Shen Sishuo was stunned for a moment and looked at his watch. It was a rare time for Ming Anyang to call him.

He smiled and said: "Tomorrow!"

Ming Anyang blinked her eyes. In fact, it was still a week before most of the school's colleges went on vacation. She did not expect that she had completed her study exam plan so smoothly and ahead of schedule.

Thanks to her solid and erudite professional knowledge in her previous life, her brain is much better to use in her new life.

She couldn't help but ask: "Brother Si Shuo, don't you need to arrange work and buy tickets?"

Shen Sishuo laughed softly: "Nothing is as important as bringing my wife home. Besides, I think you will have a vacation in the next week or two."

"I started catching up on my work a month in advance, and you have been busy studying these past few months. I didn't go to see you. I saved up my vacation. I will spend the Spring Festival with you well!"

Since the two got married, they haven't been together for a long time.Especially this time they were separated for four whole months.

Ming Anyang hummed: "Then I'll pick you up at the station the day after tomorrow, okay?"

"Then we'll have fun in the city and buy some specialties for our family."

Shen Sishuo responded and said, "Okay, don't go too early. It takes a day and a night to get from Kyoto to Haishi. It's easy to be delayed due to the long distance."

Ming Anyang smiled and listened to his instructions.

Now that she is pregnant and cannot do hard labor, the luggage in the dormitory will be packed and mailed away after he arrives.

It was rare to have leisure time. Ming Anyang couldn't help but stroll around the campus for a while, and his memories were stretched far and wide.

After returning to the dormitory after dinner, Ming Anyang began to pack some light things.

Before, her roommates only knew that she had applied for a flexible academic system and did not follow their study schedule. Today they found out that she actually got her diploma and that her man would take her home in two days and never come back!
This gap is so big that they can only envy them.

Perhaps they had to part ways. They chatted almost all night long, and then fell asleep together the next day.

Ming Anyang is a pregnant woman, and the child in her belly is particularly considerate to her. Others have symptoms of morning sickness, lethargy, and fatigue, but she has no symptoms at all.

It’s just that she eats a lot and needs to lie down in the study room for more than half an hour at noon.

Now that her tense nerves were relaxed, all kinds of symptoms came to her.She slept straight into the evening. When she opened her eyes, her stomach felt uncomfortable with hunger, as if a big hand was kneading her.

A wave of nausea hit her, but she didn't have any food in her stomach, she just retched.

"Anyang, what's wrong with you?" the roommate asked worriedly.

Ming Anyang waved his hand, said with a pale smile: "It's okay, maybe I have been studying too hard recently, and I have stopped being busy, and all the accumulated discomforts have come back."

"I haven't eaten all day and I'm so hungry that I feel sick."

"Then I'll help you get food back. What do you want to eat?" Another roommate said enthusiastically.

Ming Anyang pursed his lips and smiled, "I'm fine. I'll go to the night market and have a look later."

"I'm going home soon, so I have to eat some of my favorite foods, right?"

Several roommates responded, "Then I'll indulge myself for a while and go to the night market to eat..."

After they washed up and changed their clothes, they went to the night market in Beimen together.

At this moment, many students from Hainan University are coming here. There are snacks from all over the world at the night market, and the stall owners are all repeat customers. Naturally, they are constantly seeking to improve the taste in order to compete.

They ate all the way.Ming Anyang wanted to eat everything he saw, and his stomach felt like a glutton, wishing he could swallow an elephant!
She was so frightened that her roommates stopped her from overeating.

After drinking a bottle of milk, Ming Anyang recovered.However, as soon as she returned to the dormitory to wash up, her stomach began to churn. She ran to the toilet and vomited everything she had eaten at night...

After washing, her complexion was sallow and she had no energy at all.

She was still hungry and woke up in the middle of the night, rummaging through the drawers and nibbling on a biscuit.

Entering February, the passenger flow at the station increased sharply, and it was difficult to buy tickets. Fortunately, the Railway Construction Bureau had a way. Shen Sishuo immediately got on the train to Haishi the day after receiving Ming Anyang's call.

When he got off the bus, as soon as he stepped out of the platform, he saw the little woman running over in aggrieved manner, threw herself into his arms and began to cry.

Shen Sishuo, who had always been calm and cold, immediately changed his face, hugged her distressedly, and asked: "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong? What's wrong with you? Or is someone bullying you?"

Ming Anyang was already aggrieved, but now that he spoke out, her aggrievedness became even more intense. In the end, she managed to make herself cry dumbly and hiccup.

Shen Sishuo hugged her helplessly and gave her some relief.

After crying, Ming Anyang stared at him and then replied: "Who else could it be? Of course it was you who bullied me!"

Shen Sishuo smartly didn't ask why, he just smiled and grabbed her hands to warm her, "Daughter-in-law, have you eaten? What do you want to eat?"

Ming Anyang pursed his lips, "I got car sick, so I didn't dare to eat. I ate a tea egg and a bowl of millet porridge in the cafeteria."

"Now I'm so hungry that my chest is touching my back!"

Only then did Shen Sishuo look at her carefully.

Ming Anyang is not too old, she was only 19 years old at the beginning of the year, and she is still blooming with beauty. After four months without seeing her, the little girl seems to have grown a little taller, but the face that was so smooth and moist after being fed by him has lost a lot of weight.

He rubbed her head lovingly and couldn't help but sigh: "When will you grow up and know how to take care of yourself?"

"I haven't seen you for four months. Have you lost about ten pounds?"

Ming Anyang smiled and took his arm and walked out, "It's not that exaggerated. I only lost two kilograms of meat, but I did eat well!"

This data was still on the report sheet when she went to the hospital for a physical check-up last month and took some nutritional tablets.

Shen Sishuo frowned, who are you kidding? Did half of the two pounds of meat fall from her face?
"I'll watch you eat later. Let's try to get supplies back during the winter vacation!"

Ming Anyang hummed under his swollen eyes, looking particularly obedient and obedient.

Shen Sishuo wished he could hold the person in his arms.

After walking out of the station, he held her hand and asked in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law, do you miss me?"

Ming Anyang nodded, "I think, especially in the past two days, I have to scold you every time I feel uncomfortable."

Shen Sishuo glared at her, "Daughter-in-law, did I provoke you somewhere? Why did you hold me and cry just now saying that I bullied you, and now you want to scold me?"

Ming Anyang didn't want to reveal the mystery so quickly, so he snorted and didn't answer.

The two of them went to a restaurant and ordered a table of food. Ming Anyang's appetite was almost as big as that of Shen Sishuo, but she was already experienced and said to go to the toilet after finishing the meal.

She vomited all her food as soon as she arrived. She had not yet adapted to such a tormenting situation.

After she finished vomiting, she felt better. After Shen Sishuo paid the bill, she ordered two more meat buns and gnawed them.

At this moment, the baby in her belly no longer acted like a monster, and her eyebrows relaxed.

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