Chapter 382 70s as a fine wife (53)

After eating, Xue Yingluo personally sent Ming Anyang to the bottom of the dormitory building.

Seeing people entering the corridor, Xue Yingluo walked slowly to the canteen, picked up the phone and called the number left by Shen Sishuo.

Shen Sishuo applied for a phone number for his home, so that he could receive the call immediately whether he was at work or at home.

Xue Yingluo briefly talked about what happened in the evening. "Brother Shuo, my sister-in-law is so beautiful. I heard that she already showed her married status the first day she introduced herself on stage."

"But everyone thinks she is an educated youth and her husband is an old man, and they are ready to replace her..."

"The person who showed great courtesy tonight is my sister-in-law's classmate... I feel like he won't give up easily. Oh, luckily my sister-in-law was alert and informed me in advance... Otherwise, my sister-in-law would be drunk and I don't know where he would send me. …”

Shen Sishuo played with the pen in his hand and sneered: "Thank you for your hard work, your sister-in-law and I will treat you to dinner during the Chinese New Year."

Xue Yingluo smiled and said: "Just wait for Brother Shuo to say this, and we will have to kill you well then!"

After hanging up the phone, Shen Sishuo felt cold all over.

Mu Wenbo has no scruples at all. He only relies on the Mu family. If the Mu family no longer provides him with any help, I wonder if he can still interfere in other people's marriages.

He had expected this for a long time. While he was busy recently, he also did not forget to collect information about the Mu family.

Mu Wenbo's grandfather once served as an adjutant and made a lot of war fortune. When the situation was turbulent, he took a group of his descendants to go abroad to avoid disaster.

Only Mu Wenbo's family could not make it because they were targeted, but they also inherited part of the Mu family's property.

When the spring breeze came, Mu's father sold his gold, silver and jewelry to buy a large number of vehicles and opened a taxi company.This is an industry that lays golden eggs. Without certain capital and connections, it is impossible to do it!

Not long after the company was opened, the Mu family acted in a high-profile manner, which aroused the resentment of many people.

Shen Sishuo narrowed his eyes slightly and already had a preliminary plan in his mind.

The taxi industry looks prosperous, but this industry is gradually facing the public and is still a niche and new category.

Precisely because taxis do not yet have a certain scale of travel and the organization has not promulgated corresponding and complete regulations, it is easy for accidents to happen.

Shen Sishuo now has many drivers who are excellent veterans, and some are good at tracking and investigating.

Just in time to help him catch the Mu family's fault!

Presumably the organization is also waiting for an opportunity to reorganize the taxi industry...

Ming Anyang got up the next day, washed up, packed his schoolbag and went out. He saw Mu Wenbo waiting for someone downstairs!

She wasn't that surprised. In his last life, he used the excuse of unfamiliarity with her to eat and study with her.

It is easy for others to misunderstand the relationship between them, but although Ming Anyang blindly avoids Shen Sishuo, she does not want to develop other relationships during her marriage.

So she made a prompt decision to reduce her contact with Mu Wenbo on the grounds that her homework was heavy.

Now, is Mu Wenbo going to get entangled like he did last time?
"Anyang, I'm sorry. I didn't notice that someone ordered the dish with white wine yesterday... Did I get you into trouble?" Mu Wenbo's sonorous aura disappeared and he returned to his high school appearance, feeling extremely guilty. road.

Ming Anyang shook his head and quickly pushed the car to the cafeteria: "It's okay, just pay attention next time...Student Mu, I won't tell you, I'm going to be late..."

Mu Wenbo also pushed the car to catch up, "How can it be okay? It was my negligence. I was the one who invited you to go, but something like this happened..."

"Anyang, to express my apology, can I treat you to dinner at noon?"

"Although the food in the cafeteria is average, there is a shop in the south gate that serves delicious steamed dumplings..."

Ming Anyang pursed her lips and ignored him. When she arrived at the cafeteria, she parked her car, took her meal ticket and joined the queue for food.

Mu Wenbo paused and followed quickly.Ming Anyang made two sweet fried dough sticks, a bowl of tofu with minced meat, an egg and a palm-sized bean paste cake.

She deliberately walked to the table where there was only one seat left.

The three girls were laughing and eating breakfast when they saw her politely asking: "Classmate, is there anyone here?"

They were stunned for a moment and shook their heads.

Ming Anyang sat down with a hot face and ate quietly.

Mu Wenbo had no choice but to sit somewhere else and eat the food as if to vent his anger.

Ming Anyang likes to taste food, eat slowly, and live up to every delicacy.

After dinner, it was time for class. Mu Wenbo could only go to class reluctantly.

This is Ming Anyang's second time attending university. She became an archaeologist after graduation in her previous life, so she naturally has a solid and detailed grasp of professional knowledge.

She looked through the books, which were all basic knowledge.

She didn't want to waste her time and life studying for a second time, and she didn't like being bumped into by Mu Wenbo from time to time.

Therefore, she submitted an application for early graduation to the school in the second week after the military training.

The management of universities is much looser than that of elementary schools, junior high schools and high schools, and the academic system is also flexible, usually three to five years.

Ming Anyang can only apply for three years at most, and many courses require attendance.

She was not surprised when she got this result, but she still felt a little frustrated.

The family was not short of money, so Shen Sishuo asked her to call home every other day.Of course, I have to continue writing letters. After all, there are some thoughts that I can't express aloud, but I can express them vaguely and intensely with a pen.

He didn't give up any of them, to gain a sense of presence in front of her and get the opportunity to interact.

Ming Anyang went to the canteen to queue up and make a phone call.But after waiting for two, it was her turn.

The owner of the canteen knew her and even gave her a monthly discount.

As soon as the call was connected, there was a beep on the other end, and Shen Sishuo picked up the call, chuckling and calling his wife first.

Ming Anyang burst out laughing and covered the phone in a low voice: "No shame, how did you know it was me?"

"Although my schedule is relatively regular, what if someone else calls you, would you still call someone else's wife?"

Shen Sishuo smiled and said, "I can sense you."

Ming Anyang couldn't help but feel better when he heard his voice, "Why didn't I notice that you were so glib?"

Shen Sishuo helplessly whispered: "Daughter-in-law, I know you admire me, but no matter how powerful I am, I am still an ordinary person with normal emotions and desires."

"When facing someone you like, you will naturally flatter and praise her, and you will say things that come from your heart!"

As usual, the two of them talked about what happened in the past two days.

At the end of September, Shensishuo completed the inspection and maintenance of all construction vehicles ahead of schedule and contacted the workers. He will be able to get the first payment early next month.

Ming Anyang nodded and said, "Brother Si Shuo is so awesome!"

Shen Sishuo shook his head in a funny way. From the moment she began to accept him, this was the most spoken sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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