Ming Anyang called again, but the busy signal on the other end of the phone remained unchanged.

She hung up the phone with some disappointment, guessing that Shen Sishuo might have gone to the cafeteria to get food at this time, or he might have left the construction site.

The two of them agreed on a time to call each other, and it hadn't changed in the past month, so she wasn't surprised.

Mu Wenbo had always been fine in the previous life, at least she had never heard any negative news about him.

Is it the effect instigated by her reborn butterfly, or is there something that didn't come out in Mu Wenbo's previous life?

Ming Anyang couldn't help but think about this matter, and the efficiency of self-study in the afternoon was greatly reduced.

She simply packed her schoolbag and headed to the north gate of the school, planning to take a night off and have a good meal to relax her nerves.

The dormitory she lived in was close to the north gate. When the bicycle passed by the dormitory building where she lived, she subconsciously glanced sideways and then turned her head.

Then she suddenly opened her eyes and stopped the car, turned her head and looked over again, and saw a familiar figure at the entrance of the corridor.

Ming Anyang forgot to ride his bike, threw the bike to the ground and ran towards the people.

Shen Sishuo also saw her, walked forward quickly with a smile and stretched out his arms.

Ming Anyang rushed directly to him.

Shen Sishuo smiled and hugged her twice.

Fortunately, there were few people at the moment, so they hugged each other tightly and reluctantly separated.

Ming Anyang looked at him pitifully, "Brother Si Shuo, why are you here? You didn't even tell me when we talked on the phone the day before yesterday."

Shen Sishuo smiled and rubbed her head, "I want to give you a surprise."

It was indeed a surprise, Ming Anyang was so happy that he didn't know what to do.

There is no reason to resist Shen Sishuo, and he still has a deep love that cost his life in the previous life. How could Ming Anyang not love him?

Not only love, but love deeply. Whenever she realizes her strong feelings for him, she regrets wasting more than ten years in her previous life.

"It's a pleasant surprise. However, if I hadn't happened to pass by here and go to eat off campus, wouldn't you have waited until I finished my self-study in the evening?"

Ming Anyang asked with some distress.

In his last life, he also appeared under her teaching building every one or two months.

However, half of what he saw was Mu Wenbo sending her back.

As long as Ming Anyang thinks about it, if he goes home to surprise his man, only to find that he is talking and laughing with other women, he will definitely be furious!
Shen Sishuo held her shoulders and walked out, picked up her bicycle that fell to the ground, picked up her schoolbag and put it in the basket of the car, and walked slowly to the north gate.

"Waiting for you is a very happy thing," he said with a smile, "especially when female classmates came up to talk to me. I told them seriously that I am the husband of Ming Anyang, a student from the history department, and I am very proud. .”

Ming Anyang was stunned for a moment and laughed out loud. Did this person stand here on purpose to defend his status?
"Yes, yes, you are my legal husband, Ming Anyang!"

Shen Sishuo smiled at the corners of his eyes and brows.

Ming Anyang couldn't help but turned his head with red eyes.

Maybe the two haven't seen each other for a month, or maybe she has returned to this familiar yet unfamiliar environment.

When the two meet again, she will always inadvertently think of her previous life.

How had her willful and crazy life tortured this upright man?

Anyway, apart from seeing his smile on the wedding day, which was as scorching as the sun, she never saw the arc of his smile again.

The sight of his death made her heartbroken. The affection and longing that had been delayed for more than ten years came flooding in. It was so sad and yet so ridiculous.

Fortunately, she was reborn and had a chance to change her ways. "Honey, let's go have barbecue?" Ming Anyang ignored the looks of the classmates around him, stretched out his hand to hold Shen Sishuo's hand, and suggested with a chuckle.

Shen Sishuo took a deep breath and asked in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law, what did you call me just now?"

Ming Anyang turned his head and shouted with a smile: "Husband, husband, husband... If you like it, I will call you a few more times!"

Shen Sishuo gave her a sharp look and continued pushing the car seriously, "I'll call you when I get back to the hotel tonight."

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and smiled.

With a man around, Ming Anyang didn't have to worry about anything, and he could just hang out and drink beer as appropriate.

She was not a good drinker, and she fainted after just one drink, but a drunk person would never admit that he was drunk.

Moreover, the woman's drunken naivety was particularly endearing, and Shen Sishuo indulged her in letting her drink two bottles.

After dinner, Ming Anyang quietly took Shen Sishuo's arm, and the two of them took their documents and letters of introduction to the guest house.

Shen Sishuo bought Ming Anyang autumn clothes, five sets inside and outside, just in time to change into after taking a bath.

Ming Anyang felt a little energetic after blowing the cool breeze for a while. While Shen Sishuo was worried, he took his clothes and toiletries and went to the bathhouse.

She finished washing and changed clothes almost by instinct.

After she came out, she tilted her head and looked at the man waiting for her, her mouth pursed in tears.

"What's wrong?" Sensing that something was wrong with her mood, Shen Sishuo hurried forward, and as soon as his hand touched her face, the golden beans fell down in bunches.

Ming Anyang cried and threw herself into his arms, "Si Shuo... Si Shuo, I miss you so much, I miss you so much..."

"Do you regret it? You don't want me anymore. Why don't you always fall into my dreams?"

"I didn't let you save me... You are so cruel. You made me fall in love with you, but you have to face separation between life and death..."

"You are bad, you are a big bad guy..."

She pushed Shinji Shuo away and shook her fist at him.

Shen Sishuo was confused when he heard this, but he was buried in the desolation and sadness in her words.

He was so distressed that he took the things in her hands and hugged her sideways.

The night was thick, and a few pedestrians passing by glanced at them, but quickly moved away.

Shen Sishuo strode her to the guest house and put her on the bed.

There is a solid wooden bed in the hotel room, which is quite sturdy and does not creak when you sit on it.

Ming Anyang's mood had been ups and downs throughout the day, and she was already tired after taking a shower. Plus, under the influence of alcohol, her upper and lower eyelids were fighting, but Ming Anyang still kept her eyes wide open and refused to close them.

Shen Sishuo regarded her as a silent invitation, laughed softly, and coaxed her to call him.

Ming Anyang was particularly well-behaved, and she would do whatever she was told to shout or say. Her enthusiasm and initiative made Shen Sishuo a little overwhelmed.

The next day, when birds were chirping outside the window, Ming Anyang opened his eyes, blinked twice, and then his memory returned.

She turned her head to look at the man, the corners of her lips couldn't help but rise, and her hand gently touched the bridge of his nose.

The next second, her hand was grabbed, and Shen Sishuo kissed her. "Good morning, my wife," he said, turning over and pressing her down, giving her a lingering good morning kiss.

Ming Anyang hugged him tightly and whispered: "Brother Si Shuo, I miss you so much..."

Shen Sishuo responded with a smile: "Me too, so I couldn't help feeling lovesick and took a car to see you."

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