Shen Sishuo always felt that something was wrong with Ming Anyang, but he couldn't explain it. Maybe she was under too much pressure to study in order to graduate early, which made her emotionally unstable and eating a lot but not gaining weight.

They bought a lot of specialties for their family, mainly because all the family's debts were paid off. Ming Anyang waved his hand when he saw something suitable.

Shen Sishuo stepped forward to pay the bill and bought more food, clothing, and supplies than he could carry, and stored them at the service desk.

After they visited the supply and marketing cooperative and the department store, they found two sacks full of things they bought!

They went to the post office to handle the mailing, and then took the bus to school.

After eating and washing up, Shen Sishuo was no longer restrained by his desire for her, and he hugged her and began to chew her eagerly.

However, he found that his wife's face had lost weight, but there was flesh in some places...

Suddenly, Shen Sishuo raised his head and looked at the smiling Ming Anyang in confusion and disbelief, "Daughter-in-law, wife-in-law, your belly..."

Ming Anyang nodded heavily, "So, husband, are you bullying me and making me feel uncomfortable?"

"Is it reasonable for me to cry and scold you?"

Shen Sishuo was stunned by the surprise and just nodded blankly.

Ming Anyang saw him like this for the first time and poked his cheek, "Why, now that we have a child, my wife, I, have to stand back?"

"Are you happy when you got married, or are you happy now that you know you are a father?"

When asked this question, Ming Anyang lowered his eyes, with a smile that couldn't be hidden.

When did you become so serious?

Shen Sishuo slowly digested the information, then held Ming Anyang's hand with both hands, half-crouched in front of her, and said seriously: "Anyang, you are the wife I want to marry, and your companion for life, from childhood to adulthood. A white head, a lifelong pursuit!”

"I'm happy to be a father. That's because the child's mother is you, and it's because we have a blood bond."

"I love it, and I love you even more. If it weren't for you, it wouldn't have a chance to come into this world!"

Ming Anyang then opened his eyelids and threw himself into his arms with a smile, "Husband, are you confessing your love to me?"

"Huh, as expected, the child is the most important thing in your heart. You knew it was in my belly, so you were willing to coax me..."

Shen Sishuo was dumbfounded by her troubles and patted her, "I want to tell you all the time how important you are to me, even if you take my life..."

Ming Anyang covered his mouth, "Bah, bah, bah! Don't mention this, we will all live well."

"It's not easy to have a two-way relationship in this world. I know how much brother Si Shuo loves me."

"I can't say that my feelings are deeper than yours, but I guarantee that you are also the only man in my life."

"I...I am happy with you, Shen Sishuo..."

Shen Sishuo's eyes trembled hard, and his voice was a little ethereal, "Daughter-in-law, you, what did you say?"

Ming Anyang was already thin-skinned.She was engaged in archaeology and many of the cultures she came into contact with were from ancient times. Her reserve and shyness all came to her mind at the same time.

"Forget it if you didn't hear it..."

Shen Sishuo smiled and kissed her, almost wanting to pour all his affection and joy into it.

"I heard it, but this sentence is so beautiful. I want to hear it again, not just once, but for the rest of my after life..." He felt that his life seemed to have reached its peak at this moment, and happiness and satisfaction swept over him. .

The two of them hugged each other and fell asleep, thinking about the future life of a family of three.

Ming Anyang is very afraid of pain, but she also wants to liven up her family and plans to have two children.

When she guessed that she was pregnant, she kept praying that it would be best for her to have two children at the same time. She didn’t know whether it was because she had been actively taking folic acid to prepare for pregnancy since she was born again, or because her study schedule was too tight and the stress caused her physical disorder. As for her being pregnant with fraternal twins!

She hasn't told him about this important matter yet, and is thinking about sharing the joy directly when he goes to accompany her for a prenatal check-up next time.

Otherwise, she was afraid that a succession of good things would scare such a smart person out of his wits.

Early the next morning, after they had eaten, they went to Ming Anyang's dormitory to pack their things.

At this moment, Ming Anyang slowly took out the honorary certificate and graduation certificate of his outstanding graduates, "Dang Dang Dang, my classmate Ming Anyang has officially graduated from Hainan University!"

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you excited?"

Shinji Shuo took the two certificates with a dull face and looked at them over and over.

"What? Do you suspect that I used fake things to fool you?" Ming Anyang asked with some guilt.

There was no one in the dormitory at this time, so Shen Sishuo hugged her into his arms and said, "Daughter-in-law, actually until now I feel that marrying you is not real enough."

"We have only been married for half a year. Not only did I hear you say that you like me, you became pregnant with my child, and you also studied hard in order to graduate as soon as possible."

"What do you think I should do with you? I really want to eat you!"

Ming Anyang smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. At this moment, she felt an impulse in her heart. When the impulse came, she did not struggle and said directly: "Brother Si Shuo, actually I had a dream the night we got married."

"I dreamed that I was forced to marry you, and I resisted your approach all the time. I moved back to my parents' house the next day, and even stayed there until school started. I came with my classmates, and you were not even allowed to give them away..."

"I watched you running back and forth to buy me food and clothes. After graduation, I entered the Institute of Archeology and traveled all over the world... Then one summer there was a lot of rain... I held your cold body and wished I could be with you. Went together..."

"When I woke up, this dream did not become blurry as I woke up like before, but became clearer and clearer, so clear that I thought it had happened before..."

"In the dream, we have already missed each other once, so this time I will not let down your affection no matter what I say...I don't want to let myself regret it..."

Shen Sishuo gently stroked her trembling back because of fear, "You said it was a dream, and dreams are the opposite... Human hearts are not made of stone. I believe that as long as I am good enough to you, I will be able to make you happy one day. Something that responded to me.”

But for some reason, when he just listened to her talking about what happened in the dream, he felt endless sadness and regret in his heart.

But that emotion came and went so quickly that he had no time to catch it.

After completely confessing their feelings, the two became even closer.

After mailing the things back, the two of them bought tickets for the next day without delay.

In this life, Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo gave birth to a son and a daughter.Ming Anyang became a junior high school mathematics teacher, and with his children, he followed Shen Sishuo as his work address changed.

Their family's wealth has doubled, but Ming Anyang and Shen Sishuo still work conscientiously and realize the value of their lives in ordinary positions.

On the contrary, the child in Zheng Meijuan's belly was not saved in the end, and was accidentally pushed away by the controlling mother Zhang.Zheng Meijuan, who was unable to have children, became hostile couples with Zhang Zhengyang, and within two years they divorced and each married...

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