Zhong Jingtong nodded, "We just came back from kindergarten. It's not far from here, 5 minutes away."

Guan Liangyu smiled and said: "There is nothing to say about the education in our factory. The factory director said from the beginning that there is nothing we can do if we are poor. The education of our children is an invisible wealth. We must save it for us." .”

“The kindergarten provides three meals a day for the children, and the recipes are all customized by someone... The quality of teaching in primary schools and junior high schools is good, and because of the high enrollment rate in junior high schools, comrades with children will also regard this as their first choice for work... "

Zhong Jingtong lifted his son into his arms, touched his head, and smiled lightly: "I thought so too."

"It doesn't matter where you work, but when we go to work and make money, isn't it just for our families?"

"Changchang is obedient and sensible. I want to give him the best..."

Guan Liangyu smiled and patted his shoulder: "He is so happy to have such an excellent father like you!"

"It's okay if we don't know you're coming at noon, but if you come to our house in the evening, let's get together and have hot pot..."

Zhong Jingtong and Luo Zhixing agreed unceremoniously.

Xu Anyang got stuck and went to the toilet and returned to his post. While panting, he started to make preparations.

The work was boring but required her full concentration. Four hours passed by in a flash. Xu Anyang pursed her lips, drank some water, and lined up to go to the toilet.

She didn't want to continue living such a hazy life. Now that she was still young, she had the possibility of struggle and turning over. At least she needed to use her brain to move to a more relaxed position.

This saves her from worrying that she is not old yet and repeating this kind of work every day will make her brain rusty and dull.

As usual, it was time for her to carry her bag and go home to cook.

She had a lot of free time after work, so Xu's mother naturally ordered her to cook. She basically cooked corn mush and put a small circle of black noodle cabbage on the edge of the pot.

The brothers and sisters-in-law took the children to eat in the cafeteria before going home, and by the way, they brought a portion to the younger brother.

But Xu's father, Xu's mother, she and her three younger sisters had to eat every day, and breakfast was the same.

It can be said that Xu Anyang's lunch meal is the best she eats all day!
But today she got off work and went to the canteen to get food. When she went to the finance department at noon, she actually spent all her salary for this month.

The salary was due in a week. She needed to eat and buy things, and the five yuan in her hand was simply not enough.

Besides, Xu's mother would definitely come to see her tomorrow morning, so it would be better for her to grab her salary in advance to nip it in the bud.

Naturally, she also declared to her comrades in the finance department that she was an adult and that she was contributing to the factory. She hoped that they would not let her relatives collect wages on their behalf, otherwise she would not have enough to eat and would not be in good spirits at work. If something happened, the factory would definitely get to the bottom of it.

This is a family matter, and of course the comrades in the Finance Department are unwilling to participate in it, so they responded with a bad look.

When Xu Anyang passed the glass, she saw herself inside. Her originally fair and beautiful appearance was now pale and thin. Except for a pair of eyes, most of her good looks had been lost in four years of exhaustion, guilt, and hopelessness.

What's more, she never had a full meal and her ribs could be seen when she took a shower!
Cheng Yinglan and Sha Kexin were surprised when they saw that Xu Anyang did not go home, but followed the flow of people to the canteen.

"Anyang, why are you eating in the cafeteria today?"

Xu Anyang smiled: "I don't live at home, and the dormitory doesn't allow cooking over a fire. If I don't eat in the cafeteria, where can I go?" The two looked at each other, "Then Anyang, please wish yourself well. I think Aunt Xu You don’t have to do it tomorrow morning, you can come and make trouble later.”

They all work in the same factory, and everyone knows a thing or two about each other, not to mention that Xu Anyang is a celebrity, a notorious one.

The place where she appeared was where the gossip was born.

I'm afraid there are many people who are willing to be a sounding board.

Xu Anyang was stunned for a moment, pursed his lips and said, "I want to change my lifestyle. For four years, the salary I paid to my family is enough to repay my consumption before I was 14 years old."

"From now on, I will pay some money to my family every month to reduce some of the burden on my parents. It's time to live for myself."

She was usually taciturn, but now her tone became brisker as she spoke, with a gentle smile on her face:
"As early as I can remember, I have been helping with housework and taking care of my younger brothers and sisters. Eight years ago, I went to the countryside to endure hardships for my second brother...Four years ago, they called me back with the expansion of recruitment quota in the factory. I got in with my own ability. , but I still paid them my salary every month, leaving only five yuan..."

"I am a human being, a living person with emotions and joys. I am not a tool for the Xu family to make money and exploit."

"If they come to cause trouble for me again, then I will seek help from the Women's Federation and ask everyone, whose child is like me, who has never felt the warmth of family, but never stops sacrificing himself?"

"Or are they still using the excuse of saving a dowry for me? If this is the case, I will immediately find someone to marry and get my dowry back from them!"

When she said this, she felt cold for some reason. When she looked back, there was nothing unusual.

Cheng Lanying and Sha Kexin were stunned. What stimulated this woman?

Before, she was like dough, allowing others to bully her and refusing to retaliate when scolded or hit, which made both of them lose their temper.

At this moment, she suddenly stood up and put up all her thorns, no one could bully her!

"Anyang, you don't have a fever, do you? There is no need for the whole family to be so embarrassed. Your reputation is not good..."

"Yes, if you say it easily, who will marry you?"

Xu Anyang chuckled and said: "I just said the worst plan, they won't push me to this extent."

After all, they weren't saving up a dowry for her, so how could they be willing to take it out?
Next to the canteen is the supply and marketing cooperative inside the unit. Luo Zhixing looked at the various foods and didn't know what to choose. He hit Zhong Jingtong with his arm and said, "Jingtong, you said we go to have a meal. What are you going to give to the seniors?"

He turned his head and looked over. Originally, Zhong Jingtong was a cold person with a light expression on his face, but it was rare for him to see this god of learning look ugly. He could be called livid!
"Jingtong, what's wrong? Who made you angry, or did you feel uncomfortable somewhere in your body?"

Zhong Jingtong breathed slowly and tugged at the corners of his lips, "It's okay. I had some cramps in my neck just now. It's much better now."

"Just choose something casually. We will have close contact in the future. Don't be too deliberate. Choose something practical..."

Luo Zhixing nodded, "Okay, let's buy two packs of snacks, and let's talk about drinks. Hot pot must be paired with soda!"

Zhong Jingtong paid for two packs of cigarettes and stuffed them into his hands, "I'll pick up Changchang first, and I'll gather at Senior Brother's place later..."

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