The path that Shen Sishuo took made another big circle before he drove to the antique street from the other side.

With more than 100 million in their pockets, they are a clear target.

They were safe only when they reached the city.Wealth comes from risk, even if it is their normal income, but some people cannot bear that the money is too much, and some people have evil thoughts.

Shen Tiance took out the key and opened the door of the store. It was full of goods and there was almost no place to step down.

"Brother, sister-in-law, we usually live at home, but we just take a lunch break in the cubicle at's a bit messy, you guys just make do with it and have a rest..."

As he said that, he collapsed directly on the recliner.

Shen Sishuo smiled and thanked him, then took Ming Anyang's hand and walked to the cubicle carefully.

It was extremely quiet at the moment, and no matter what he wanted to do, he had to take care of Shen Tiance, who was only separated by a curtain.

Sitting on the bed, Ming Anyang said with a smile: "Brother Si Shuo, I think I'm too excited and can't sleep."

"Besides, it's already past five o'clock. Let's just finish breakfast later and go home to catch up on our sleep."

Shen Sishuo nodded, and with rare excitement in his heart, he leaned into her ear and whispered: "It's just time for us to think about how to spend this money."

This money is dangerous in their hands, and they must turn it into an asset that cannot be snatched away by others as soon as possible.

Ming Anyang looked at him, "Brother Si Shuo, please tell me your arrangements first."

Shen Sishuo said with a smile: "Now our Xiahua business is waiting for prosperity. It is estimated that in the next 30 to [-] years, the organization will invest a large part of manpower and material resources in infrastructure construction."

"Our unit will have a steady stream of I want to save [-]% of the money to buy a house, and the rest to buy construction vehicles..."

"The price of engineering vehicles is not cheap, but I happen to know that there is a batch of imported vehicles that have been shelved due to the lack of foreign experts. They are [-]% to [-]% new and can work as long as they are repaired... The price is at least [-]% cheaper than new cars..."

"Construction vehicles are equivalent to mobile shops, and the profits they bring are not small...Many excellent veterans have transferred home, and we can hire them to drive...they have good driving skills, are bold and careful, are better than ordinary drivers, and have a lower probability of accidents... …”

He calculated with her how much profit each construction vehicle could bring every day.

"We are not greedy for more, so we just eat this batch of paralyzed imported goods. As long as the money earned from the construction trucks, half of it is used to buy real estate, and the other half is saved to buy new construction trucks..."

Ming Anyang hummed, "I understand, eggs cannot be put in one basket."

"Brother Si Shuo can arrange whatever he wants. I will be responsible for keeping accounts and collecting money anyway!"

Shen Sishuo touched her head and said, "We will finish breakfast later and I will take you home. I have a lot to do today."

Ming Anyang responded with a smile, "By the way, Brother Si Shuo, Tiance didn't pick the rough stone himself. Two pieces of jade were found. The total auction price is 2000 yuan? Don't forget to give it to him then."

Shen Sishuo kissed her forehead and said, "I understand, housekeeper."

The two of them talked for a while, and then the sky brightened up, and people shopping for groceries, eating breakfast, and exercising had already gone out.

After breakfast, Shen Sishuo took a bag of breakfast and sent Ming Anyang home.

The Ming family just woke up, ate breakfast in a hurry and went to work.

Ming Anyang took a bath, lay on the bed and read a book, and fell asleep soon.Because Shen Sishuo had told her that the Ming family had left food for Ming Anyang at noon, they were reluctant to wake her up.

By the time Ming Anyang woke up from hunger, it was already past four in the afternoon!
After eating, Ming Anyang was still a little lazy, and his brain was still in a down state.

But in one night, she and Shen Sishuo made a total of more than 6 million?
In this era, households with ten thousand yuan are envied and hated by everyone, but they have become households with one million yuan!

Shen Si Shuo didn't come back until after nine o'clock in the evening.

Ming Anyang heard the movement, opened the bedroom door and came forward, asking in a low voice: "Brother Si Shuo, have you eaten?"

Shen Sishuo smiled and shook his head: "No, there are too many things to arrange, and I don't have time to eat. Is there anything else to eat at home?"

Ming Anyang hummed: "I left you duck blood vermicelli pork buns and millet porridge, which have been simmering in the pot."

"I know you didn't come early. It was only warmed up after seven o'clock. It's just right now."

Shen Sishuo took a battle bath and changed his clothes.At this moment, his hands and feet were so hungry that he couldn't tell Ming Anyang what he had done today. He ate steamed buns and porridge.

Ming Anyang also served him some pickled cucumbers and pickles. Seeing him gobbling them down, he felt distressed and repeatedly asked him to eat slowly. From time to time, he would hold a bowl and let him drink some porridge.

After eating five big buns and drinking two bowls of porridge, Shen Sishuo felt comfortable and calmed down.

After washing the pots and dishes and brushing his teeth, he walked into the house holding his little tail.

Ming Anyang blinked and said nothing, but her curiosity was already written on her face.

Shen Sishuo smiled and hugged the person into his arms, kissed him, and then whispered: "Tiance and I acted separately."

"I'll contact the construction truck while Tiance goes to look for a suitable house."

"There are both courtyard houses and buildings... There are many courtyard houses for sale now, because the tenants involved were arranged by previous organizations, and the rent is too cheap, even lower than the cost of house repairs... This leads to inconsistent use and ownership of the houses, and the owner They can't get any profit from the house, so they are eager to sell the hot potato..."

"This problem is faced by many courtyard houses at present. Sooner or later the organization will make a reasonable arrangement... So I told Tiance that if you can buy the houses that are big and have convenient transportation..."

"The total budget I gave is 30, which should be able to buy about [-] two-bedroom apartments... The price of a courtyard house is much more affordable than buying a welfare house..."

"I used the remaining 2 yuan to buy engineering vehicles. Although these engineering vehicles are [-]% to [-]% new and are idle due to various technical problems, they are also imported, with more than [-] yuan each..."

"The Railway Construction Bureau is very big. It is divided into more than ten departments, and there are hundreds of such engineering vehicles... Now the units use all domestically produced vehicles... I am an employee of the unit after all, and I have some connections. I will buy one first. Hundreds of vehicles..."

"The price of one hundred vehicles is 270 million. I paid a quarter of the deposit and the rest will be paid off within two years..."

"There are hundreds of construction vehicles, and there can always be a hundred that I can repair, right? There are many projects now, and the construction vehicles can run continuously. After deducting gas money, maintenance fees and driver's wages, I can earn 8000 yuan a month." [-] yuan.”

"As long as the vehicles are repaired, it can be paid off in three months instead of two years!"

Ming Anyang stretched out his hand and counted, "Ah, are engineering vehicles so profitable?"

"One car costs 7000 yuan a month, so if one hundred cars are worth 70 yuan!"

It's kind of scary.

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