Ming Anyang clasped his fingers and continued with soft eyebrows:

"We have bought everything at home, and I really can't imagine what else we need to buy... Since we can't spend this money, how much interest can we earn by putting it in the bank?"

"It's better to buy more houses and shops. In the future, everyone's living standards will improve, and the rent will definitely rise accordingly... By then, if we don't go out to work and just lie at home, we can still rely on the rent to make a living..."

Shen Sishuo did not expect that his wife had the good qualities of a miser.

What a beautiful little girl, she doesn't talk about novels, cosmetics, clothes or food, but she really wants to buy a house.

No, she also relied on her real skills to go for a walk in the antique street and bought more than 7 yuan. Even he was stunned by this number.

"Okay, it's all up to you," Shen Sishuo smiled and nodded.

Ming Anyang couldn't help but ask: "What if I say that I wasted money on it? Do you agree?"

Shen Sishuo nodded, "Don't say it's your daughter-in-law's money, it's my money, and I'm happy to let you play to your heart's content."

This is something he really dares to do.

Ming Anyang puffed out his cheeks and said, "Comrade Shen Sishuo, you must be careful when you pamper your wife. Be careful of spoiling her to the sky!"

Shen Sishuo pinched her face and chuckled: "I've heard that a cooked duck flew away, but here, if you get into my pot, don't think about it flying out."

Ming Anyang pinched him and laughed too.

In the two lifetimes combined, this was the first time she had tasted love. She was always filled with happiness, and occasionally had moments of overflowing.

The auction was over, and everyone was still a little unfinished, but they immediately followed the staff to move the battlefield to another yard.

This courtyard is not too small. It is said that it was the place where the master's family trained their guards in the past, which is also the martial arts training ground.The area is almost the same as half a playground!

Nowadays, there are rows of tables here, and the tables are piled with stones of different sizes.

Now that it is summer, people wear thinner clothes and it is clear what they are carrying, so the organizer does not have to worry about someone taking them out with them.

Zheng Xiaoer followed Ming Anyang and the three of them. At this moment, he was grinning so much that the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

"Three distinguished guests, you can take a look. These rough stones are all brought from the southwest. They were plucked directly from the mountains without being selected by anyone... If you don't understand this, you can also pay to hire experts to help select, but... After the jade comes out, [-]% will be given to the experts..."

"But, my suggestion is that the texture of the raw stone is special, and even instruments cannot identify whether there is jade in it, or the quality, size, etc. of the jade... Experts' judgments may not be accurate... There is a word in the industry called gambling. Shi, it’s also said that luck plays a big role... So, if you can avoid inviting experts, I’d better not..."

He gave very pertinent advice to several people.

Ming Anyang feels the same, not to mention that the experts may not be as good as Shen Sishuo!
She picked a stone with a beautiful shape and the size of a fist, turned her head and said with a smile to Shen Sishuo and Shen Tiance: "How about the three of us take a bet? Each person picks five pieces to see who can find the most valuable jade stone. ?”

Shen Sishuo nodded in agreement without thinking, and patiently spread the theoretical knowledge to her, and even pointed out the rough stone for her by combining theory with practice.

Shen Tiance was a fun-loving person, so he naturally would not refuse. He listened carefully to his cousin's words and wrote down the key points desperately.

At this time, someone suddenly sneered: "Since it's a bet, isn't it too boring for the three of you to play?"

"Classmate Ming Anyang, how about we all play together?"

Ming Anyang looked over and saw that it was Mu Wenbo!

He was completely different from the boy she remembered now.He didn't mind the heat either. He was wearing a shirt, vest and suit pants, with a slicked back hair and silver-framed glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose.

He looks very much like the young master who drank foreign ink in the past. "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself again. My name is Mu Wenbo. The Mu family runs a taxi company."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him couldn't help but gasp.

In this era, taxi driving is a very popular industry. Whoever enters this industry, it doesn't matter whether it's a nurse, a flight attendant, a salesperson, or a teacher. You can choose whatever you want!

Others are still clinging to a salary of 80 yuan and [-] yuan, but they can already earn four figures a month.

Taxi drivers are so looked up to, let alone taxi companies.

Just when the spring breeze blows and everyone rolls up their sleeves to work hard, people are riding high...

The Mu family is well-known in Kyoto, and Mu Wenbo also has many playmates with similar family conditions. As soon as he finished his words, someone responded.

People who can participate in the auction and come here are not short of money, and they also like to use their small things to make a big difference.

Such excitement is hard to resist.

Ming Anyang asked Zheng Xiaoer about the price of the rough stones. Although the rough stones had not been selected before they were brought in, after they were brought in, the Treasure Appraisal Department found experts to classify the rough stones.

Therefore, the prices of rough stones are also different.

They range from cheap ones to a large unity, to expensive ones ranging from hundreds to thousands.

She has just earned more than 7 yuan now, so she can really afford it, but she turned her head to look at Shen Sishuo.

She can afford it and she doesn't want to be taken advantage of!

Shen Sishuo smiled and rubbed her head, "Don't worry, you can't lose as long as I'm here."

Isn't this too absolute?
Mu Wenbo sneered: "I heard that the senior is very confident? If you don't know, I would think you are an expert in rough stones."

"Since we all agree to play together, I suggest that each of us pick five rough stones and see who gets the jade with the highest value."

"No. 1 will get the jade stones given by all the contestants. How dare you come?"

Everyone knows that this batch of rough stones is of good quality, so everyone is likely to get a good jade stone.

The harvest of No.1 must be very rich, isn't it just five rough stones, they are not short of this money, what if the first is theirs?
No one raised any objection, so Mu Wenbo asked someone to register the applicant's information.

The staff of the Treasure Appraisal Department are familiar with this kind of situation and arranged this competition very skillfully.

Everyone who signs up wears armbands on their arms and is supervised by everyone on site.

They are not allowed to rely on experts and can only rely on their own sense and luck to choose.

Not only did some customers who loved the fun and knew a bit about rough diamonds end up, but even the experts with a little money in their pockets were unwilling to give up this opportunity.

Either lose five rough stones or win many jade stones!
Only fools don't know how to make choices.

Everyone gathered together and murmured, and as a result, 360% of the people present signed up, a total of more than [-] people.

There are many staff in the field, so they register statistics and maintain competition discipline in an orderly manner.

Within half an hour, a steward from the Treasure Appraisal Department who acted as a referee announced the start of the competition!

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