Chapter 370 70s as a fine wife (41)

Ming Anyang had never stayed in the family home except for her wedding day in her last life. It was Shen Sishuo who traveled thousands of miles to look for her every time. When he had nothing to say, he would talk to her about trivial things in the family home.

After all, Shen Sishuo is smart and knows how to speak to make people interested in listening to something.

What's more, the things he picked could be published in newspapers to open everyone's eyes.

She remembered that the captain and his wife named Xing had worked hard for many years and tried too many methods, but they could not conceive a child.

When Aunt Xing was almost 40 years old, the two of them discussed adopting one.

It was also their bad luck. The child they selected after a year of inspection turned out to have congenital heart disease and died after being carefully raised for a few years.

You must know that they poured all their father's love and mother's love into this child.

After the child was gone, their entire spiritual support collapsed. Aunt Xing's hair turned gray overnight, and they never adopted a child again.

Ming Anyang met Aunt Xing while having barbecue yesterday, she was a very kind and gentle person.

Captain Xing is also tall and cheerful.

Ming Anyang has a very keen sense of people and has never failed to judge a person's character.

If possible, it would be a good thing to entrust Zhang Nannan to them.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Shen Sishuo guessed what she was thinking.

"Captain Xing and my aunt are of good character, and everyone who knows them will praise them. It's a pity that they are in their 30s and don't have children yet."

"It sounds like they have given up hope of having a child in the past two years and are preparing to adopt a child."

"They are quite suitable to adopt Zhang Nannan. However, this matter cannot be rushed and must be done step by step."

Ming Anyang hummed, "I also suddenly thought of it. For children, this is a good escape route."

After staying for a few days, the relationship between Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo became even sweeter. Although they could not completely own each other, they were still very close.

On Friday, after Shen Sishuo asked for leave in advance, he and Ming Anyang took a car back to Kyoto.

Knowing that she was motion sick, Shen Sishuo bought some mints in advance and also brought a cotton mask for her to wear.

Isolating the unpleasant smell in the bus, with candy in his mouth, his head resting on the man's shoulder, and looking at the scenery outside the window, Ming Anyang felt much better.

Last night, the man made a fuss for a long time, obviously he couldn't enjoy himself to his heart's content, and he insisted on provoking her, so much so that he took three cold showers.

At this moment, the car was swaying, and sleepiness came over her. Ming Anyang slept so darkly, and during the transfer, men hugged her sideways, regardless of the attention of everyone.

If Ming Anyang hadn't cooperated with the inquiry, Shen Sishuo would have almost been regarded as a human trafficker.

When he got home, Ming Anyang drank a cup of milk and came to life completely!
Shen Tiance borrowed a car from somewhere and was honking the horn downstairs.

Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo changed their clothes, left notes for Ming's father and mother, and left.

From the moment they got into the car, Shen Tiance kept talking and told all the information he had recently learned about the auction.

"It is said that there will be several famous paintings in this auction, which has attracted many old gentlemen from all over the country... Zheng Xiaoer said that the large-scale auction will raise the price of antiques to a higher level..."

"Also, there are a lot of rough stones prepared after the auction. They seem to have been transported from the southwest through certain channels. There are two wagons, enough for big guys to play with!"

"The jade over there has a high probability of turning green, and the quality is pretty good. Anyone who can get the imperial green will be able to get rich overnight..." Ming Anyang didn't feel much emotion after hearing this.

She has always been pragmatic, and she is already very satisfied if she can pick up the leaks and get four sets of treasures at once, and she will not ask for anything else.

The rough stone is theoretical knowledge plus luck, which is fine for fun, but she doesn't expect to make a fortune from it.

Shen Sishuo always had a cold expression.He held Ming Anyang's hand domineeringly, his expression unchanged.I don’t know how much he listened to it.

The auction was held in a large private garden in the suburbs.

It was already dusk when they arrived, and there were various vehicles parked outside the courtyard. There were also many taxis that did not leave even after sending people there.

After entering the gate, there were conspicuous signs guiding Ming Anyang and the others inside.

There are many colorful lanterns lit in the garden, and the lights are softly scattered. Together with the prosperous summer flowers, it really feels like a fairyland.

There is a pond in the center of the garden, and about a foot away from the shore is a stage made of stones, which is now used to display the auction items for everyone.

Ming Anyang and the others arrived in a hurry. As soon as they entered the garden, they were led by Zheng Xiaoer to find their own seats and sit down.

Then Zheng Xiaoer arranged for people to bring fruits, melon seeds and tea, and the service was very good!

Ming Anyang reiterated to the two of them: "Remember, we are here to auction things, not to buy things."

"The people who come here to spend money are either rich or noble. We can't steal from others, and we have no interest in squandering it for noble hobbies!"

She also specifically glared at Shen Tiance, "Brother Si Shuo, I'm not worried, but you, please don't believe your so-called experience."

"Sometimes, the experience of having a half-full bottle of vinegar sloshed around is the worst thing..."

Shen Tiance curled his lips, "If I want to shoot, I have to have money."

Ming Anyang smiled. In his last life, he had no money, but he still dared to borrow loan sharks and write down IOUs on the spot, just to buy a fake that had been stolen.

"You don't deserve to spend money to buy things until you have solid theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge and get my approval to start teaching!" Ming Anyang sneered.

Shen Tiance nodded sadly, she was powerful, she had the final say!
Shen Sishuo held Ming Anyang's hand and squeezed her soft palm.

Ming Anyang smiled and stopped teasing Shen Tiance.

When the auction officially started, the street lights in the garden also lit up, making the night look like daylight, allowing everyone to see the auction items more clearly.

The host livened up the atmosphere a little and started introducing the first baby.

There are treasure appraisal departments in all major cities. Ordinary antiques are placed in the hall for sale. Only those whose estimated price reaches a certain amount and are of great collection value will be gathered from various places to Kyoto and then appear at the auction. .

Therefore, every treasure made the people in the industry couldn't help but marvel, and they were so excited that they couldn't speak clearly.

Infected by this atmosphere, the three of them didn't feel bored. They didn't reach out their hands even once and actually followed from beginning to end.

Ming Anyang's four sets of things were originally valued at a total of 2 yuan, but after the auction, the big guys bid, and the price soared to more than 3000 yuan!
This price really surprised Ming Anyang.

Immediately she couldn't bear it any longer, leaned into Shen Sishuo's ear, and began to whisper about buying a courtyard house.

"Brother Si Shuo, a house is always a sure-profit deal... Your salary is not low, it is enough for both of us to spend our daily expenses, and there is even some leftover..."

(End of this chapter)

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