Chapter 385 70s as a fine wife (56)

Fortunately, today is the weekend, so the two of them lingered for a long time before going to the restaurant to have breakfast.

After dinner, Shen Sishuo held Ming Anyang's hand and told her about Mu Wenbo without asking.

"Although all direct members of the Mu family, except Mu Wenbo's family, are abroad, there are also collateral lines of the Mu family, and they all look covetously at the direct line..."

"There are three Mu Wenbo brothers, but the eldest had a high fever when he was a child, which burned out his brain. He only has the IQ of a teenager and has a bad temper. He will definitely not be able to inherit the Mu family's business."

"He also has a younger brother, but this younger brother is an illegitimate half-child with him... Because the eldest son of the Mu family has a low IQ, Mr. Mu did not dare to put all his treasure on Mu Wenbo, so he adopted the third eldest son of the Mu family. method, registered in the family tree, and has the same inheritance rights as Mu Wenbo..."

"Mu Wenbo's mother, Bai Xiaowei, is a daughter of an aristocratic family. She has a business marriage with Mr. Mu, and is not liked by Mr. Mu... Everyone only knows Mu Wenbo, but they don't know Mu Wenhao..."

"Bai Xiaowei doesn't want to see Mu Wenhao, and always makes things difficult for him behind the back of the Mu family's back... Similarly, she doesn't know that Mu Wenhao's mother is Mr. Mu's current financial director..."

"I found out that when Mu Wenbo was underage, he was drunk with his friends. Somehow he was encouraged to drive and took a group of people for a ride to watch the sunset... As a result, they encountered a herd of sheep on the road. There was an accident, and one person's neck was broken on the spot... Another person died after treatment failed... One leg was crushed, and the other two were wearing seat belts and only suffered minor injuries..."

"The one with a broken leg is Mu Wenhao!"

"This matter was suppressed by the Mu family. It seemed to be an accident, but I found out that someone did it deliberately..."

Ming Anyang gasped, "Brother Si Shuo, you mean that this was probably planned by Mu Wenbo and his mother?"

Shen Sishuo nodded, "The owner of that batch of sheep received compensation from the Mu family shortly afterwards, and within half a year he went to other cities to buy a house... Three generations of their family have been farmers, but now all the boys in the family have jobs..."

"The compensation from the sheep alone was not enough for them to escape poverty... Therefore, I guessed that the owner of the sheep must have an unknown amount of income, so I sent someone to investigate... Facts have proved that my guess was correct. …”

"Like ordinary car accidents, when people encounter dangerous situations, they instinctively turn the steering wheel and apply the brakes... To take pictures of the scene, I specifically looked for scrapped vehicles, demonstrated it twice with several comrades, and searched for relevant experts. ...It was found that the ruts and vehicle damage in the photos were caused by human control..."

"The front of the car avoided the danger and threw the rear of the car hard against the thick trees on the roadside... The vehicle was traveling very fast. Under such inertia, the rear of the car was squeezed, and the people inside were either dead or maimed... It was the driver and co-pilot. The passenger on board was wearing a seat belt and suffered only minor injuries..."

"After the car accident, Mu Wenbo and the person on the passenger seat swapped places. This was a bit superfluous and exposed the darkness in Mu Wenbo's heart... The Mu family lost the eldest son of the Mu family, and the third child had a disabled leg. Wenbo is normal, so the Mu family mother and son feel that Mr. Mu has no choice but to protect Mu Wenbo and will not hold him accountable in the slightest... In fact, this is indeed the case..."

Ming Anyang pursed his lips, "Brother Si Shuo, since the Mu family protected Mu Wenbo when the incident happened, will they continue to protect him this time?"

"Will they find out it's you who's following this case?"

Shen Sishuo smiled and said: "The Mu family saved Mu Wenbo, provided that Mu Wenbo did not do it on purpose."

"At that time, no one thought that Mu Wenbo, mother and son, would come up with a cruel trick to commit danger and commit evil..."

"Now, he has been arrested for intentional injury, which may even rise to the crime of intentional homicide... In order to fight for the inheritance of the Mu family, he can take action against his biological brother, but he may not dare to attack his biological father tomorrow... You say Will Mr. Mu continue to protect him?" "What's more, Mr. Mu's illegitimate son is not just Mu Wenhao... Mr. Mu is still healthy enough to cultivate a qualified, obedient and capable heir, and it doesn't have to be Mu Wenbo... What's more, Mr. Mu has always disliked the Bai family's involvement in the Mu family's affairs, so as long as the evidence we submit is conclusive and Mu Wenbo's crime is confirmed, he can only become the abandoned son of the Mu family..."

Having said this, he looked sideways at Ming Anyang, held her hand, and said with a hint of anxiety in his voice, "Daughter-in-law, do you think I'm too cruel?"

"Once this matter is implemented, Mu Wenbo's life will be ruined."

Ming Anyang smiled and shook his head: "No, I'm not a person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. Not to mention that Mu Wenbo knew that I was married to you, and he coveted me and even used some tricks."

"Even if he has done evil, he deserves to be punished! The law is fair and just. It will not wrongly accuse a good person, and it will never let a bad person go!"

Only then did Shen Sishuo secretly let out a sigh of relief.When he first met Mu Wenbo, he didn't let down his guard because of his young age.

It was precisely because he took Mu Wenbo seriously as his love rival that he saw a lot of things in his eyes, which were definitely not what an ordinary student should have.

The past few years were turbulent, but the family's heritage was there. Bai Xiaowei was the legitimate daughter of the Bai family, so she knew a lot of tricks, so she naturally put a lot of thought into the teaching of her son.

If Wei Wenbo was not dragged away, he would not worry about Ming Anyang studying at Hainan University.

They could guard against Wei Wenbo once, but they could not guard against him again and again. If there was one oversight, Shen Sishuo did not dare to think about the consequences!
After settling this major matter, Shen Sishuo took Ming Anyang to watch a movie and then went to the city to eat and play.

In the evening, the two of them were tired of being together, no matter how rare they were, they couldn't get enough.

The next day was Monday. Ming Anyang had breakfast with Shen Sishuo and then went to class listlessly carrying his schoolbag.

Shen Sishuo sent her to the teaching building with a smile and whispered: "Daughter-in-law, you go to class first, and I will go to the principal's office to handle the matter of early graduation with you."

Ming Anyang's eyes lit up and he said yes.She believes that Shen Sishuo has the superpower to turn decay into magic.

Sure enough, when she met Shen Sishuo at the restaurant at noon, she was told that everything was done.

"The principal agrees that as long as you pass the passing mark in each subject, even if you successfully complete the subject... you will get a diploma after all the courses required by the major are completed!"

Ming Anyang was pleasantly surprised, pulling on his clothes and jumping on the spot. This result was more to her liking than she had expected in two years.

"Brother Si Shuo, how did you do it? This is the first time I've heard of such a graduation requirement."

(End of this chapter)

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