What surprised Cheng Lanying and Sha Kexin even more was that Xu Anyang not only ate in the cafeteria, but also ordered a stewed beef with potatoes, a fried egg with tomatoes and white rice for the first time!

Either the world is crazy, or Xu Anyang is crazy.

They had seen Xu's mother's tricks. Xu Anyang was already in her twenties. When Xu's mother got angry, she would just pick up whatever she wanted and hit her.

Sometimes it’s a clothes brace, sometimes it’s a mop, and sometimes it’s a spoon!

Xu's mother always blocked the door, leaving Xu Anyang with nowhere to escape. He could only squat down and protect his head.

"Anyang, if Aunt Xu hits you, you should run away. The weather is warm now and your clothes are getting thinner..."

"You two brothers are also very fierce..."

But no, the good things at home are provided for them, how can they not be tall and strong?
Xu Anyang is also afraid. She has lived in the Xu family, which squeezed her hard, and has been dominated by this fear for more than 20 years. It is impossible for her to come out and completely change all at once.

But she believes that moving out of home and taking control of her own salary is a big improvement.

Next, she wanted to protect herself and see if there was any chance of being transferred. Then she wanted to know about Zhong Jingtong's current situation.

Did he go to college and leave, return to the city, or stay in the countryside.

Things have to come little by little, and as long as she is willing to work hard, everything will definitely develop in a good direction!

The potatoes were soft and soaked in the broth, the beef was juicy and tender, and the tomatoes and eggs were also sour and sweet. When mixed into the rice, Xu Anyang even drank the soup.

If it weren't for the fear of food accumulation at night, she would have wanted to eat three bowls of rice.

After eating contentedly, she turned to the nearby supply and marketing cooperative.

The factory is divided into day shift and night shift, so the supply and marketing cooperative and canteen also work together and are open 24 hours a day.

She bought pens, stationery, envelopes and blank paper, put them away carefully and went to the library.

After dinner, everyone likes to take a walk, listen to the tape recorder or play cards, and rarely goes to the library to join in.

There were only three or five people in the room that could accommodate about a hundred people, which was in sharp contrast to the excitement on the playground outside the window.

Xu Anyang put down his bag and walked to the periodicals and magazine section. He found several magazines that were pages that were almost falling out of pages, and sat down to read slowly.

These five books should be more popular among everyone, such as modern and ancient legends, story telling, youth literature, reader's digest, and comic masters, etc. The content contained in the magazine is very readable, interesting, and inspiring.

She didn't read the text, but looked at the illustrations inside.Some are drawn based on the story, and some are just for embellishment.

Xu Anyang pursed his lips, put the pen tip against his forehead and frowned, thinking.

If she chooses the former, then in addition to drawing, she must also have a wonderful and surprising story. If she chooses the latter, she must ensure that her drawings are exactly what the editor wants.

The latter's fees are low and competitive, so she doesn't have any advantage.

Although the former has a high manuscript fee and contains both pictures and text, it is also very difficult.

When she was in the country, she had no pressure in life. She only had to paint as she pleased, and she didn't have to worry about whether her works could be included in magazines.

But this time it was different. She needed the royalties and the chance to change her job.

Xu Anyang calmed down and looked at the articles and pictures bit by bit, wondering why the editor selected these few articles among the many manuscripts.

Reading it apart bit by bit, she carefully grasped the highlights of the article, the author's writing style, diction, the intention of the article, etc. "Auntie, what are you drawing?" Suddenly a milky voice floated over.

Xu Anyang looked up and saw a little boy wearing a red sweater and a denim jacket holding his chin and asking curiously.

The little boy was about four or five years old. He had red lips and white teeth, and a little baby fat on his face. He was particularly cute.

She looked around and asked in a low voice: "Kid, where are your adults?"

The factory has good security. As long as you get to know each other, everyone is familiar. In the evening, especially on weekends, the children will run downstairs after dinner, and the parents are not worried at all.

The little boy pointed to the dormitory building, "After dinner, my father talked to my uncles, and I came to the library to read."

"Auntie, you haven't told me yet, what are you drawing?"

Xu Anyang smiled, perhaps because her family Changchang was so old, she felt that the little boy in front of her was very familiar, and she couldn't help but want to be nice to him.

"Shall I draw a picture for you?"

The little boy nodded repeatedly, "Okay!"

Xu Anyang is quite smart, but she didn't have the time or opportunity to study at all in the Xu family, so she wasted too much time.

However, during the few years she spent in the countryside, she learned a lot from the educated youths. In addition, she married Zhong Jingtong, which gave her a lot of time, and her painting skills were good.

Maybe she suffered too much before, but she actually likes comics.People and objects can be outlined with just a few simple strokes. It is obviously exaggerated, but it is not abrupt but makes people feel happy.

She observed the little boy carefully for 2 minutes, then lowered her head and started drawing on the paper, glancing at him from time to time.

In just ten minutes, the ignorant and curious little adult appeared on the page!
"Wow," the little boy couldn't help but sigh, holding the paper curiously, "Auntie, is this really me?"

"It looks a little weird, but it also looks like me. It's so interesting."

Xu Anyang smiled and ruffled his hair, "Yes, this is called a character comic, and it's for you!"

The little boy was very happy. He took out two White Rabbit toffees from his pocket, pushed them to her side, grabbed the painting and climbed out of the chair, "Auntie, I'll show it to my dad!"

After saying that, he ran away.

Xu Anyang looked up at the clock on the wall. Unexpectedly, it was already 08:30 and she had to go back to pack her things.

After coming out of the library, Xu Anyang was preparing to submit comics to these magazines!She noticed that there were always two pages in the magazine containing short articles, cartoons, etc. that made people happy.

She can't make up stories, but she can compile interesting things in her life and work into comics and submit them!
It comes from life and work, is more relevant to readers, gives people a sense of involvement, and shortens the distance between readers and authors. Readers will naturally like it.

As long as the readers like it, the editor will include the comics in the journal, and everything is based on money.

With the idea in mind, Xu Anyang's steps became much more brisk.

Guan Liangyu and the others live on the second floor. If they open the window, they can see the library downstairs.

They all looked at Zhong Yongchang who was playing in the yard. They couldn't help but find it funny when they saw that he had gone to the library and stayed there for a long time.

Sure enough, what kind of father is like what kind of child. A four-year-old child is at the age when he is very active and cannot sit still at all.

What is there to do in the library?He must have seen an interesting book.

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