Although the jade from Shensi Shuo is not as big as the jade from Ming Anyang, the jade from Shensi Shuo has very few impurities, and the price is several times more expensive than the jade from Ming Anyang!
At the end of the game, Shen Sishuo was the big winner, collecting all the jade stones that all the players participating in the competition tonight received.

"Mr. God, look at these jade stones, what are you going to do with them?" the auction manager stepped forward and asked enthusiastically.

"Our auction is quite large-scale, and there are many wealthy customers here. If you want to make a sale, this is a rare opportunity."

"Gold is valuable, jade is priceless... We can hold another small jade auction, what do you think?"

"However, when the auction proceeds, according to the rules, we will give a [-]% rebate... Don't worry, the total value of the auction will be much more appropriate than if you go back and find a buyer..."

"Even if the jade fails to be auctioned, our treasure appraisal department will buy it all at [-]% of the market price..."

The leaders of the Treasure Appraisal Department were so regretful that their intestines were green. If they knew that these two carts of rough stones could produce so many high-quality jade stones, how could they be willing to show them to the guests?

How much is their purchase price plus shipping cost?

Now the only thing they can do is to get back some more...

Shen Sishuo turned his head to look at Ming Anyang, chuckled and squeezed her hand, "Daughter-in-law, I listen to you."

Ming Anyang nodded without thinking: "Of course it's an auction!"

Only then did Shen Sishuo say to the manager, "Manager Yuan, please help organize the auction. Except for this one, all the other jade stones will be included in the auction."

He picked up the jade with the best color and a diameter of [-] centimeters, "I have to keep this for my wife to make jewelry, and later turn it into a family heirloom for my daughter and daughter-in-law."

Ming Anyang's face turned red, he was thinking too far ahead.

But to be honest, this jade has beautiful color and rich water color. It is indeed the rarest quality. No matter what you make with it, it can be regarded as a family heirloom.

Manager Yuan was a little regretful, but he understood and smiled as he took out the contract.

After both parties changed the details, the clerk made two new copies.After they signed and sealed the auction, the auction site immediately started to get busy.

The host is still sitting on the high referee's chair.After the jade is appraised by experts and given a [-]% discount on the market price, the host will introduce it.

Let’s start with jade of average quality.

Because the price is cheap, the big guy is more or less humble and took some pictures. It is quite suitable to go back and make some gadgets for the younger generation to play with.

The most important thing is that the host can speak eloquently and make people feel sorry for themselves if they don't buy it.

Moreover, the aftermath of the competition just now has not yet dissipated. Everyone is here, excited, so much so that by the end of the photoshoot, none of the ordinary jade stones in front of them were missed.

Transaction prices range from a few dozen to over 10,000!

It is true that the jade from Ming Anyang is too big, and it is imperial jade. The price of 17 yuan is also very cheap.

Ming Anyang knew that the economy would develop rapidly in the future, but the rise in prices would not be as high as housing prices.

She would rather exchange the money for a courtyard house and live comfortably as a housekeeper than guard a pile of jade in fear, waiting for a buyer in 20 years.

What's more, she believes that since she and Shen Sishuo can get good quality jade this time, they can also make a small profit next time.

Of course, she just thought that once she was lucky enough, she was not greedy for more.

There are many people participating in the competition, and each person can choose five rough stones. Therefore, the base number of rough stones is very large, about 800 or so.

Even if only less than 500% of the rough stones can be opened to jade, it has reached more than 500 pieces.However, among the more than 60 pieces, nearly 800% are ordinary jade. Depending on the quality and size, the transaction price ranges from [-] yuan to [-] yuan at most.

Therefore, there are only 900 pieces of jade that are really valuable, and they are generally small in size, ranging from 17 yuan to [-] yuan.

The auction lasted until three in the morning. After the Treasure Appraisal Department deducted a 99% handling fee, Shensishuo was expected to get [-] yuan!

Manager Yuan brought the note signed by the Treasure Appraisal Department, and his heart was beating very fast at this moment.

"Mr. Shen, before we hold an auction, we verify the capital of the individual. The assets are temporarily placed in a public account. If the customer likes an antique and successfully purchases it, then we will transfer the money from the account to Deduction...Similarly, when the jade is auctioned, it is the customers who put the funds they bring into the public account in advance..."

"When daybreak comes, Mr. Shen will be able to receive the 99 yuan with this check."

Manager Yuan also handed Ming Anyang a check for 3000 yuan.

Shen Sishuo put his own into Ming Anyang's hand, "Daughter-in-law, you are the finance minister of our family."

Ming Anyang looked at the two checks again and again with a smile, still feeling as if he was in a dream.

Although it was very late, Shen Sishuo still decided to take advantage of the night to leave with Ming Anyang and Shen Tiance.

"I'll drive," Shen Sishuo took the key from Shen Tiance, held Ming Anyang's hand and walked out.

This house is very big, with many courtyards inside. If there is no one to lead it, it can make people faint.

However, Shen Sishuo was very familiar with the road. He declined Manager Yuan's invitation to stay overnight and walked quickly ahead without being led.

After walking two courtyards, he suddenly changed direction.

Today is not a feudal society with a strict system. There are not so many servants who open and close various doors strictly according to time.

They successfully avoided the people on duty and patrol and arrived at the back room.

The houses over there are low, and there are thick and tall trees near the wall.

Shen Sishuo lowered his voice and said to Shen Tiance: "Jump down this tree, our car is parked outside."

Shen Tiance was stunned for a moment, suppressed the doubts in his heart, climbed up the tree neatly, jumped up, and rode on the wall.

Shen Sishuo turned around and patted himself on the back, "Daughter-in-law, come up, I'll carry you away."

Ming Anyang also trusted him [-]% and jumped on his back obediently without saying a word.

Shen Sishuo just whispered, "Hold her," and then he jumped up the tree with her, climbing to a place slightly higher than the wall.

He let go of his grip abruptly, his feet bounced off the tree trunk, and jumped onto the wall.

There were many people attending the auction, and cars were parked around the house.

Shensi Shuo quickly started the car and left by another road.

This place is quite far away from the front yard or the place where customers rest, and the sound of the car starting is faintly heard, making it unreal.

And this point is when everyone is mentally exhausted. Who cares about such a slight sound?
No one came out of the open door. Those who were hiding in the dark and wanted to take risks and get something for nothing naturally failed to wait for the rightful owner!

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