Chapter 373 70s as a fine wife (44)

Shen Sishuo's expression was stern, and his whole body was exuding cold air.

Both he and Ming Anyang knew the meaning of Mu Wenbo's words.

Mu Wenbo smiled and put the jade stone back into the bamboo basket. He stood sideways and raised his chin slightly towards Shen Sishuo. "Senior, I accepted. I'm afraid there is no suspense about who will win this competition, right?"

Everyone also thinks so. Emperor-level jade is rare but hard to come by. It is not easy to find such a large piece from so many rough stones.

Shen Sishuo smiled, "The game is not over yet, everything is possible."

He stepped aside and asked Ming Anyang to move the stone first.

Ming Anyang was holding his breath in his heart.In her last life, she was deceived by Mu Wenbo's hypocrisy. It was because she didn't understand people well and couldn't see through what he was like under his skin.

Anyway, she didn't like him very much after the two contacts after his rebirth!
"Excuse me, Master," Ming Anyang said with a smile. Although she was carrying a basket, she did not put the rough stones in her hands and pointed to the rough stones on the cart.

The host raised his voice, "The third cutting table, who is about to cut the rough stone for the election is a young and beautiful lesbian."

"The rough stones selected by this lesbian... have regular shapes, each one is rounder and more beautiful than the other... well, they are quite big... there are no visible lines..."

Everyone laughed when they heard this. In fact, they are all quite knowledgeable people and know some golden rules for selecting rough stones.

Most people will look at the texture, weight, grain, etc. of the rough stone. Basically, large rough stones are not their first choice, unless they can glean something from the grain.

Not to mention that the price is more expensive, the probability of finding good jade from such rough stones is relatively low.

As expected, she is a lesbian. She has no experience in selecting rough stones. She only goes for good looks and big size.

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry, but they understood it very well. When they didn't understand, they naturally chose to like Shun Xin.

Mu Wenbo was also amused, "Anyang, you are as innocent and cute as ever."

Ming Anyang's face darkened. She didn't think it was a compliment, but more like a reflection of her stupidity in the previous life.

But she didn't even look at him and urged the master to start.

The master sighed and started cutting according to the process. However, when he cut down half a meter, he felt something was wrong.

He stopped abruptly, changed places and continued cutting. When he reached almost the depth, he changed his tools and carefully tapped on the original stone skin to make a hole. He looked inside with a flashlight and looked at the color. I was so excited inside.

The onlookers couldn't see anything, but they could clearly feel the emotional changes of the stone master!They stared at the master's work with breathless concentration.

Even the host, who craned his neck, didn't dare to make a sound to disturb.

Ming Anyang clenched his fists tighter.She didn't expect that she was so lucky that she really came out with jade.

This piece of rough stone is very big, because the coating on the outside of the jade is quite thick. But after the master cut and polished it, the jade stone is about the size of a basketball. It has a full head of water and has much fewer impurities than Mu Wenbo's when placed under the light. .

This piece of jade alone is enough for Anyang to win tonight's game!

Ming Anyang was pleasantly surprised.She didn't have high hopes that she or Shinji Seok would win the competition.

Even if you lose, you can't lose your momentum.What if they were lucky enough to win?But this contingency is very difficult. She has used up all her luck to be reborn.

Who would have thought that not only did she produce jade, but the quality and size of the jade she produced far exceeded Mu Wenbo.

She breathed a long sigh of relief, her eyebrows were filled with joy, her chin was raised slightly and she smiled at Mu Bowen: "I'm sorry, Mr. Mu, but you are not the winner tonight."

The rest of Ming Anyang's rough stones also yielded jades of different quality. The problem is that the rough stones she selected were very large, and the quantity alone was equal to the amount of jades that the previous contestants produced.

When it came to Shen Sishuo, everyone didn't expect much.

Compared with the emperor green with the size of a basketball, these two wagons of rough stone are enough for big guys to go back and brag about.

What's more, the jade stone selected by Shen Sishuo is not big, and the largest one is only as big as a volleyball.

Yes, just now everyone was laughing at Anyang who had never seen the world and picked rough stones like cabbage to win big.

At this moment, they felt that Shen Sishuo, a grown man, was too petty.

Just now, the master spent a lot of energy cutting the stone, and his mood fluctuated greatly. Now he adjusted his breathing and state, and cut according to the process. However, as soon as the knife entered the edge, it was not even half an inch deep, and he saw green!
The muscles on the master's face twitched, he took a deep breath, and once again cut and polished with great care.

The jade cut out of Shen Sishuo's rough stone is not too big, but it is only twenty centimeters in diameter. The problem is that when the master shines it with light, there are almost no impurities in it!
The big guys are completely boiling, they must be dreaming, how could three people in a row be able to get top-level jade?

Could it be that imperial green has really become Chinese cabbage now?
Moreover, not only this one, but the other jade stones from Shensi Shuo are of good quality. Even if they are not imperial green, they have few impurities and are especially loved by the big spenders present.

Mu Wenbo's face was as dark as ink at this moment, and he immediately threw up his sleeves and left, without the scornful attitude just now.

Ming Anyang turned his head blankly, looked at the god Si Shuo, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Si Shuo, is this not true? Am I hallucinating?"

Shen Sishuo smiled and pinched Shen Tiance, then raised his voice, causing Ming Anyang to cover his ears in fright.

Her eyes were bright, "Ah, doesn't that mean we made it?"

The spring breeze has blown throughout Xiahua, which means that the era of the popularity of jade has quietly come. Considering the love of jade among the people of Xiahua, and their harvest tonight, wouldn't it be that the farmers stood up and started singing?
Shinji Shuo nodded, feeling a rare excitement in his heart. Unexpectedly, he was obsessed with it when he was in college. He searched for information about rough stones in bookstores throughout Kyoto, and figured out a method for selecting rough stones, which actually worked.

Facing the Mu family who runs a taxi company, Shen Sishuo is still a little stressed.

The Shen family was also a famous family in Kyoto in the past, but after the turmoil, they were just better off than ordinary families and had little assets.

But the Shen family has a large population, and these assets are not much for the juniors.

He is a young and promising engineer in the company. In the Railway Construction Bureau, his salary and benefits are among the best.

But compared with those who go into business, his salary and benefits are not enough.

He hopes to give his daughter-in-law a prosperous life, at least there won't be people like Mu Wenbo who want to throw money at her!

Now that he has these jade stones, he has the confidence. He already has countless ways in his mind to cash in the jade stones and make money again...

(End of this chapter)

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