Chapter 379 70s as a fine wife (50)

Ming Anyang smiled, these were things that happened more than ten years ago, and were relatively vague in her memory. Even her roommates were not all there.

Facing the pretty and delicate beauty, the roommates felt uncomfortable, as if to put it bluntly, they were all bullying her.

It was already noon. Shen Sishuo took Ming Anyang to dinner and bought her some meal tickets.

"Daughter-in-law, I know the food in the cafeteria is mediocre, but you live in the dormitory and can't cook for yourself, so you have to suffer... Go to a state-owned restaurant to eat something good on the weekend..."

"Now I have repaired more than 50 construction vehicles, each of which can bring a profit of seven to eight thousand, and when I go back, I will definitely repair more than 40 other vehicles within a month..."

"You don't have to save money for me. You can buy whatever you like to eat and buy any beautiful clothes you are rich!"

Ming Anyang smiled and said, "Brother Si Shuo, do you think I am someone who will wrong myself?"

"When the time comes, just don't think I'm too spendy."

Shen Sishuo laughed softly: "What does it mean to be too able to spend money? If you can really spend money and keep up with the speed at which I make money, you are a capable person!"

Having said this, he said to Ming Anyang seriously: "Daughter-in-law, don't think I'm under any pressure. In fact, let's take a step back and think about it."

"Even if we don't use the construction trucks to make money, after I repair them, their prices will rise accordingly. When we sell them, we will not only be able to clear the account, but also make a lot of profit..."

"What's more, the more than 50 engineering vehicles are now in operation, working at least twelve hours a day, in two shifts..."

After listening to his words, Ming Anyang was really worried at first, but now he adjusted his mentality.

The food in the south is very different from that in the north. Ming Anyang didn't get used to it until she was a senior in her last life, so she adapted well this time.

On the other hand, Shen Sishuo frowned the whole time, "How about I buy a house in the family compound?"

"The security of the school's family home should be good..."

Thinking of this, he looked at the bright and charming woman and became more and more uneasy.

Ming Anyang smiled and shook his head: "Brother Si Shuo, the food in the cafeteria is not that outstanding, but the chefs are really careful."

"There are many kinds of food, and I can always find what I like... Besides, everyone lives on campus, so I am special. Wouldn't that mean I will be isolated from everyone in the future?"

Shen Sishuo nodded helplessly.

After eating, they went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy a lot of daily necessities. When they returned to the dormitory, Shen Sishuo finished wiping the tables and chairs and asked Ming Anyang to sit while he continued to wipe the bed, cabinets, etc.

After the moisture dissipated, he spread out a bedding, a sheet and a quilt cover for her, and put her luggage into categories.

Ming Anyang held the brown sugar water and drank it.

Everyone in the dormitory couldn't help but be speechless, but looking at Ming Anyang's appearance, they felt that everything was easily explained.

As expected, only beautiful people receive preferential treatment.

Ming Anyang watched Shen Sishuo lock his valuables in the cupboard, handed him warm water, smiled and told his roommate that he wouldn't be back at night, then took his bag and left with Shen Sishuo.

Although school only started on September [-]st, students, both freshmen and seniors, are all arriving one after another today.

The campus is very lively, especially there is a night market outside the north gate, selling everything.

The two of them were holding hands, wandering around aimlessly like they were on an adventure.

Shen Sishuo had too much to say, but he couldn't open his mouth. He just held her hand tightly.

They stayed in the guest house at night. The bed was not very strong and creaked when they sat down. The two of them looked at each other and blushed.

After washing up, Ming Anyang thought the two were going to chat under the quilt, but the man pushed him against the wall...

They both cherish the time they spend together, and the more they do, the more time passes by like quicksand.Shen Sishuo stayed with her for two days and rushed back to the unit after everything was settled.

Ming Anyang stayed in the dormitory for a whole day before he cheered up and started his campus life.

After all, she has more than ten years of experience than the freshmen, and she knows how to easily resolve unnecessary conflicts when facing these simple students.

She always remembers that she is here to study. Since she has been here for four years, she must not waste her time and life and learn more knowledge.

During military training, during a break, she would hold an English-Chinese dictionary and chew on it.

The students who can get into Hainan University are all top students in high school. Seeing her writing papers like this, during the afternoon break, there were more students in the class holding books.

They don't want to be left behind as soon as school starts.

Without Shen Sishuo around, others would see Ming Anyang as a quiet, pretty, well-behaved and diligent female classmate, and few people would find trouble with her.

Everyone has more respect and tolerance for those who work hard.

She receives letters and packages from the Ming family and Shen Sishuo every week. At the same time, she is also used to going to the city on weekends, buying some things for them, and mailing them with the letters.

Her college life was busy and peaceful, even boring.

She only had one big class in the morning that day, and after class she rode her bicycle to the library.

As soon as Ming An Yang sat down, a slightly familiar male voice came from next to him: "Classmate, is there anyone next to you?"

The library is a holy place for college students to find love, and many couples fall in love here.

Ming Anyang is married. Even though she openly reveals her married status, many male classmates still come up to talk to her from time to time.

She often sits in the aisle and uses her schoolbag to occupy the seat next to her, keeping a certain distance from other people.

Basically, there are empty seats in the library, and no one will care about the one next to her.

Of course, there are also those who are shameless. At this time, Ming Anyang reluctantly took his schoolbag and shook his head, "No."

She looked up and saw that the person coming was Mu Wenbo. She was stunned for a moment and continued reading with her lips pursed.

Mu Wenbo didn't bother her and sat quietly aside to do his homework.

"Anyang, why did you choose C for this question? It obviously happened in the past, so why do you use the normal form?"

Foreign languages ​​are almost always a weakness for most people, and the same goes for Mu Wenbo.

However, Ming Anyang is sensitive to language and good at memorizing and understanding. His foreign language scores are among the best in the class.

When they were in school, the most common topic Mu Wenbo asked her was foreign languages.

Ming Anyang asked him about mathematics and physics.

At this moment, Mu Wenbo seemed to have forgotten what happened before, and still asked her questions as if he was in high school.

Ming Anyang smiled apologetically: "Sorry, I don't know how. It depends on the topic... I'm preparing a foreign language speech recently, and my time is tight..."

As she spoke, she turned her head and continued reading the book in her hand.

After hitting a soft nail, Mu Wenbo was not angry. Instead, he smiled and said, "It's okay. I'll think about it myself."

"By the way Anyang, the military training is over. Our fellow Kyoto folks are going to hold a party on the weekend, at the Guangming Hotel next to the North Gate..."

Ming Anyang refused directly: "I have something to do on the weekend."

(End of this chapter)

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