Ming Anyang began to have a close relationship with Shen Sishuo in this life, and she didn't know when she had regarded him as her dependence and confidence.

This feeling was particularly novel and comfortable for her. In the past, she was like a lone traveler with no way out. She had no reason to stop except for rushing forward.

But now, she can enjoy their life leisurely.

After thinking about it, Ming Anyang said his plan: "Brother Si Shuo, I have taken a look at the course content of our major during this period, and it is not difficult. I used to go to the library at home, and I have already mastered a lot of knowledge. ”

"It will take me one year at most to graduate...but the minimum school duration is three years..."

The things she learned in school were very basic and superficial. She only had to read the textbook two or three times and she could basically master it all.

She was an outstanding graduate of the school. One year after entering the institute, she independently completed many key projects, and even led an archaeological group after working for five years.

Ming Anyang is not a great person.She firmly believes that there is an occasional wave in the long river of history, but it will not affect the entire trend of history.

Without her, Ming Anyang would have made contributions to the archaeological world, and there would have been Li Anyang, Zhang Anyang, and Zhao Anyang who were astonishingly talented in the world.

Furthermore, she does not feel that by being a teacher, she is not contributing to society.

No matter how big or small your contribution is, you can achieve value in any position!

To be honest, Ming Anyang is also a little girl. If possible, she would not choose to do boring research.Everyone yearns for the big city, the bustling, lively and smoky life.

She had been away from school for several years, and suddenly she returned to school, but felt uncomfortable everywhere.

What's more, there is Mu Wenbo who is eyeing her fiercely next to her.

When Shen Sishuo heard what she said, he didn't doubt her learning ability at all. He wished she could graduate in minutes.

He pondered for a moment: "Daughter-in-law, you study first, and I will handle this matter. I will try to help you complete your studies in the shortest time and get a college diploma."

With his words, Ming Anyang felt that the problem that had troubled him for several days seemed to have been solved.

She smiled and said yes, and the longing in her heart suddenly became strong, but in front of her was the canteen owner with pricked ears, and behind her were students waiting in line to make phone calls.

There were a lot of things Niwai couldn't say, so she could only say a few words to Shen Sishuo and hang up the phone.

After returning to the dormitory and washing up, Ming Anyang couldn't help but take out the letter paper and write down everything he couldn't say on the phone.

She misses him and wants to run to him as soon as possible. As time goes by, she hopes that every minute and every second in the future will have traces of each other's participation and companionship.

She didn't feel like she had written much, it was already three pages of letter paper.

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and smiled softly. He pasted the envelope and put it in his schoolbag, waiting to be mailed out tomorrow.

Within a few days, Shen Sishuo received a lot of important information about the Wei family.

The thick stack of information is from the past five years to the present. The Wei family has always had money. This is their confidence and has helped them overcome many difficulties.

The turbulent ten years were a way out for them with money. Now the rise of the Wei family is also using money to buy taxis in large quantities, leaving everyone far behind from the beginning.

However, the Wei family also used money to frame their enemies and opponents in turbulent times... The most recent one was a taxi driver who touched a female passenger, and was suppressed by the Wei family...

Shen Sishuo not only asked people to investigate the Wei family, but also brought up car accident cases in recent years.

The comrades in the Kyoto Bureau are all top talents, and all kinds of valid information have been registered.

Shen Sishuo has a special status. He is smarter and outstanding in investigation, so he is considered a non-staff person and has certain privileges.

What's more, if one of the unresolved cases can be solved, the gangsters involved in the case can be brought to justice, and social stability will increase.For some reason, he had seen Wei Wenbo and learned about his behavior, and he was already convinced that there was something to investigate about Wei Wenbo.

Shen Sishuo chose to start with the Wei family and the car accident.

Sure enough, after he had been researching for nearly a week, he kept making phone calls to verify, and occasionally he even went out to look for people in person, waiting for everything to be connected in series.

Shen Sishuo submitted all the evidence to the bureau and was just waiting for the follow-up situation.

The day after he handed over the evidence, after verifying that the information was true, the Wei family was sealed.

At the same time, comrades from Haishi Bureau also cooperated and took away Wei Wenbo, who was studying in school.

Ming Anyang was in class in the No. [-] Comprehensive Teaching Building. When class was about to end, he heard the whistle. Everyone looked out the window as they were not in the mood for class.

The students in the back row even stood up, and the invisible students in the middle also asked anxiously what was wrong.

If it wasn't a big deal, why would there be sirens in the school?

The teacher couldn't help but rolled his eyes, raised his hand and looked at it. There were still 2 minutes until get out of class ended, so he said directly: "Okay, you can go and see if you want, but don't make any noise to disturb other people in class."

"Remember to copy the homework on the blackboard, it will be due in the next class!"

Everyone gave a low cheer and ran to the window to look out. Some students couldn't get enough of it and ran out directly to see the scene.

No one noticed that the teacher assigned twice as many homework on the blackboard as usual...

Ming Anyang was also a little curious, but the windows were crowded with students, so she did not get close to them. Instead, she quietly copied the homework on the blackboard.

After she finished copying, she took out her notebook, lowered her head and started writing.

The excitement only lasted for about ten minutes, and everyone was excited and confused.

There was no need for Ming Anyang to inquire. During lunch, the people at the table next to her had already told what happened.

"...Did you have classes in the No. [-] Comprehensive Teaching Building this morning? Did you know that a new student was arrested?"

"I know, I know, Mu Wenbo, a new student in the Department of Management, is from Kyoto. I heard that his family owns a taxi company and is very rich..."

"Why was he taken away? Did it have to be during class?"

"The comrades in the bureau didn't say anything, they just showed Mu Wenbo the arrest warrant... Mu Wenbo didn't struggle, packed his schoolbag, and followed them..."

"Since there is an arrest warrant, he must have committed something..."

Ming Anyang blinked and felt that this matter must be related to his man.

She wanted to ask, but it was inconvenient for them to talk on the phone and they couldn't say many things.

Ming Anyang sighed slightly. After coming out of the canteen, she gritted her teeth and turned to the canteen.

Logically speaking, she should have taken the shot this evening, but she couldn't help it!

If she couldn't explain clearly on the phone, she could ask him to write it in a letter in a cryptic way. In this case, she would not know the truth until a week later.

She first called Shen Sishuo's office number, but no one answered. Then she called her home number, but still no one answered?

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