Chapter 390 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (2)

Another female worker pursed her lips and smiled: "Anyang, you are good-looking, maybe you can find a partner among these college students!"

The recommender also said sourly: "Yes, college students are all reserve cadres in the factory. They have a bright future in the future. I guess Aunt Xu won't continue to pick and choose, right?"

Xu Anyang's face turned pale, and he was clutching the canvas bag with his hands. His voice was a little hoarse: "I have a bad reputation. I'm afraid those people won't have time to avoid me. How could they consider me?"

Hearing that she was so self-aware, the two female workers looked at each other with gloating and pity.

Who doesn't know that Xu Anyang is a flower in the factory, tall and fair-skinned, with delicate and picturesque eyebrows. Even though she only has a junior high school diploma, anyone who comes to Xu's family to marry her can go out of the family courtyard.

Xu's mother knew the value of her daughter. It was a matter of choosing. Not only did she want a high betrothal gift, she also had to have a good family background and herself.

After all, she understands that money is only temporary, and what she needs is the help from her son-in-law to her three sons!
Her parents' family has a heavy burden and has an insatiable attitude, which has scared off most of the people, and the rest are self-proclaimed ones.

But before Xu's mother could be proud, all kinds of bad words about Xu Anyang started to spread in the factory.

Xu Anyang was only 14 years old when she went to the countryside. Although she was good at housework, she still couldn't do farm work, and the work points she earned were not enough to feed herself.

However, her parents only cared about their son. Even when she went to the countryside, she was the second brother's substitute and would not provide her with any help at all.

After four years of hard work, she saw no hope of returning to the city, so she went to find a fellow villager in the Educated Youth Center to get a marriage certificate.

Xu Anyang did not receive much warmth in her family and was very wary of others. Even if she took the initiative to find someone to get married, she just wanted to work less, eat more, and find a partner to protect her.

She was living a miserable life, not seeing the kindness of the man at all. The man was taciturn and not good at words, and the two of them really seemed to be living together.

She became pregnant not long after her marriage, and after she gave birth to her child, she unexpectedly received a letter from her family.

It said that they found a job for her and asked her to return to the city quickly!
Xu Anyang looked at his son who was just one month old and without hesitation, he divorced him and left regardless of the man's attempts to stay.

When she returned to the city, settled down, and started to officially go to work, she heard the news that the college entrance examination had been resumed.

Out of guilt, Xu Anyang asked someone to buy a complete set of exercise books and mail them to the man. From then on, he unilaterally felt that they owed each other nothing.

The Xu family put so much effort into finding a job for her because they just thought that when she reached the age of marriage, she should contribute to her brothers in the family.

Who would have thought that when she went to the countryside, she got married with someone.

Others thought it was a rumor, but in fact [-]% of the rumors were true. When she went to the countryside, she couldn't bear the loneliness. She found a man for herself early and gave birth to a child. Then she kicked the man in order to return to the city and became an abandoned husband. The scumbag.

The things she did were bad enough, but the rumors still added fuel to the fire, making her even more vicious and cruel.

With everyone's attitude of preferring to believe it, Xu Anyang suddenly became an existence that no one cared about!

Xu's mother was so angry that she slapped Xu Anyang with a belt and uttered obscene words.

Four years later, Xu Anyang is 23 years old and still has no suitable partner. "Anyang, actually, you should pay more attention to your own affairs and agree if the conditions are similar... When you get older, you will have fewer choices... Unlike us, we are high school students after all. The reputation is not bad, at least it can delay it for a year or two..."

Even if the conditions are similar, the people who dare to come to propose marriage nowadays are either street kids, someone who can be her father, or they are widowed or divorced.

Moreover, they are still the leftovers among this group, with crooked appearance and poor family conditions. When they arrived at the Xu family, they acted like they were superior.

She didn't need to speak, but Xu's mother, who had always been strong, was so angry that she kicked him out.

Xu Anyang responded vaguely.

"Hey, what are you looking at in front of me?" As they walked around the office building, they saw a group of people in front of the bulletin board, and they couldn't help but squeeze in to watch the fun.

There were really too many people working at this time, so Xu Anyang was squeezed in.

She was tall and could see the bulletin board from one or two angles by standing slightly on her tiptoes.

Xu Anyang always had good eyesight, and there was a list posted on the bulletin board. It was a list of outstanding college students that the leaders of the unit specially recruited from major universities across the country this year!
She glanced at it and saw Zhong Jingtong's name, with the word "Emperor" suffixed to his name.

Xu Anyang's heart trembled suddenly, and he subconsciously felt that this was not him.

If this Zhong Jingtong was really him, how could he not have looked for her once in the four years he had been studying in Kyoto?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but stroke her heart. She always felt that she had been getting by in the past. How could she really become a bad woman who abandoned her husband and son just for a superficial job?
Xu Anyang slid his hand down his belly. Has a child been conceived here?
If calculated based on time, Zhong Jingtong passed the college entrance examination in the first year after it was resumed, and then was recruited by the factory leaders after four years of study.

He was from the countryside, even if he was smart and studious, had been abandoned by his wife, and had a milk baby to raise, there was no way he could pass the exam in the first year, right?
Thinking of this, Xu Anyang couldn't help but pat his head.She knew clearly that she had such a huge impact on the man, which was equivalent to destroying half of his future, yet she could still calmly break off the relationship, even ignoring the child.

Eighty percent of my previous self was possessed, so I did stupid things.

Returning to the city was important, but as long as she used her brain, she would definitely find a way to get the best of both worlds.

"Anyang, stop hitting your head. It happened. It's useless for you to regret it..." The two female workers caught up after seeing the excitement.

"Yes, the more you hit your head, the worse it gets... By the way, Anyang, when you went to the countryside, did you really not have any thoughts about marrying a male educated youth and having children?"

They always feel that Xu Anyang is so beautiful, what will happen after he goes to the countryside?
But in the past, Xu Anyang bit his mouth and refused to let go.

She wanted to admit it now, but she still wanted to confirm first whether this Zhong Jingtong was that person!
Xu Anyang didn't answer directly, but just said: "We're almost late, let's hurry up. I just saw the team leader passing by on his bicycle."

The two female workers howled twice, grabbed Xu Anyang's arm, and ran towards the third textile workshop.

Xu Anyang was a little helpless. The two female workers and she had grown up together in the family home. They often had conflicts. They had broken up many times, but within a few days, they reconciled inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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