Shen Sishuo chuckled and rubbed her head, "You are optimistic, shouldn't you be worried that we have already incurred a debt of 200 million yuan before we make any money?"

His salary is only over 100 yuan a month.

Ming Anyang said with a smile: "But brother Si Shuo, you are not someone else. Things that others can't do are not a problem for you!"

"I believe you."

Shen Sishuo was so curious that he hugged her and kissed her for a long time before continuing to talk to her in high spirits.

"Originally, I wanted to play it safe, buy as many cars as I had, and then save enough money from profits to buy a batch... However, now that the economy and technology are developing rapidly, maybe the organization will be able to hire experts back at some point. The problem is solved, or someone else sees the profit and pays for the car and keeps it first?”

"There are too many factors, so I didn't discuss it with you. I gritted my teeth and bought a hundred engineering vehicles in one go before everyone realized what kind of value these vehicles would create."

"You can't be too greedy. I have these [-] construction vehicles. Unless the vehicles are old enough to be eliminated and replaced with new ones, I don't plan to buy any more."

"Daughter-in-law, you said how will we spend so much profit every month?"

Ming Anyang couldn't help but swallow.

She had worried about this problem this morning.She has 100 million, but she doesn’t know how to spend it. Now the problem becomes hundreds of thousands a month, let her arrange it.

Ming Anyang frowned slightly and thought seriously: "When we don't make enough money, we use [-]% of the money for charity, such as building hope primary schools and orphanages; [-]% of the money is deposited in the bank, and we can squander it as we please; Thirty percent of the money is used for investment, as for what to invest in, it’s up to Brother Si Shuo!”

Shen Sishuo smiled and responded: "Yes, while doing charity work, we can also create many more positions. Veterans have a strong sense of responsibility and are in good physical condition. They are the materials for practical work. They are fully responsible."

"As long as the rules and regulations are complete and the financial statements are clear, we won't be afraid of anyone taking advantage of loopholes..."

"I have to think carefully about investment..."

"Daughter-in-law, give me half a year. By then I will pay off all the debts and achieve positive profit growth!"

Ming Anyang hummed, "I believe it."

Seeing the fatigue on the man's face, she pulled him to lie down and said, "Brother Si Shuo, there are a lot of things we need to do, and we have to do it step by step."

"Go to sleep first and recuperate your energy so that you can continue your work tomorrow."

Shen Sishuo smiled and hugged her, sighing softly: "I originally spent less time with you, but now I have to start repairing the car again."

Ming Anyang rubbed his chin, "We are young, it's time to struggle. It's not that there are no easy days, but brother Si Shuo, are you willing to do it?"

Not reconciled, Shen Sishuo immediately gave the answer in his heart.

He wanted the best for her.

Everyone says that money is a good thing. If you have money, you will be a ghost. If you don’t have money, you will be a ghost!
Shen Sishuo has never worried about money. In fact, he makes more money than others, and the spring breeze has just begun to blow, and most people who go to the sea have no clue.

In the yard where the rough stones were sold, the competition proposed by Mu Wenbo allowed him and Anyang to recognize the reality clearly and experience the world of the rich in depth.

At that moment, he realized that society was different. Blindly hiding in his comfort zone could not provide Anyang with the best life.

Although he still doesn't know what he can buy with so much money, he only has one belief that can make his wife throw money at someone when she is wronged!
Now that he has not made any money yet, he is forcing her to bear huge debts with him.

It's hard for her to blindly worship him.Although what he said was clear and logical, Shen Sishuo was just a young man in his 20s and an ordinary person. No one knew what would happen before seeing the absolute results.

He got up before dawn the next day and didn't bother to call her. He just kissed her forehead gently and got up quietly to wash up and change clothes.Ming's family hadn't gotten up yet, so he left a note and left.

After he finished his work, he took Ming Anyang back to the courtyard in the afternoon.

In the next month, construction vehicles were transported from various places one after another.

Shen Sishuo works during the day, and when he is free, he repairs and overhauls the car. He does not go home until midnight.

Ming Anyang had no one to help him, so he could only find ways to replenish his health.

The only thing that makes Shen Sishuo happy is that as long as he repairs a construction vehicle and finds a good driver, he can be employed by the company and have a stable and generous income.

This is equivalent to reducing their debt by several thousand yuan.

After a month of hard work, fifty engineering vehicles are already in operation.

Ming Anyang received the admission notice in late August, which means that the day when the two will temporarily separate is getting closer.

Shen Sishuo booked two berths to go to Haishi on the 28th.

He took a week off specifically for this!
"Brother Si Shuo, why did you come back so early today?"

Every day, Ming Anyang stays in the house by himself, and his three meals a day are irregular. Whenever he is hungry, he cooks something or goes to the canteen to get food.

At this moment, she looked at Shen Sishuo who came in, and subconsciously raised her wrist to look at her watch, feeling a little guilty.

Shen Sishuo pursed his lips, changed his shoes, took a shower and changed clothes as usual, and then squatted down in front of her.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I've neglected you recently... I should have sent you back to your parents' house to stay for a while, but I'm reluctant, even if I just hold you to sleep at night..."

Ming Anyang reached out and touched his eyebrows, "Brother Si Shuo, compared to you who are busy every day, I feel so relaxed at home that it's a shame."

"I know you are under a lot of pressure right now. You are working hard for a better life for us. It will be harder these few months, but it will be easier in the future."

Shen Sishuo smiled and nodded, "I'm going to cook. What do you want to eat? I'll stay with you at home these two days. We'll go directly to Haishi by car on the 28th to report and buy things with you. I'll be back on the 31st."

Ming Anyang couldn't help but hugged his neck, feeling slightly depressed.

Just like what he thought, even if she couldn't see him for a day, she would endure the sleepiness and wait for him to come home and sleep together.

She had become accustomed to his presence. She suddenly left to go to school, and the longing in her heart burst out crazily.

Shen Sishuo hugged her back and kissed her fiercely. He had been restrained before because he was afraid of delaying her sleep and causing her to live irregularly.

But the separation between the two was imminent, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

The two of them make small gestures of intimacy every day, but they haven't crossed the final line yet.

"Daughter-in-law, is this okay?" He leaned against her head and asked forbearingly.

Ming Anyang was funny and angry, and bit his chin, "If I say no, will you stop?"

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