Chapter 391 The Awakening of Female Workers in the 80s (3)

Xu Anyang is now unpopular at home. An old girl who cannot get married has to be scolded by Xu's mother for a long time every day, as well as sarcastic words from her brother and sister-in-law.

She felt that she had discredited the old Xu family and that the family had done her utmost kindness by giving her a place to stay.

But in fact, she was only allowed to keep five yuan of her monthly salary, and had to hand over the rest.

Otherwise, why would they be so kind and really let her stay at home?
She has a bad reputation, doesn't have many friends, and doesn't get along well with her colleagues.

Cheng Lanying and Sha Kexin loved commuting with her, mainly because she, a femme fatale, made them look particularly delicate and kind.

And they also like to watch her being disturbed by the world.

It was as if she had suddenly figured out these things. In the past, she didn't want to think about it and just muddle along, like a piece of wood. She even had a headache just thinking about it.

They are the No. [-] textile factory in Kyoto, with thousands of workers, integrating textile, printing and dyeing, and garments.

Their third workshop is semi-automated, with some steps completed by machines and others requiring workers.

She is a silk threader. Because she needs to bake the silk threads to fuse them, she must wear gloves and protective goggles every time. She must concentrate and not be sloppy in the slightest!
Xu Anyang is a junior high school student and can only do the most ordinary work in the workshop, while Cheng Lanying and Sha Kexin are high school graduates. One of them is looking at the textile machine, and the other is in the central control room, working leisurely and hard.

This gave them a sense of superiority in front of Xu Anyang!
When he arrived at the workshop, Xu Anyang put away his bag, began to scrub and inspect the machine, prepared silk threads, templates, and thin iron wires, etc., then put on protective clothing, and when the bell rang and the machine started operating, he began to concentrate on his work. .

She has been doing this job for four years, and her movements are extremely skilled, and she has already formed muscle memory.

But she still didn't dare to be careless at all. Dealing with machines could greatly reduce the workload of workers, but it also brought certain dangers.

Time passed quickly while busy. After the machine stopped, she rubbed her sore eyes. She didn't need to look at the clock on the wall to know that it was time to eat.

"Anyang, let's go eat!" Cheng Lanying shouted next to her, "Maybe we can see the college students who came to report..."

Xu Anyang pursed her lips, took out the kettle and took a sip. She drank all the cold water inside.

The machines in the workshop have to run continuously for four hours every time they are turned on, which also means that she must stick to her post and stay there for four hours.

Without a suitable colleague to replace her, she didn't even have time to go to the toilet.

Every time she dared to drink water after get off work, she would run to the toilet before going to work in the afternoon and continue to hold on for the next four hours.

Xu Anyang went to the toilet, washed his hands, and followed the flow of people to the canteen.

Kyoto Daiichi Textile Factory is very large. There are two canteens in the factory. One is the first canteen shared by the office area and the family area, and the other is the second canteen in the workshop.

Nowadays, college students are particularly rare. The number of college students allocated every year is limited. All of them have good temperament, high knowledge, high salary and benefits, and strong abilities. They are the favorites in the eyes of everyone!
In order to see them, the female workers abandoned the second canteen today and walked an extra 8 minutes to eat in the first canteen.

If it were for other things, Xu Anyang would definitely not walk an extra 800 meters back and forth after being tired all morning. If she had this time and energy, couldn't she go somewhere to rest for a while?

But she must find out who Zhong Jingtong is!
So she followed Cheng Lanying and Sha Kexin to the No. [-] canteen.The two female workers became more and more excited as they went there. Everyone felt that they had hope, and they were even more thankful that they had made the right decision by rejecting the blind dates arranged by their families time and time again.

Xu Anyang was just the opposite, feeling uneasy. She hoped that Zhong Jing could be him and they could be a couple. She hoped that he would be well, so that their son would suffer less.

She didn't want Zhong Jing to be him... As for why, she didn't figure it out.Probably, she was ashamed to see him!

There were so many people in the No. [-] cafeteria today. There were long queues at all eight windows, winding to the door.

"Sisters, help me line up. I'll go find out about the military situation..." Sha Kexin stuffed the lunch box into Xu Anyang's hand and ran to the front.

Not to be outdone, Cheng Lanying stuffed her lunch box into Xu Anyang's hand, left a sentence and ran away: "I'm going to see what I'm going to eat today..."

Xu Anyang looked around, there were too many people, and she could only see the top of her head when she stood on tiptoes.

The team moved forward slowly, and after a minute or two, the two of them squeezed back excitedly, "There are seventeen college students in total, nine gay men and six lesbians... several of them are pretty good-looking..."

"I heard that half of them are married, and some of them bring children..."

Xu Anyang listened carefully, and when they finished speaking, she didn't extract any useful information.

The meal ticket Xu's mother gave her was very small, just enough for her to buy a cornmeal steamed bun and a portion of stir-fried bean sprouts.

Cheng Lanying, who was at the same table, ate rice, stir-fried pork with dried beans and stir-fried shredded tofu.The Sha Ke Xin is white flour steamed buns, a portion of meat braised quail eggs and a portion of braised tofu.

Xu Anyang was smelling the aroma of meat, nibbling steamed buns and eating vegetables.

Cheng Lanying picked up a chopstick and put it in her lunch box, with two shredded pork in it, "Anyang, I really don't know how people outside spread the word about you. You were bullied by your family to become such a person, how could you abandon your husband?" Son’s person?”

"You have to stand up on your own and take the money you earn from your work. Do you think that if you give the money to your family, how much dowry will they prepare for you when you get married?"

Not to be outdone, Sha Kexin took a quail egg to Xu Anyang, "Anyang, you can't eat well, you can't keep up with your nutrition, you are thin, your face is not good-looking, how could you be so pretty just after you returned to the city..."

Xu Anyang smiled and dodged, "You guys can eat, I will apply for the staff dormitory later and prepare to move out from home."

Cheng Lanying and Sha Kexin looked at each other and said, "You should have done this a long time ago. When you went to the countryside for your second brother, they compensated you for a job, but how much salary did they also take? Don't feel that you are taking advantage of it. It’s so cheap…”

"To put it bluntly, Anyang, you were raised by your parents. How much of the money you handed over fell on them and in their mouths? Wasn't it spent by your brothers? Instead of letting them enjoy the food and drink Damn it, wouldn’t it be better for us to corrupt ourselves?”

Xu Anyang blinked. It was rare for them to say a few words that were pertinent without being sour and showy.

After finishing her meal, she washed her lunch box.

Cheng Lanying took the initiative to take it, "I'll take it back for you and put it in your bag. You should go to the dormitory management department to apply for accommodation. I don't know if there are any empty beds in the dormitory."

(End of this chapter)

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