child. They either starved her or forgot to pick her up."

"The child is so young, so sensible that it makes people feel distressed... Besides, I heard that the child was injured before, and I'm afraid he was beaten..."

"They are not worthy of being parents. Don't tell me your neighborhood committee doesn't care about them? If you let them go, I'm afraid the children will be lost...can't you find a suitable family for the children?"

The two comrades looked at each other and nodded: "Thank you, we will think about it."

"Comrades Zhang Zhengyang and Zheng Meijuan are the parents of the child after all. Let's check again. If they neglect the child next time, then we will apply to find a new family for the child!"

Ming Anyang nodded with a smile, stuffed some biscuits for the children, and then sent them away.

"What is going on in Zhang Zhengyang's head? For such a woman, he actually ignored his own daughter!" Shen Sishuo was extremely angry.

He felt that the fate was rare, and it was not easy for the two of them to become a husband and wife, especially since Zhang Nannan's mother had exchanged her life for this little life, Zhang Zhengyang should put the little girl at the top of his heart.

Even after marrying a bride and having other children in the future, Zhang Zhengyang shouldn't give his children less paternal love.

Anyway, Shen Sishuo tried his best to marry Ming Anyang. If the two had children, he would wish to spoil him to the heavens!
Absolutely will not let the child be so young, so sensible that outsiders can't stand it.

"Let them do it, sooner or later they will regret it and hit the wall!"

Ming Anyang nodded in agreement, but she held her chin and asked in a low voice: "Brother Si Shuo, I remember a team leader who has been married for more than ten years and has no children yet?"

"How is their character? Do you plan to adopt a child?"

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