Chapter 372 70s as a fine wife (43)

The stone betting competition is a manifestation of personal theoretical knowledge and luck, but those who participate in the competition cannot seek the opinions of others, and choose rough stones based on their own feelings.

Ming Anyang doesn't know much about raw stones, which is compared to her as an archaeological expert.

She has very high requirements for herself. If she is not proficient and the best at what she does, she is not very good at it.

In fact, this is not the first time she has come into contact with rough stones.

Jade can be found from rough stones, which often intersects with her work.

In her previous life, she made a name for herself in the archaeological world in a very short time. Everyone knew her name, but deliberately concealed her age, so that people who came here for her name, seeing her young and beautiful, wanted to see her. He was so surprised that he even mistakenly thought she was his assistant.

Every industry is taboo about working behind closed doors. Even if she is an archaeologist, she has to participate in various academic exchanges, tastings, auctions, etc. from time to time.

She knew several people who were very knowledgeable about rough stones, and she exchanged what she had learned from them for some experience and tips on selecting rough stones.

If she didn't have the hole cards, why would she pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger just now, betting with Shen Sishuo and Shen Tiance?
Ming An's positive character is very strong in all aspects, otherwise the ending of her and Shen Si Shuo's previous life would not be like that.

The experience she gained was ten years later, so naturally it may be much longer than the current experts can understand.

However, no instrument can detect the situation in the rough stone. The most she can find is a rough stone containing jade. As for the quality and quantity of the jade in the rough stone, she has to leave it to luck with a [-]% probability.

Ming Anyang picked out the rough stones nonchalantly, looking sideways at Shen Sishuo from time to time.

The man's fingers were long and slender. He grasped the original stone and studied it carefully. His expression was particularly cold, like an iceberg in the polar regions that never melts. It repels people thousands of miles away and is very confusing!

Her heart beat faster, and she pursed her lips and smiled.

The man didn't look at her, but his hand reached out domineeringly and clasped hers tightly.

Just like the shock when he was entangled with her!

Mu Wenbo had already picked out the rough stone and looked up at Ming Anyang with a gloomy expression.

Although the college entrance examination ended only one month ago, since the spring breeze started, no matter how busy he was with his studies, he would go to his father's company for an internship every week, and occasionally he would work as a taxi driver on a whim.

Having seen a lot of intrigues in the workplace, he also got a glimpse of life through the perspective of a driver.

The concept of money gradually formed. He believed that no one can resist the temptation of wealth. Resisting only means that the temptation is not enough!
The Ming family is an ordinary dual-income family. Ming Anyang used to be a student. He lives a simple life and does not have high requirements, so he naturally has a sense of aloofness.

Even if she married in a hurry, her husband was considered excellent, but he was still an engineer with a dead salary.

How could the Wei family be so wealthy!

When Ming Anyang got more exposed to society and experienced materialistic desires, he understood the benefits of money.

At that time, I didn’t know if she could still straighten her back and refuse his advances.

He would ask her to take a look at the upper class society tonight, what it means to spend a lot of money, what it means to make money from money...

He looked down at the rough stones of different sizes in the basket, and the smile on his lips became thicker. The night could cover up all the flaws and conspiracies!
Many people are just joining in the fun. They have only heard a few words about the so-called golden rules for selecting rough stones. In fact, they themselves are very confused. They see that any one may turn out green, but they think that any one is very ordinary, so they can only close their eyes and cut it quickly. Lump, caught five and asked the master to help cut it.

There are many rough stones, so there are many masters invited to open stones at the venue.

Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo picked them very quickly, so they went to line up with their baskets.Mu Wenbo was talking to someone. When he saw them queuing up, he stepped to the side and lined up right in front of them.

After the auction is over, the host comes here to liven up the atmosphere.

I don’t know where someone found a referee’s chair more than two meters high. He sat on it and started broadcasting the cutting situation live with a loudspeaker.

This host is also a capable person. The boring cutting process and the wonderful scenes he yelled made vivid images appear in the minds of everyone who could not see the picture, and their hearts went up and down along with it.

Ming Anyang was now pulling the rough stones in the baskets of Shen Sishuo and Shen Tiance.

Shen Sishuo has done some research on rough stones, so the one he chose is pretty good and can match her experience.

And Shen Tiance just listened to the words of Shen Sishuo, and chose according to the words, which seemed to be based on plans.

Even though everyone claims that these rough stones are of good quality and have a higher chance of turning green, this is relative. Almost [-]% to [-]% of the rough stones do not contain jade, and more than [-]% of the rough stones contain jade of average quality.

Therefore, the team progressed very quickly. By the time Mu Wenbo was queued up, it was already two hours before the game started!

There are two contestants in the front who drive in imperial green, one is about the size of a pinky finger, and the other is about the size of a walnut.

The rest of the players have different results. Generally speaking, the players who get walnuts can almost collect the jade stones that the contestants get.

There was no trace of panic on Mu Wenbo's face as he handed the basket forward, "Excuse me, master, I'll cut this piece an inch from here..."

The stone cutter nodded and started cutting carefully with the tools. After a few moments, the onlookers exclaimed: "It's green!"

The stone is oval, not too small, about fifteen centimeters in diameter.

When the master carefully cut and polished it, it turned out to be an imperial green the size of a fist!
In an instant, the whole courtyard was boiling. The golden jade in the troubled times, the imperial green is not a term, but it means that this jade has reached the imperial level, which shows that it is highly sought after by everyone.

Imperial green is rare, and such a large piece is even rarer to see.

Unlike everyone who was excited and excited, Mu Wenbo's face was happy, but there was an unexpected sense of determination.

Others think that he has seen the big world and regards money as dirt, or that he is tense.

However, Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo looked at each other and had a guess in their hearts.

Mu Wenbo stretched out his hands and made a pressing motion with his palms facing down.

After everyone calmed down, he looked back at Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo, smiled and asked the master to continue opening other jade stones.

Although the quality of the other four pieces is not as good as this one, they are still good products that can be sold at a high price, and they are not small in size.

Many jade lovers directly bid on the spot and wanted to buy it from Mu Wenbo.

Mu Wenbo smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, it's not that I'm reluctant to part with you. It's actually that I want to use these jade stones that I found with my knowledge and luck to create some jewelry and exquisite gadgets for my sweetheart."

When he said this, everyone immediately understood. Although they were a little regretful, they all smiled kindly and expressed their blessings.

(End of this chapter)

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