Chapter 378 70s as a fine wife (49)

They were newlyweds, and they had only been together for two days. Shen Sishuo felt that it was not enough, but his wife had started school, and they would only see each other once in a month or two.

Shen Sishuo rubbed Ming Anyang's head, "Are you full? Our parents also stuffed a small watermelon into their pockets. I'll smash it open later and we can dig it in with a spoon?"

Ming Anyang especially likes to eat watermelon, but he is very picky. It must be cooked just right, crispy, sweet and with a little bit of sand.

She didn't touch anything that didn't taste good. For this reason, Ming's father learned the skill of picking watermelons, and passed it on to Shen Sishuo without hiding it.

Ming Anyang murmured, and had already started digging for snacks.

Not only Ming's father and Ming's mother prepared it, but Shen's bag also contained it. It really packed all the delicious, easy-to-carry, and long-lasting snacks on the market.

Ming Anyang couldn't help but eat some at home, and he hasn't tasted it yet.

Every time she ate, Shen Sishuo would always look at it with a faint smile and write it down silently, thinking about buying some from time to time, either by mail, or asking someone to bring it over, or bring it with him when he came to see her.

Sleeper tickets are twice as expensive as ordinary hard seats, and the number of tickets is small, so you can't buy them without any relationship.

Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo are in the lower and middle berths, while the upper berth and the three opposite them are young people.

After a short meeting, everyone was bored, so they introduced each other. They were all students going to Haishi to study, some were freshmen, and some had already been there for a year or two.

Everyone speaks with a kind of pride and arrogance.

Ming Anyang just briefly talked about himself, then smiled and didn't participate in their conversation very much, but leaned cross-legged on the wall of the car to read a book, and occasionally said a few words to Shen Sishuo.

But her mouth never stopped eating small twists, preserved fruits, candies, dried meat, etc.

The few people who talked so enthusiastically couldn't help but keep their eyes wandering this way, and sometimes they couldn't resist the temptation to swallow.

The lesbian opposite blinked her eyes, smiled and enthusiastically grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and put them in front of Ming Anyang, "Student Ming, try it, my family fried it with brown sugar, it's delicious."

Ming Anyang looked at the melon seeds on the small table, and then saw the lesbian's smiling face.

The vague memories gradually became clearer. Although she was running towards Shen Sishuo in this life, many things still followed the trajectory of the previous life.

For example, the lesbian in the car uses her passion to cover up her coveting other people's good things.

The first time she just rejected her family and Shen Sishuo, but apart from them, she was still a good, friendly and kind girl.

She has never seen such enthusiasm in others, and she has always been generous.

Therefore, this lesbian successfully exchanged a handful of melon seeds for half a bag of dried meat.Later, lesbians always liked to share things, and they exchanged chocolates, preserved fruits, etc. from Ming Anyang one after another.

When he got out of the car and packed his luggage, Ming Anyang finally realized his foolishness.

Thinking of this, Ming Anyang couldn't help but look at Shen Sishuo.She didn't like him, avoided him, and didn't even let him send her to school.

The bag of expensive snacks that she loved to eat at that time must have been prepared by him for her, right?

Ming Anyang smiled apologetically and shook his head: "Thank you, comrade, you can eat it yourself. We brought a lot of food."

A slight annoyance flashed across the face of the lesbian, and she said carelessly: "If you feel sorry for me, we can eat instead."

Ming Anyang raised his eyebrows and said with a slightly serious expression: "Comrade, although the security of our country is good now, in which era were there no bad people?"

"We should be cautious when we go out, especially lesbians. First of all, haven't their parents told gays not to eat food from strangers before they go out?"

"We can't let ourselves be sold by a piece of candy or a piece of meat just because we are greedy... let alone food, even our own water glass cannot be taken away from our sight for a moment..." "In case someone takes sleeping pills When we wake up, what kind of fate will be waiting for us?"

What she said stunned the lesbians.

"Hey, comrade, you haven't seen too many stories about solving cases, have you?"

"There are still a lot of good people in this world. Besides, comrade, you have said these things. You must be a good person. I believe you..."

Ming Anyang looked at her seriously, then shook his head: "But I don't believe you. You are so enthusiastic that I can't help but be wary."

It's really oily and salty!The lesbian wanted to say something else, but when she met Shen Sishuo's cold eyes, she couldn't help but tremble all over. She snorted unwillingly, drew the handful of melon seeds over again, and muttered: "Stingy."

Everyone chatted for a while, and then continued to be lively.

Lesbians really should be more vigilant, they can't prove themselves that they are a good person, or that the other party is not a bad person.

That lesbian watched Ming Anyang eat more than 20 kinds of snacks in one day!
What makes people even more envious is that such a handsome, tall, handsome and noble man like Shen Sishuo takes good care of her, even feeding her with chopsticks.

But looking at Ming Anyang's charming appearance, porcelain white skin, and exquisite figure, no one else would be willing to treat her harshly.

After lying crookedly for a day and a night, they arrived at Haishi at around eight o'clock the next day.

Shen Sishuo packed his luggage, and the two of them only consumed one bag of food in the car.He was carrying a bag and two in each hand, while Ming Anyang was carrying a bag easily.

The admission notice, her relevant documents and some commonly used items were placed in the bag.

"Daughter-in-law, please hold on to my backpack. There are many people at the station, so let's not get separated."

Ming Anyang hummed, clutching the bag on the back of his backpack, and trotted along to follow him.

When they left the station, they saw students holding signs for Hainan University.Haishi University is very big, and there are quite a few freshmen signing up this year. The school specially sent several vehicles to pick them up.

Everything was almost the same as before, Ming Anyang behaved quite well, but her eyes couldn't be glued to Shen Sishuo.

Even before they were separated, she missed him so much.

Shen Sishuo held her hand and didn't want her to feel better.

He had been thinking about her for several years. They finally got married and their relationship became smoother, but they were separated again.

He has confidence in everything, but in her, he is just an ordinary person.

In the past few nights, he always dreamed that she had someone she liked in college and came back to pursue freedom with him.He woke up several times, and when he turned to look at the woman who was obediently nestling in his arms, he felt a little at ease.

After getting out of the car, they first followed the signs to finish reporting.

Shen Sishuo sent her luggage to the dormitory.

The accommodation conditions for freshmen are average, with an eight-person room, four bunk beds, four sets of long tables and chairs in the middle, and eight stacked boxes on both sides of the door.

Three classmates had already arrived, but they came by themselves. After introducing each other, when they heard that Shen Sishuo was Ming Anyang's father, they were filled with envy and jealousy.

"Sister, you are such a man!" A girl with a low ponytail sighed and extended her thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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