Chapter 389 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (1)

Lang Anyang opened her eyes from the nutrition cabin and was a little dazed. It took about half an hour for her to smooth out the extra memories in her mind.

Her face showed some fatigue. After washing, she held her forehead and pursed her lips.

Although she completed the mission to come back with her memories twice, she discovered one thing. As long as the danger or difficulty faced by the protagonist in the mission plane was solved, the rest of the time passed extremely fast, even in her mind. Only very shallow traces are left.

While she was thinking about it, her brain shook.

She looked down and saw the word Zai Ge written on it.

It was an ordinary word, but her cheeks felt a little hot for no reason.

The agreement marriage seemed to have changed for her, and he made it clear that he wanted her to take everything as real.

He even asked her to change her story and watched her mark his contact information as Brother Zai in the address book on her computer.

Lang Anyang pursed his lips and clicked to connect. The man was sitting lazily on the sofa wearing a bathrobe.

He smiled slightly and said, "Anyang, come over and watch the video. I'll wait for you at home."

He was so direct that even Lang Anyang couldn't refuse.Didn’t we agree that we would only meet once a week?

Without waiting for her answer, Zhuang Zai raised his eyebrows again and said, "Anyang, don't you think it's enough to watch a video only once?"

"Not to mention that we have worked hard all our lives to be edited into a TV series. It is not easy. Even if you want to improve yourself, you should not have a coping mentality."

"Read it a hundred times and its meaning will become clear to you. This principle is correct wherever it is applied."

"You pack up and move here. We will review it every night... You can still go to the company during the day, whether it is to visit your brother or participate in various trainings."

Lang Anyang looked at him blankly, then she lowered her lips and nodded obediently, saying hello softly.

After the communication was cut off, Zhuang Zai sat there with his eyes lowered for half a minute, and then uttered a curse word. He must have just come out of the plane and was influenced by Shen Sishuo, so he couldn't wait to send her a message, and even did what he thought in his heart I thought about letting her live at home, and looking at her well-behaved appearance, my mind was filled with thoughts!

Lang Anyang is not a dawdler.She didn't have much in the company apartment, and she could only pack a suitcase.

After accompanying her brother for a day, she returned to Zhuang Zai's new location with her luggage.

In order to make it easier for them to commute to and from get off work, Zhuang Zai bought a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms nearby.

The house is not large in area and has a compact layout. There are two nutrition cabins in one house, and the other two rooms are bedrooms.

The rest of the furniture and supplies were all available. Lang Anyang looked around and felt that Zhuang Zai had either lived here for a few years or had temporarily robbed someone else's home.

"You haven't had dinner yet? I made steak pasta. How do you like it?" Zhuang Zai wore a brown apron with a gentle smile on his face and his voice was too smooth.

How could he be so cold when the two of them met for the first time?
This is clearly the senior next door, which makes it difficult for people to feel defensive.

Lang Anyang was in a passive state at the moment, but she also figured it out. After they got married, they were like grasshoppers on a rope, and they couldn't tell the difference at all.

As long as she is a taskmaster of the Ziyun Time and Space Administration and has the ability to support herself, she is not afraid of being teased.

In this case, she would see what Zhuang Zai wanted to do!
She washed her hands and sat down. The steak was tender and juicy, and the eggs were her favorite softness. With soup and pasta, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, Lang Anyang's eyebrows stretched and he was satisfied.

Zhuang Zai was in a good mood and experienced the joy of feeding, "What do you want to eat tomorrow morning?"

"The workplace has a canteen, but the food in the canteen is not as healthy, hygienic, and delicious as the food at home." "I have plenty of free time, so I like to make some food. It just gives you an extra pair of chopsticks and a bowl."

Lang Anyang politely reported what he wanted to eat.

After finishing the meal, Lang Anyang consciously cleared the table and threw the dishes and chopsticks into the dishwasher.

As soon as she came out, Zhuang Zai took her hand, still holding it with ten fingers!
"Let's go for a walk downstairs. In fact, we missionaries, like monks, cannot blindly study and train. We must maintain a good attitude... Only by loving life and discovering the beauty in life can you benefit from the mission plane. Many..."

At this time, Lang Anyang also figured out that something was wrong.

The man was clearly taking advantage of her eagerness to learn and improve her abilities by coaxing her to walk with him and watch videos.

But what he said made sense.

Lang Anyang has passed through two planes, which seems to have relieved her boring and hard 18 years, and many regrets have been completed one by one in the planes.

Such a rich experience changed her mood a lot.

She pretended not to see through his plan and still fell into the trap stupidly, accompanying him for three full laps around the community.

After returning home, Zhuang Zai was not willing to let go.In the plane, he is Shen Sishuo, but when he returns to reality, he has the memory of Shen Sishuo, but that memory seems distant and unreal.

When he held her hand in person, it was a huge shock.

The woman's hands were gentle and soft, her body was fragrant, and her words were gentle and waxy. Everything touched his joy!
It's a shame that he has several more memories than she does.

Except for the first two days of the mission, Zhuang Zai behaved abnormally, and then he became the cold and aloof engineer Zhuang Da.

But watching videos every night has become a required course for them every day.

After watching it thirty times, Lang Anyang really felt that he had a better understanding of the task.

She couldn't help but want to try to see if she could feel this benefit when she reached the mission plane.

The study room is divided into two rooms, with a nutrition cabin in each room, and a bathroom is also connected to facilitate their bathing.

When Lang Anyang was about to enter the cubicle, Zhuang Zai couldn't help but pull her and hugged her tightly, "Anyang, I wish you a smooth return!"

Lang Anyang nodded and tentatively circled him with his hand, "Brother Zai, I will also help you return smoothly..."

Xu Anyang was wearing blue overalls and carrying a half-used schoolbag, following the bustling flow of people to the factory.

There were two female workers next to her, chattering something: "This year our factory seems to have about ten college students. They came yesterday. I went to see them..."

"How about it? Is there a big difference between college students and us junior high school students who are taking over?"

"You're big... I'm intoxicated by the smell of books. Everywhere I go, there's the smell of ink... The men look like Xiuzhu and the women look like orchids. How can we compare..."

"I heard that their salary during the internship alone is more than 30 yuan..."

The two were talking happily when they noticed that Xu Anyang was frequently distracted and couldn't help but push her: "Anyang, you didn't sleep yesterday, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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