Chapter 386 70s as a fine wife (57)

Shen Sishuo enjoyed the woman's joy and admiration. He grabbed her tangled hands and said with a smile, "It's nothing. I just donated a stadium to the school."

Ming Anyang was stunned. He didn't expect that the plot on TV would happen to him.

Even though Shen Sishuo had made a big deal with her and they could earn more than 70 yuan a month in the future, she still felt that it was a bit far away.

However, they participated in the auction and received more than 100 million, which was real money.

Shen Sishuo pulled her cheek in a funny way, "Why, were you scared to death?"

"Didn't you say that we earn a lot of money and can't spend it all, so we should use part of it for charity?"

"Haida is a famous university in the country. What you donate here will be famous throughout history."

"Aren't we promoting the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, and physical education everywhere now? So the stadium is also an important place for the school...such as school sports meetings, inter-school leagues, etc., the stadium is a face-saving project..."

"The stadium has been built, and the students have a good training environment and feel comfortable..."

Ming Anyang pulled off his offending hand and said, "Of course I know the benefits of the stadium, but do we have enough money?"

Shen Sishuo raised his eyebrows: "There are many things involved in building a stadium. First of all, we need to inspect and design it, right? I can complete this part by myself and save a lot of money..."

"This project can be contracted to our unit, and we can enjoy preferential prices for both labor and materials..."

"After the design is finalized, the construction team is formed, the materials are contacted, and then the construction is completed, the deadline is very long!"

"Our one hundred construction vehicles have been put into normal work, and the monthly profit may be more than I previously expected... We are not paying off the vehicle payments at once. To sum up, our There’s enough money!”

Ming Anyang chuckled, "Then I have to seize the time to study and try to get my diploma as soon as possible!"

Shen Sishuo handed her an agreement from his pocket, "Here, if you think any subject is good, just apply with the relevant teacher. Then the teacher will arrange a test for you."

"For example, some basic or professional knowledge will take several semesters to complete... The principal said that as long as you have the ability, you can take each exam only once."

"However, you only have two chances for each subject. If you fail to pass the exam twice, you have to study step by step."

Ming Anyang took the agreement and read it word for word. The amount on it was the same as what Shen Sishuo said.

She always does things well, either not doing them or doing them well.

When it comes to studying, she has never given up.

Shen Sishuo continued: "Of course, the principal said that if you get excellent in every subject, you will be given the honorary title of outstanding graduate..."

Ming Anyang clenched his fists: "I'll try my best."

Looking at the little woman's serious and determined look, Shen Sishuo sighed slightly, "Daughter-in-law, although I hope you graduate early, you can't tire yourself out."

Ming Anyang hummed.

Because Ming Anyang desperately wanted to graduate, Shen Sishuo also had a lot of things to do.He only stayed for two days before returning to Beijing.

Ming Anyang studied in the history department. There are many four-year courses. For example, all college students must learn relatively basic foreign languages, mathematics, Ma Zhe, and Chinese. They have basic professional knowledge in the history department, as well as professional courses with clearer branches. As well as elective courses, there are twenty or thirty courses in total!

She spent a day in the library, made a plan for herself to study for the exam, and then devoted herself to intense study.Ming Anyang's task for himself is to graduate at least one course every week!
She has a good memory and good understanding. In her dedicated study, she completed five basic memory courses and six open-book exam subjects in October, and achieved excellent results in all of them.

Ming Anyang particularly likes immersive learning, and she knows how to learn and is good at using mind maps to help her understand and remember.

In November, she also conquered some less difficult courses at a pace of two per week!
This incident alarmed the teachers in the entire history department. They couldn't help but talk to Ming Anyang one after another. They felt that she was a good candidate and could not get her diploma early just because she was tired of studying and only read the knowledge in books.

However, Ming Anyang was confused by this and continued to immerse himself in studying and preparing for the exam.

In December, Ming Anyang's exams were slower, but he still completed six courses.

During this period, she still called Shen Sishuo every other day and Mingfu's office once a week. Each time, she hurriedly reported that she was safe and continued studying. She didn't even have time to write letters or send and receive packages.

Shen Sishuo was far away from the Ming family and couldn't control her. He could only keep telling her not to tire herself too much.

Ming Anyang always answered questions well, but spent all his time studying except eating and sleeping.

Her study schedule is tight, so she naturally doesn't have time to spend time with men.

Shen Sishuo smiled bitterly, but also expressed his support. It was rare for a young woman to strive for herself. As a husband, he couldn't hold her back, right?

Finally, when the university exam week came to an end, Ming Anyang hurriedly rushed to finish all the university courses.

She even took the time to prepare a graduation thesis.

This graduation thesis was copied from her previous life based on her memory.

The principal is always paying attention to the learning progress of the "Goddess of Wealth" and has already prepared the honorary certificate and graduation certificate.

When he got these two certificates, Ming Anyang breathed a sigh of relief. He had never worked so hard to prepare for the college entrance examination.

She really didn't want to waste such a long time and be separated from Shen Sishuo.

She lowered her head and put her hands on her slightly bulging belly, pursed her lips and smiled. Although she studied hard, she did not compromise on eating, sleeping and exercising.

Winter clothes are thicker, and Ming Anyang is slender and tall, so no one can see her pregnant belly.

No need to study anymore, Ming Anyang was lazily waiting in line to make a call.

Everyone was busy preparing to go home for the holidays, and there were many people queuing up to make phone calls. Ming Anyang was not in a hurry. He lowered his eyes slightly with a smile. He didn't know what Shen Sishuo's expression would be like if he knew she was pregnant.

The child was conceived on Eleven, at just the right time.

Everyone has completed most of the exams, and there are still one or two subjects. The pressure is reduced, the mood is much better, there is a lot of time, and the team is moving at a slower pace.

By the time it was Ming Anyang's turn, it was already an hour and a half later.

"Hello, I'm Shen Sishuo..." came the man's cold voice.

Ming Anyang's eyebrows arched first, and then he chuckled and said, "Brother Si Shuo, it's me. School is on holiday. When do you think you'll pick me up?"

(End of this chapter)

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